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Athens City-State

Athens City-State. I. Social structure and citizenship in the Greek polis . A . Citizens ( free adult males ) had political rights and the responsibility of civic participation in government . B . Women and foreigners had no political rights.

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Athens City-State

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  1. Athens City-State

  2. I. Social structure and citizenship in the Greek polis A. Citizens (free adult males) had political rights and the responsibility of civicparticipation in government. B. Women and foreigners had no political rights. C. Slaves had no political rights.

  3. II. Athens Society A. Classical Athens developed the most democratic system of government the world had ever seen, although not everyone could participate in decision making. 1. It became a foundation of modern democracies. B. Early Athens was ruled by a monarchy or king.

  4. III. Early Government (700 BC – 600 BC) A. After Athens’s monarchy ended, the city-state had an aristocratic government 1. Aristocracy – rule by an elite group of people (In this case landholding nobles) 2. Only citizens who owned land held office in Athens, but all adult male citizens met in an assembly. a. Elected Generals in time of war b. Elected 9 rulers to serve for 1-year terms

  5. IV. Tyrants A. Tyranny 1. One ruler with absolute power who seizes control by force

  6. IV. Tyrants B. Draco 1. Took power and created Athens’ first written law code around 621 BC a. Before this the laws were not written down and this upset many non- aristocrats. 2. Draco’s laws were so harsh and severe that today we call a harsh law Draconian

  7. IV. Tyrants B. Draco The man who was summoned thus to "codify" the laws was Draco. So severe were many of the old half-forgotten laws that when they were all thus clearly set forth, men were horrified at their severity. Death was made the penalty for every tiny crime, even the stealing of an apple from an orchard.

  8. IV. Tyrants C. Solon 1. Took power of Athens in 594 BC 2. Big problem in Athens by this time was farmers were selling themselves into slaveryto pay off a debt. 3. He outlawed slavery to pay off debt and he freedpeople who had become slaves already to pay off a debt.

  9. V. Athenian Democracy A. Cleisthenes 1. Seized power in Athens in 507 BC and turned it into a democracy a. Democracy – government by the people b. Divided Athens into 10 tribes c. Each tribe choose 50 men to form the Council of 500 d. Members served one year and could not be chosen more than twice.

  10. Council of 500

  11. V. Athenian Democracy 2. This type of democracy is called a direct democracy. a. All citizens participate directly in making decisions (voting) b. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the public debate of issues c. It is expected that the duty of the Athenian citizen is to participate in the development of laws. d. The United States today uses a Representative Democracy in which citizens elect representatives to govern for them.

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