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Wordlist 6 The Fast-Food Revolution

مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی. Wordlist 6 The Fast-Food Revolution. Abandon (n.) Definition : to leave a place, thing or person forever Synonym: leave, depart from, desert Example: We had to abandon the car. Word Family : a·ban·don·a·ble ,  adjective a·ban·don·er ,  noun

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Wordlist 6 The Fast-Food Revolution

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  1. مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی Wordlist 6The Fast-Food Revolution

  2. Abandon (n.) Definition: to leave a place, thing or person forever Synonym:leave, depart from, desert Example: We had to abandon the car. Word Family: a·ban·don·a·ble, adjective a·ban·don·er, noun a·ban·don·ment, noun non·a·ban·don·ment, noun un·a·ban·don·ing, adjective

  3. 2. Acknowledge (v.) Definition: to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something Synonym: admit, accept, confess Example: She acknowledged that she had been at fault. Word Family: ac·knowl·edge·a·ble, adjective ac·knowl·edg·er, noun un·ac·knowl·edg·ing, adjective re·ac·knowl·edge, verb pre·ac·knowl·edge, verb 

  4. 3. Affordable (adj.) Definition: not expensive Synonym: inexpensive, cheap, reasonable Example: nice clothes at affordable prices Word Family: af·ford·a·bil·i·ty, noun af·ford·a·bly, adverb un·af·ford·a·bil·i·ty, noun un·af·ford·a·ble, adjective

  5. 4. Albeit (conj.) Definition: although Synonym: tough, although, howbeit Example: The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet. Word Family:

  6. 5. Ambitious (adj.) Definition: having a strong wish to be successful, powerful or rich Synonym: determined, eager, enthusiastic, zealous Example: an ambitious young lawyer Word Family: am·bi·tious·ly, adverb am·bi·tious·ness, noun non·am·bi·tious, adjective non·am·bi·tious·ly, adverb non·am·bi·tious·ness, noun

  7. 6. Astonish (v.) Definition: to surprise someone very much Synonym:stagger, surprise, stupefy, startle Example: I was astonished by how much she'd grown. Word Family: as·ton·ished·ly, adverb as·ton·ish·er, noun su·per·as·ton·ish, verb un·as·ton·ished, adjective

  8. 7. By far (adv.) Definition: by a great amount Synonym: by a great amount Example: They are by far the best students in the class. Word Family:

  9. 8. Complement (v.) Definition: to complete; form a complement to Synonym: accompany, supplement, complete Example: This belt complements the dress better than that one. Word Family: com·ple·ment·er, noun

  10. 9. Contemporary (adj.) Definition: existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Synonym: concurrent, coexisting, coexistent Example: Newton's discovery of thecalculus was contemporary with  that of Leibniz. Word Family: con·tem·po·rar·i·ly, adverb con·tem·po·rar·i·ness, noun non·con·tem·po·rar·y, adjective

  11. 10. Contrast (v.) Definition: an obvious difference between two or more things Synonym: difference, dissimilarity, distinction, varience Example: I like the contrast of the white trousers with the black jacket. Word Family: con·trast·a·ble, adjective con·trast·a·bly, adverb con·trast·ing·ly, adverb qua·si-con·trast·ed, adjective un·con·trast·a·ble, adjective

  12. 11. Convince (v.) Definition: to persuade someone or make them certain Synonym: persuade, satisfy, assure Example: He managed to convince the jury of his innocence. Word Family: con·vinc·ed·ly, adverb con·vinc·ed·ness, noun con·vinc·er, noun con·vin·ci·ble, adjective con·vinc·i·bil·i·ty, noun

  13. 12. Decade (n.) Definition: a period of ten years, especially a period such as 1860 to 1869, or 1990 to 1999 Synonym: Example: the three decades from 1776 to 1806. Word Family:

  14. 13. Dependable (adj.) Definition: If someone or something is dependable, you can trust them or have confidence in them Synonym:reliable, trustworthy, faithful, loyal Example: I need someone dependable to look after the children while I'm at work. Word Family: de·pend·a·bil·i·ty, de·pend·a·ble·ness, noun de·pend·a·bly, adverb in·ter·de·pend·a·bil·i·ty, noun in·ter·de·pend·a·ble, adjective non·de·pend·a·bil·i·ty, noun

  15. 14. Efficiently (adv.) Definition: working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way Synonym:systematically, effectively, coherently Example: She runs the business very efficiently. Word Family: ef·fi·cient·ly, adverb non·ef·fi·cient, adjective non·ef·fi·cient·ly, adverb qua·si-ef·fi·cient, adjective qua·si-ef·fi·cient·ly, adverb

  16. 15. Expand (v.) Definition: to increase in size, number or importance, or to make something increase in this way Synonym: enlarge, extend, Example: The air in the balloon expands when heated. Word Family: ex·pand·a·ble, ex·pand·i·ble, adjective ex·pand·a·bil·i·ty, ex·pand·i·bil·i·ty, noun non·ex·pand·ing, adjective o·ver·ex·pand, verb pre·ex·pand, verb (used with object)

  17. 16. Franchise (n.) Definition: a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name Synonym:licence, permit, permission, authorization Example: a fast-food franchise Word Family: fran·chis·a·ble, adjective fran·chis·a·bil·i·ty, noun fran·chise·ment, noun o·ver·fran·chised, adjective

  18. 17. Generation (n.) Definition: all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family Synonym:age group Example: The younger generation smoke/smokes less than their parents did. Word Family: gen·er·a·tion·al, adjective gen·er·a·tion·al·ly, adverb in·ter·gen·er·a·tion, noun pre·gen·er·a·tion, noun sub·gen·er·a·tion, noun

  19. 18. Globalization (n.) Definition: the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries Synonym: Example: We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business. Word Family:

  20. 19. Impress (v.) Definition: to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings Synonym:affect, impact, astonish, Example: He impressed us as a sincere young man. Word Family: im·press·er, noun

  21. 20. Inexperienced (adj.) Definition: having little knowledge or experience Synonym: inexpert, unpracticed, unqualified, naive Example: They are young inexperienced parents and need support. Word Family:

  22. 21. Output (n.) Definition: an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc Synonym:product Example: Last year British manufacturing output fell by 14%. Word Family: su·per·out·put, noun

  23. 22. Overlap (v.) Definition: to cover something partly by going over its edge; to cover part of the same space Synonym:override, overlie Example: The fence is made of panels which overlap (each other). Word Family: non·o·ver·lap·ping, adjective, noun

  24. 23. Reject (n.) Definition: to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone Synonym:refuse, decline, dismiss Example: The appeal was rejected by the High Court. Word Family: re·ject·a·ble, adjective re·ject·er, noun re·jec·tive, adjective pre·re·ject, verb (used with object) qua·si-re·ject·ed, adjective

  25. 24.Retail (adj.) Definition: the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities Synonym: in small lots Example: The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience in retail. Word Family: re·tail·er, noun non·re·tail, adjective non·re·tail·er, noun

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