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Interwar Social Change

Interwar Social Change. Cooperative Learning. Listen to directions: Listen to others' ideas Speak quietly so as not to disturb other groups Ask all teammates for help before asking the teacher Stay on task and keep conversations limited to the topic Stay in your seat

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Interwar Social Change

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  1. Interwar Social Change

  2. Cooperative Learning • Listen to directions: • Listen to others' ideas • Speak quietly so as not to disturb other groups • Ask all teammates for help before asking the teacher • Stay on task and keep conversations limited to the topic • Stay in your seat • Do not talk to people who are not in your group • Anyone who is removed from a group for lack of cooperation will get a lunch detention; and will have to complete an assignment alone. • *Alternate Assignment: Individual Document Based Essay (In silence) This may apply to the whole class

  3. Presentations • Listen to presenters • Do not talk during presentation • Follow along with the textbook and take notes on the topic during the presentation • Let the presenters finish before asking questions • Be kind and polite • Raise your hand and wait to be called on by the presenters before you speak • Anyone who is removed from the room for not being respectful to classmates will get a lunch detention; and will have to fill out the note sheet using the textbook.

  4. Bonus Point Prizes • Most cooperative group • Most creative Skit • Most informative presentation • Best Quiz • Best All Around Presentation • Anyone who is removed from a group for lack of cooperation will get a lunch detention; and will have to complete an assignment alone. • *Alternate Assignment: Individual Document Based Essay (In silence) This may apply to the whole class

  5. Objectives • Analyze how Western society changed after World War I. • Explain how some people reacted against new ideas and freedoms. • Describe the literary and artistic trends that emerged in the 1920s. • List several new developments in modern scientific thought.

  6. Terms and Places • flapper– young woman who rejected the moral values of the Victorian era in favor of new, exciting freedoms • Prohibition– a ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States • speakeasies– illegal bars where alcohol was served during Prohibition • Harlem Renaissance– African American cultural awakening

  7. Terms and Places(continued) • psychoanalysis– a method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders • abstract– a form of art composed of lines, colors, and shapes, sometimes with no recognizable subject • dada– artistic movement that rejected all traditional conventions • surrealism– an art movement that attempted to portray the workings of the unconscious mind

  8. How were the social changes in the 1920s a reaction to World War I? Society and culture were shaken by the experience of the war. This reaction occurred in Europe, the United States, and many other parts of the world. In science, discoveries changed what people understood. These shifts were mirrored in music, literature, and the fine arts. The world had changed, and the culture that existed before World War I no longer seemed to fit this new world.

  9. How did new technologies in the 1920s contribute to postwar changes? • Affordable cars • Improved telephones • Motion pictures • Radio • Labor-saving devices such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners These included: These advances helped create a mass culture and consumerism.

  10. What is Jazz? • This new form of music emerged in the United States in the 1920s. • combined Western harmonies with African rhythms. • Nightclubs and the sounds of jazz by musicians like Louis Armstrong and “Duke” Ellington.

  11. What were the characteristics of the Jazz Age? • Young people were disillusioned by the war • They rejected moral values and rules of the Victorian age and chased after excitement • The 1920s became known as the ___________. Jazz Age

  12. Women enjoyed new opportunities. • As a result of their war work, women in many Western nations won the right to vote. • More woman worked outside the home and more careers opened up for women. • Labor-saving devices gave women more leisure time. • _____________, who embraced jazz and new freedoms, became a symbol of rebellion against Victorian values. Flappers French flappers modelthe new shorter skirts.

  13. Under Prohibition, organized crime and ___________flourished. The amendment was repealed in 1933. Some people reacted against new freedoms and ideas. Prohibition speakeasies Many Americans favored _________.A constitutional amendment in 1919 banned alcohol.

  14. _____________was convicted of breaking a Tennessee law that banned teaching Darwin’s theories about evolution. Some people reacted against new freedoms and ideas. A rising Christian _______________ movement supported traditional values and ideas about the Bible. John T. Scopes fundamentalist

  15. Postwar literature had a different focus than Victorian writings. • Wartime experiences led some authors to portray the modern world as spiritually barren. Writers such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald were dubbed the “lost generation.”

  16. Writers such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf experimented with “____________________,” portraying the workings of the inner mind without imposing logic or order. stream of consciousness • African American writers of the___________________ expressed pride in their unique culture. Harlem Renaissance

  17. Scientific discoveries: Radioactivity • Marie Curie, atoms from certain elements release charged particles • ______________, theory of relativity– measurements of time and space are not absolute • ___________ discovered that nuclear fission—splitting the atom– would create huge bursts of energy Albert Einstein Enrico Fermi Increased understanding of the atom. Their work would later lead to the development of atomic energy and nuclear weapons.

  18. Scientific discoveries. • Alexander Fleming discovered _________, the first antibiotic, which is used to combat many diseases. penicillin • Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud introduced new theories about the unconscious mind. His use of ________________ -- a method of studying the mind to treat mental disorders --changed perceptions of the mind. psychoanalysis

  19. New artistic movements rejected realistic representation of the world. Abstract • _________ art focused on lines and colors rather than recognizable subjects. • ________ sought to upset traditional conventions by using shocking images. • __________ attempted to portray the inner workings of the mind. Dadaism Surrealism An abstract painting by Russian artist Vasily Kandinsky

  20. The trauma of World War I propelled many people to change the way they thought and acted during the turbulent 1920s. • Science, medicine, politics, art, music, and architecture drove this evolution. • At the end of the 1920s, the “lost generation” would face a new crisis in the form of a worldwide economic depression.

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