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Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Amersfoort Transnational Meeting

Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Amersfoort Transnational Meeting. Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE) 25 April 2013. Photo credit: Dieter Telemans. Agenda for 25 April 2013. Contractual documents Managing Authorities Webinar debriefing

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Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Amersfoort Transnational Meeting

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  1. Sustainable Food for Urban CommunitiesThematic Network – Amersfoort Transnational Meeting Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE) 25 April 2013 Photo credit: Dieter Telemans

  2. Agenda for 25 April 2013 • Contractual documents • Managing Authorities Webinar debriefing • Upcoming meetings • Semestriel reporting • Communication & your local activities Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 2

  3. 1. Contractual documents Joint convention 2/2013 Subsidy contract 2/2013 Confirmation lettre Application 13/12/2012 & commitment lettres Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 3

  4. 2. Webinar with Managing Authorities Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities – Kick-off29 May 2012 I Page 4

  5. Brussels Capital Region, Belgium Name: Quentin Richard Organisation: Cellule de Coordination et de Gestion du FEDER 2007-2013, Ministry of the Government of the Brussels Capital Region (MRBC-MBHG), Belgium ERDF: Operational Programme 'Brussels Capital Region' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 5

  6. West Netherlands Name: Adri Hartkoorn Position: Secretary Kansen voor West Organisation: Managing Authority (municipality of Rotterdam), Operational Programme 'West Netherlands' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 6

  7. Sicily, Italy Name: Maria Basile Position: Manager Unit Urban Policy Organisation: Department of Planning-Sicily Region, Italy ERDF:Operational Programme 'Sicily' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 7

  8. Romania Name: Liana Bojneagu Position: Public Manager Organisation: General Directorate Managing Authority for SOP Environment, Romania Romanian Operational Programme 'Environment' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 8

  9. Rhone-Alpes, FRANCE Name: Sophie Boussac-Loarec Organisation: MA OP ERDF Rhône-Alpes (for current OP only) Operational Programme 'Rhône-Alpes' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 9

  10. Attica, Greece Name: Alexandra MAVROGONATOU (excused) Position: Executive of UNIT A’ Organisation: INTERMEDIATE MANAGING AUTHORITY of OP “Attica 2007-2013” ERDF: Operational Programme 'Attica' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 10

  11. South West England, UK Name: MatthieuHavard & Lynn Dockerty(excused) Position: Programme Delivery Team: South West Organisation: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), South West England, UK ERDF: Operational Programme 'South West England' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 11

  12. West Sweden Name: Thanos Pinakas (excused) Position: Program manager Organisation: Tillväxtverket (Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth) ERDF: Operational Programme 'West Sweden' Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 12

  13. 3. CURRENT Operational Programme & Food Have you funded projects related to (sustainable) food production, distribution or consumption? • Directly: West Netherlands • Indirectly: West Sweden, Brussels Capital Region, Rhône-Alpes • No: Sicily, Attica, Romania Environment, possibly West England Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 13

  14. Direct ERDF funding Growing tomatoes on waste water. Pilot Sustainable water cycle. Developing new technology to re-use waste water. ERDF – Innovation. ERDF 315,292 euro

  15. Direct ERDF funding Taskforce Green Port Westland to make greenhouse cultivation more sustainable. ERDF – Innovation. ERDF 776,968 euro

  16. Indirect ERDF funding BRUSOC project finances SMEs projects including food servicesERDF

  17. Indirect ERDF funding Brussels Sustainable Economy (BSE) supports entrepreneurship by study & coaching 6 sectors including sustainable food sector (production)ERDF – 1 Million

  18. Indirect ERDF funding Construction of indoor food market combined with 3.000 m² rooftop farm ERDF – 6 Million euro

  19. Indirect ERDF funding Small scale food production in Angered, suburb of Gothenburg as part of large urban development project ERDF – 5 Million euro (priority 1. “Entrepreneurship, innovative business and sustainable urban development”)

  20. NO food related projects to our knowledge Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 11 Mars 2012 I Page 20

