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Apples to Apples:

Apples to Apples:. The research and the story it tells. Lisa Meyer, AVID District Director Dr. Steven Travis, Coordinator for Data Analysis Deer Park Independent School District, Texas.

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  1. Apples to Apples: The research and the story it tells Lisa Meyer, AVID District Director Dr. Steven Travis, Coordinator for Data Analysis Deer Park Independent School District, Texas

  2. AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. 2

  3. One day we asked ourselves…. What if we could compare AVID students to other students who are just like them; students who are demographically identical, but who are not in AVID?

  4. We Tracked 2 Cohorts • We collected data on 2 cohorts from 8th to 12th grade • Cohort 1 was tracked from 2008-09 to 2012-13 • Cohort 2 was tracked from 2009-10 to 2013-14 • Our data analysis only included students who were: • Asked to join AVID in 8th grade • Enrolled in our district from 8th grade through 12th grade

  5. AVID Recruitment:The Data-Driven Wide Net • 75-95 Grade Average • Less than 10 absences • Less than 10 discipline referrals • Not already in PAP or GT classes • On track to graduate on a Texas Recommended Graduation Plan 5

  6. Average demographics when students were offered to join AVID in 8th grade • Deer Park ISD At-A-Glance • District Enrollment = 12,468 • 8th Graders = 935 • 52.0% White • 43.3% Hispanic • 2.6% African American • 39.5% Economically Disadvantaged Average Enrollment over 2 years 6

  7. Where We Started Who were those 8th Graders? 7

  8. 8thGrade Demographics DISTRICT 2 YR AVG (12,468) COHORT 1 and 2 (524)

  9. 8th Grade Demographics DISTRICT 2 YR AVG (12,467) COHORT 1 and 2 (524)

  10. AVID - Participation x Years

  11. AVID - Participation x Years

  12. Comparing AVID and Non-AVID Definitions • Data referred to as “AVID,” pertains to students who were invited to be in AVID, accepted the invitation, and have been in AVID for all 4 years. • Data referred to as “Non-AVID” pertains to students who were invited to be in AVID, but who did not ever become part of our AVID elective classes. 12

  13. Cohort 1 and 2 (524) Accepted AVID Invitation (148) vs. Declined AVID Invitation (376) 8thGraders

  14. The Demographic Split AVID Group / Accepted Invitation (148) Non-AVID Group / Declined Invitation (376) 8th Graders

  15. Socio-Economic Status AVID Group / Accepted Invitation (148) Non-AVIDGroup / Declined Invitation (376) 8thGraders

  16. Where did we End up?

  17. AVID vs. Non-AVIDAverage Discipline Referrals / Student Neither in AVID

  18. Average Discipline Referrals / StudentHispanic Students

  19. Average Discipline Referrals / StudentWhite Students

  20. Average Discipline Referrals / StudentEconomically Disadvantaged Students

  21. More Definitions • “TAKS” is the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. The results are used for AYP and state accountability systems. • “Met Standard” on TAKS means to have passed it and shown a sufficient understanding of the state curriculum. • “Commended” on TAKS means to have passed considerably above the passing standard, at a high level of academic achievement. 21

  22. TAKS Math Commended • Students who achieve commended performance: • Use multiple problem-solving strategies and logic to find reasonable solutions • Transfer math knowledge between abstract and concrete applications • Use connections among math concepts to make generalizations and apply them to new situations 22

  23. TAKS – Math – Commended

  24. TAKS – Math – Commended Hispanic Students

  25. TAKS – Math – Commended White Students

  26. TAKS – Math – Commended Economically Disadvantaged Students

  27. TAKS Reading Commended: Grade 9 • Students who achieve commended performance: • Can answer questions of varying levels of difficulty and support those answers with evidence from the text. • Can recognize similarities and differences across texts most of the time. • Read and comprehend more difficult texts independently 27

  28. ELA Commended Grades: 10-11 • Students who achieve commended performance: • Are able to draw insightful conclusions and make meaningful generalizations to develop a thorough understanding of a text • Are able to analyze ideas across texts most of the time • Develop ideas in depth and use organizational strategies that contribute to the effectiveness of a piece of writing • Produce writing that is engaging and authentic 28

  29. TAKS – Reading – Commended

  30. TAKS – Reading – Commended Hispanic Students

  31. TAKS – Reading – Commended White Students

  32. TAKS – Reading – Commended Economically Disadvantaged Students

  33. Average GPA / Student 8th GPA – AVID = 89.98 and Non-AVID = 88.05

  34. Average GPA / StudentHispanic Students 8th GPA – AVID = 89.69 and Non-AVID = 87.13

  35. Average GPA / StudentWhite Students 8th GPA – AVID = 90.29 and Non-AVID = 88.77

  36. Average GPA / StudentEconomically Disadvantaged Students 8th GPA – AVID = 90.17 and Non-AVID = 87.19

  37. % who took the PSAT in 9th Grade AVID Group (120 out of 148 took) Non-AVID Group (4 out of 376 took) 9th Graders

  38. PSAT – 9th Graders – Scale Scores 9th Graders

  39. % who took the PSAT in 10th Grade 10th Graders AVID Group (101 out of 111 took) Non-AVID Group (330 out of 377 took)

  40. PSAT – 10th Graders – Scale Scores 10th Graders

  41. % who took the PSAT in 11th Grade 11th Graders AVID Group (73 out of 78 took) Non-AVID Group (155 out of 371 took) 41

  42. PSAT – 11th Graders – Scale Scores 11th Graders

  43. % who took the SAT in 11th Grade 11th Graders AVID Group (65 out of 78 took) Non-AVID Group (29 out of 371 took)

  44. SAT 11th Graders – Scale Scores 11th Graders *First SAT score (if multiple attempts)

  45. Average Advanced Academic Courses/Student 8th Grade Advanced Courses – none for both groups

  46. Cohort 1 – Senior Survey • 1. How well do you feel Deer Park ISD has prepared you for post-graduate plans? AVID (23/25) NON-AVID (112/211) • Extremely well prepared 47.8% 15.2% 82% 57% • Well prepared 34.8% 42.0% • Neither well nor poorly 13.0% 29.5% • Poorly prepared 0.0% 9.8% • Completely unprepared 4.3% 3.6% 46 Survey given at end of senior year, May 2013

  47. Cohort 1 – Senior Survey • 2. What are your educationalplans for the year following graduation? AVID (23/25) NON-AVID (111/211) • Technical/vocational program 0.0% 8.1% • Two-year junior college 47.8% 55.9% • Four-year college/university 47.8% 27.0% • Postpone education 4.3% 4.5% • No plans further education/training 0.0% 4.5% 47

  48. Cohort 1 – Senior Survey • 3. To how many colleges or universities have you applied? AVID (23/25) NON-AVID (110/211) • None 4.3% 39.1% • One 4.3% 37.3% • Two 4.3% 14.5% • Three 26.1% 4.5% • Four or more 60.9% 4.5% 48

  49. Cohort 1 – Senior Survey • 4. To how many colleges or universities have you been accepted? AVID (23/25) NON-AVID (110/211) • None 13.0% 41.8% • One 34.8% 40.0% • Two 26.1% 12.7% • Three 17.4% 1.8% • Four or more 8.7% 3.6% 49

  50. Cohort 1 – Senior Survey • 5. How many scholarships have you applied for? AVID (23/25) NON-AVID (111/211) • None 13.0% 65.8% • One 0.0% 11.7% • Two 4.3% 8.1% • Three 8.7% 6.3% • Four or more 73.9% 8.1% 50

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