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Jeopardy - Round 1

Jeopardy - Round 1. I’m feeling lucky. Antebellum. People. North&South. Reconstruction/ End of Civil War. $ 100. $ 100. $ 100. $ 100. $ 100. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 300. $ 300. $ 300. $ 300. $ 300. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 500. $ 500. $ 500.

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Jeopardy - Round 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy - Round 1 I’m feeling lucky Antebellum People North&South Reconstruction/ End of Civil War $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  2. Jeopardy – Round 2 I’m feeling lucky Antebellum People North&South Topic 4 Reconstruction/ End of Civil War $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

  3. Topic 1 - $100 This is a person who wants to get rid of slavery.

  4. Topic 2 - $100 • Who was the slave who was taken to a free state then returned to a slave state and then sued his owner saying he should be free.

  5. Topic 3 - $100 • What is Richmond VA?

  6. Topic 4 - $100 • The Civil War officially ended here.

  7. Topic 5 - $100 • Who was the President of the COnfederacy

  8. Topic 1 - $200 The immediate freeing of slaves w/o pay to slave owners

  9. Topic 2- $200 This person wrote a book making the issue of slavery a moral struggle, no just political.

  10. Topic 3 - $200 The commander of the Union Army

  11. Topic 4 - $200 This ammendment abolished slavery.

  12. Topic 5 - $200 The most influetial general in the Confederate Army?

  13. Topic 1 - $300 This is a network of people who move slaves north. ?

  14. Topic 2 - $300 • Who started a slave rebellion because he had a vision? He ended up killing 5 plantation families.

  15. Topic 3 - $300 This was a slave holding state which stayed in the Union

  16. Topic 4 - $300 • This was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson. It stopped any laws from being passed that were discriminatory towards African Americans.

  17. Topic 5 - $300 • Who was the general who got his nickname at Bull Run, and was shot by enemy fire (and ended up dying)

  18. Topic1 - $400 • I am a conductor on the undergroudn railroad. I was beaten badly by my owner when I was younger and I loose conciousness sometimes during the day. I rescued thousands including my parents. There is a bounty out on my head.

  19. Topic 2 - $400 I am the Chief Justice in the Dred Scott Trial

  20. Topic 3 - $400 • I allow for states to choose if they are free or slave.

  21. Topic 4 - $400 • I shift the duty of reconstruction from the president to Congress. I am in response to the 10% bill.

  22. Topic 5 - $400 • I am John Brown and I lead a group of men to attack an armory to steal weapons to arm slaves for a revolt. I had prominent abolitionists backing me. I am a questionable figure in history because no one is sure of my true motivations.

  23. Topic 1 - $500 • I am a type of slavery where I spend more time away from my owner

  24. Topic 2 - $500 • I am a very cautious General who Abe Lincoln is firing in this picture. I was daring once in my career at the battle of Antietam

  25. Topic 3 - $500 This is where the war officially started. Abe Lincoln was smart enough to not make the first move.

  26. Topic 4 - $500 • I set the constitutional foundation for the Civil Rights Act. I give African Americans citizenship.

  27. Topic 5 - $500 • I am a political party made up of farmers. I support slavery.

  28. Round Two Section

  29. Topic 1 - $200 Round Two I am a series of debates between 2 senators in Illinois. This is the beginning of the Election of 1860. Something VERY important happens after this election

  30. Topic 2 - $100 I commanded the attack on New Orleans which secured the lower half of the Missisppi

  31. Topic 3 - $200 • I destroy and kill everything, including but not limited to civilians, animals and crops. I am not a person, but a tactic of war

  32. Topic 4 - $200 Abraham Lincoln proposed me. Ten percent of registered voters in the south have to swear allegiance to the Union in order to be re-entered into the Union.

  33. Topic 5 - $200 • I was the reason for Zachary Taylor’s Death.

  34. Topic 1 - $400 • When Kansas had elections for it’s status as a slave or free state, several bandits from MO rushed into Kansas to vote to make it a slave state. There were several riots over the issue of slavery in Kansas.

  35. Topic 2 - $200 • Where was the hotbed located?

  36. Topic 3 - $400 This is known as the union army’s march from Atlanta to Savannah Georgia destroying everything in it’s path.

  37. Topic 4 - $400 Both of these parties believe that slavery is wrong, but their main difference is their opinion on the capabilities of African Americans, and what they should do with their freedom.

  38. Topic 5 - $200 • This was a significant battle in the Civil War which lasted for three days that the south would never really recover from. It is seen as a turning point in the war

  39. Topic 1 - $600 This decision turned over the Missouri Compromise and stated that slaves were property.

  40. Topic 2 - $300 • I was a southern supporter who assasinated Abraham Lincoln.

  41. Topic 3 - $600 • This constitution placed an emphasis on state soverignty and allowed slavery.

  42. Topic 4 - $600 • Who is the cheerful soldier?

  43. Topic 5 - $500 • I set up schools, provide medicine and clothing for poor whites and African Americans in the south. I was originally started one month before the war ended.

  44. Topic 1 - $800 • This was a tax on imported goods. It hit South Carolina hard. John C. Calhoun asserted the principle of nullification. In response, Andrew Jackson passed the force bill to send militia into S. Carolina. Henry Clay came in to compromise, that the tax would be lowered gradually over 10 years.

  45. Topic 2 - $400 • Andrew Johnson is a member of this party even though Abraham Lincoln was not.

  46. Topic 3 - $800 • I allowed Union Soldiers to liberate slaves in southern territories, however did nothing for slaves currently living in the Union.

  47. Topic 4 - $800 • This was popular in the South after the Civil War with freed African Americans. Basically, they would work the land that was given to them by a rich plantation over. In return, they had to give up a large share of their harvest, leaving very little for them to sell for themselves.

  48. Topic 5 - $800 The main goals of this establishment were to stop reconstruction, not allow African Americans the right to vote, destroy the republican party and aid the planting class in controlling African Americans.

  49. Topic 1 - $1000 • This was a bill that was originally introduced by Henry Clay, but didn’t pass until Stephen Douglas picked it up and with the help of Millard Fillmore (Zach Taylor’s VP). It agreed to give TX 10 million dollars in exchange for the agreement on NM’s border, allow popular soverignty in new territories, and allow NM and UT to decide on their own. Started b/c California drew up their own constitution and they were a free state.

  50. Topic 2 - $500 • I was appointed by Ulysses S. Grant as a general in the Union Army. I believed in Total War. I was vicious to the south.

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