  21. 3. CURRENT Operational Programme & Food There is no (more) funding availablethat could be used to finance parts of a Local Action Plan on Sustainable Food. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 21

  22. 3. Next Programming period & Food Are you consulting local stakeholders active or knowledgeable in the area of (sustainable) food production, distribution or consumption? Who should be consulted and how? • Other bodies are working on this: West Sweden, West England, Rhône-Alpes • Consultation is starting: Attica, West Netherlands, Sicily, Brussels Capital Region, • Not a priority: Romania Environment Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 22

  23. Other bodies are working on this: • West Sweden In Sweden, it is not the managing authority, Tillväxtverket, that has the main responsibility for drafting the Programmes. It is the regional actors, and for West Sweden it is the Region of Västra Götaland, Region Halland as well as the city of Gothenburg. • West England the proposed mechanism for delivering EU Common Strategic Framework Funds in England is through an EU Growth Programme with a single governance structure . The funds available will be nationally allocated to Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas and the LEPs have been tasked to develop EU Strategic Investment plans for 2014-2020. LEPs will get in touch with the most appropriate local stakeholders, i.e. those which are most susceptible to support the delivery of their plans in the future. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 23

  24. Consultation is starting • Attica: • Consulting local stakeholders will be a basic part of the drafting preparations of the new OP (through regular meetings...). • In that framework the Greek partner of the network could prepare and develop a specific plan on how actions connected to sustainable food production could “match” to the goals of the next programming period for Attica Region, which are going to be focused mainly on research & innovation projects. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 24

  25. Consultation is starting • West Netherlands: • Yes, there is consultation. • The focus will be on the so-called top sectors in the Netherlands. • One of the top-sectors is Agr-Food, another is Horticulture. • Cross cutting theme for the top-sectors is Sustainability. So, there will be space for sustainable interventions. • Stakeholders include Universities and the entrepreneurial organisations of the sector. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 25

  26. Consultation is starting • Sicily: • Participatory drafting of the 2014/2020 ERDF OP is about to start and the mapping of stakeholders to be involved in the process is ongoing. • The opportunity to consult stakeholders active in these specific issues has to be addressed soon along with the identification of the most representative one(s) with whom to share aspect related to this issue to be included in the OP. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 26

  27. Not a priority for our OP • Romania Environment: • Since the SOP Environment does not include a Priority Axis related to food production, distribution and consumption, the drafting process of the operational programme doesn’t include consultations with local stakeholders active in food domain. • A relevant Authority able to offer more information regarding food production, distribution and consumption should be the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 27

  28. 3. Next Programming period & Food Is a specific budget line foreseen under which sustainable food actions would be eligible? If yes, which and under what conditions? • Not foreseen: Romania Environment • To early to say: Attica, West Netherlands, Sicily, West Sweden • A clear link could be made: Brussels Capital Region Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 28

  29. A clear link to the food sector could be made • Brussels Capital Region: The buget line categories of OPs are not well-defined enough today to express it definitely but a link can clearly be made with several of the Thematic Objectives of the (future) Regulation • Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (TO3), with a specific attention to this sector • Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency(TO 6, with “protecting biodiversity, soil protection and promoting ecosystem services”) • Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility (TO8, with “development of business incubators and investment support for self- employment and business creation”) • Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure (TO10, with specific training programmes dedicated to this job opportunity sector). Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 29

  30. 3. Upcoming meetings • 3 transnational workshops of 2,5 days • 23-25 April 2013 Amersfoort Workshop “Delivering» (Tuesday-Thursday) • 28-30 May 2013 Goteborg Workshop “Enjoying”(Tuesday-Thursday) • 10-12 September 2013 Oslo Workshop “Growing”(Tuesday-Thursday) • Remember:PPs need to plan LSG meetings before & in between Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 30

  31. Sustainable Food Network Meetings (mandatory) Meetings Transnational6 Workshops2Conferences • Local • 8 ULSG meetings • 1 Disseminationevent • (mandatory) Bilateralfield trips (optional)2014?  6teleconf URBACT programme meetings Mandatory 1 or 2 National Capacity building seminars (2d – 3p) InternationalSummer UniversityDublin 28-30/8& conf in 2014 Optional & limitedElectedofficials pilot scheme In Brussels (3x, 2,5d, for 30p) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities15 October2012 I Page 31

