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Tick@lab Training Continuing Reviews and Amendments for General AUPs.

Tick@lab Training Continuing Reviews and Amendments for General AUPs. Not for field, notification or observation studies. https://lar.utrgv.edu/tickatlab/default.aspx. Tick@lab URL. ***ALLOW POP-UPS***. Make sure you are in the AUP tab. 1. Left click here to see the list of Approved AUP’s.

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Tick@lab Training Continuing Reviews and Amendments for General AUPs.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tick@lab TrainingContinuing Reviews and Amendments for General AUPs. Not for field, notification or observation studies

  2. https://lar.utrgv.edu/tickatlab/default.aspx Tick@lab URL ***ALLOW POP-UPS***

  3. Make sure you are in the AUP tab. 1. Left click here to see the list of Approved AUP’s If an Amendment needs to be added, the protocol will be in the “Approved protocols” list. If the protocol needs an Annual Review, the protocol will appear on both lists one month before the due date. However, if the PI decides to do the Annual Review prior to one month of the due date, he will need to go first into the “Approved protocols” list to add the Annual Review.

  4. 2. Left click in the desired protocol

  5. 3. Scroll down to access the files in the protocol 3. Right click **Clicking on the Annual Review or Amendment option will create a new version of the original document. 4. Left click in Amendment or Annual Review

  6. 5. This pop-up will appear. Write a comment about the amendment or just leave it blank and click Ok.

  7. A new version of the original protocol will be created. This version will appear in both, the “Approved protocols” and “Protocols in review” lists. v

  8. 3. Right click 4. Left click on Check-out document

  9. 5. Left Click the newest version of the protocol. **A little paper with a green arrow will appear on the side of the document that was checked-out. If the document is already checked-out by you or someone else, a little paper with a red cross circle will appear on the side. If this happens to you, please contact the Office of Research Compliance.

  10. 6. Make the necessary changes throughout the form AND fill in the appropriate Annual Review and/or Amendment tab(s). **Both tabs will appear for annual reviews. For the amendments, only the amendment tab appears.

  11. If personnel was added make sure they do their training… • CITI (https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/ ) • The Office of Research Compliance has an additional training on how to enroll and add trainings on CITI. Make sure to request if needed. • Required trainings: • General training • Working with the IACUC • Working with … (the animal you are doing research with) • If surgery or wildlife (specific to training) • Wildlife Research • Aseptic surgery module • Procedure Training Verification • Specific to procedures

  12. 7. Once everything is done. Go to the Action button and SAVE!!

  13. 8. When you are done reviewing, left-click back

  14. 10. Right click 11. Check-in document

  15. After reviewing the protocol, click on IACUC Administrator Review button for the DMR, revisions or approval. 10. Right click 9. Left click

  16. REMINDERS • Only APPROVED protocols have the option to do an Annual Review or Amendment. • Only one submission can be submitted and be in the revision process at a time. Make sure to keep in mind your Annual review date when you want to make multiple modifications. • You can do Annual Review AND an Amendment at the same time. Just make sure to complete both the Amendment and Annual Review tabs. • Only ONE Submission (version) may be in the review process at a time. You may NOT have an amendment under review and then submit another amendment or annual review concurrently. You will have to wait until the first amendment is approved before you may start another amendment or annual review. MAKE SURE TO CHECK BACK ON THE STATUS OF YOUR PROTOCOL PERIODICALLY ON TICK@LAB

  17. QUESTIONS… • Contact • Lynne Depeault • Research Compliance Coordinator • lynne.depeault@utrgv.edu • (956) 882-7731

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