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嘉義小行星 147918 Chiayi

147918 Chiayi. Earth. Mars. 嘉義小行星 147918 Chiayi. ( 147918 ) Chiayi Epoch 2007-Oct-27.0 TT = JDT 2454400.5   MPC e = 0.1993346 i = 4.59127 deg peri. = 103.64235 deg node = 354.36112 deg M = 61.25199 deg n = 0.27213077 deg/d

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嘉義小行星 147918 Chiayi

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  1. 147918 Chiayi Earth Mars 嘉義小行星 147918 Chiayi (147918) Chiayi Epoch 2007-Oct-27.0 TT = JDT 2454400.5   MPC e = 0.1993346 i = 4.59127 deg peri. = 103.64235 deg node = 354.36112 deg M = 61.25199 deg n = 0.27213077 deg/d q = 1.8882899 AU a = 2.3584008 AU Q = 2.8285117 AU P = 3.62 y TP = 2007-Mar-15.91707390 (2454175.4170739) (147918) Chiayi = 2006 UU214 Discovered 2006 Oct. 25 by Q.-z. Ye and H.-C. Lin at Lulin Observatory. Chiayi is the county in the middle of Taiwan where Lulin Observatory is located. Chiayi county has many tourist attractions, including the world's first monument to the Tropic of Cancer and the scenic Ali Mountain with a mountain railway leading to the summit to view the fantastic "sea of clouds". (M.P.C. 60732)

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