  32. URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning • What? Training seminars organised for Local Support Group members, in national languages, to strengthen their capacities in participative action planning. • 1 or 2 per country (or group of countries) • ≥ 3 participants from LSG • http://urbact.eu/en/news-and-events/urbact-events/national-training-on-participative-action-planning/ Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 32

  33. URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning • Romania: 21-22 May in Bucharest • Italy: 23-24 May in Rome & autumn? • Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland: 29-30 May in Malmö & autumn? • Netherlands: 5-6 June & autumn? • UK & Ireland: 6-7 June in London & autumn? • Greece: 6-7 June in Athens • France & Belgium: 11-12 June in Paris & November in Paris • Spain: 2x ? Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 33

  34. URBACT Summer University Dublin 28-30 August 2013 (tbc) • Specifically designed for people participating in the URBACT Local Support Groups (ULSG), the first URBACT Summer University which is a unique learning opportunity for urban practitioners from all over Europe. • With a good 'mix of fun and hard work' the University allows participants to learn new theories, methods and tools for coproducing integrated local urban policy with key stakeholders http://urbact.eu/en/news-and-events/view-one/urbact-events/?entryId=4903 Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 34

  35. 3. Semestriel reporting • Will yoube in charge of activityreporting? • Will yoube in charge of financialreporting? • Didyoureceiveaccess codes to Presage?  I will arrange a webinar for financialofficers in the comingweeks Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 35

  36. First reporting period (1/2/2013-30/6/2013) • Report activities in Excel form by 5/8 (or 15/7) • Report costs online in Presage system: • Partner enters costs by 5/8 (or 15/7) • Lead Partner oks costs as related to activities • Partner submits costs to First Level Controler • FLC oks costs and sends signed originals to LP by 5/9 • Lead Partner compiles reports & issues payment claim by 30/09 Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 36

  37. How to report costs: Presage • All partners to enter costs https://urbact.presage-cte.org/ Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 37

  38. How? Presage guidance http://urbact.eu/en/documents-and-resources/documents/ Dropbox Folder « Phase 2 Reporting  » Dropbox Folder « URBACT Programme Manuals » Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities17 October 2012 I Page 38

  39. How to report costs: Presage Be precise in comment box: describe the why and the how of the expenditure (what? where? when? for whom?) • Staff: actual hours, actual costs, use timesheet (all in WP1 project management) • External expertise: invoices + supporting documents(all in WP1 project management) • Travel: report costs as paid by municipality with supporting documents (in WP2 transnational or WP3 local) • Meeting organisation: invoices + supporting docs(in WP2 transnational or WP3 local) • Communication (printing, designing…) (in WP4) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 39

  40. How to report costs: Presage Expenditure amount: Insert the amount in €. If VATis recoverable, ensure that the amount is indicated without VAT If payment in a different currency, please convert the expenditure into EUR using the monthly official EC accounting exchange rate in the month during which the expenditure has been paid (i.e. date when amount is debited from the partner institution’s bank account). http://ec.europa.eu/budget/inforeuro/index.cfm Indicate monthly exchange rate used in comment box Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 40

  41. Presage Comments Travel Daniela Catanoso to Transnational Meeting in Brussels (2012.05.28-30): Ticket trnsport by fly Alitalia Catania Bouxelles and return € 342,42 Bus (2012.05.28 Bruxelles ) € 6,00 Hotel (HUSA PRESIDENT PARK) facture n. 329374 date 2012_05-30 check in (2012.05.28) check out 2012.05.30) € 240,00 Restaurant (date 2012.05.28)… Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 41

  42. 5. Communication & your local activities • Did you receive the 1st issue of the electronic newsletter • How often did you local support group meet? • How did you communicate locally with your group and beyond? Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 42

  43. Questions & Feedback Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities25 April2013I Page 43

  44. contact@urbact-project.eu www.urbact.eu/project

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