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Relational between organism and other organism by food chain

Ecosystem. Relational between organism and other organism by food chain. What is food chain:. Transmission of energy Sun--->producer(green plant) >primary consumer>secondary consumer >decomposer (eg. Bread mould) eg.sun>grass>cow>human>bacteria.

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Relational between organism and other organism by food chain

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  1. Ecosystem • Relational between organism and other organism by food chain

  2. What is food chain: • Transmission of energy • Sun--->producer(green plant) • >primary consumer>secondary • consumer • >decomposer (eg. Bread mould) • eg.sun>grass>cow>human>bacteria

  3. Important of food protection ecosystem • Closerelationship between organism and other organism is like chain.They take benefit from each other • If a kind of organism die ,other kind of organism may be extinct

  4. Relationship between plant and animal • Plant carries out photosynthesis to release oxygen that is used to oxidized food in animal • animal carries out respiration to release carbon dioxide that is used to undergo photosynthesis in plant • Relationship between plant & animal is close

  5. How to protect the ecosystem • eg.construction • The staff of environmental Protection Department • investigate what organism will be at the risk of extinction by the construction plan on the spot • If the destruction of the plan is cancelled • On work, the Department moniton the construction which follow the orginal plan

  6. Genetically Modified Food(GMF) • 1.What is GMF? • --Food comes from organisms • --Whose genes arrangement are changed • 2.advantages of GMF • --increase the yield • change the composition • change the characteristic

  7. Genetically modified Food(GM Food)基因改造食物

  8. GM Food • Increase the yield • increase tolerance to unfavourable condition eg. Drought heat • increase the resistance to pest • decrease the using of pesticide • increase nutrient value

  9. Genetic engineering

  10. Introduction • Cloning of living organisms Until now ,the most updating way to replicate living organism is cloning. In this way, the nucleus of one somatic cell (eg. Breast cell) is put into one ovum without nucleus.Then the zygote is placed into uterus of mother’s body

  11. Application of Cloning organisms

  12. Extinct animal will reappear in the world eg.Dinosaur • Clone endangered species to prevent them form extinction • help sterilizing parent • produce GM food • Take replicating people organ instead of replicated peoples’ organ

  13. Used in organ transplant replicate organ for transplantation

  14. Diseases In Our Life • Tooth Decay • ---The cause of tooth decay • ---The protection of tooth decay • ---What’s the advantage of studying tooth?

  15. Deficiency Disease • ---The cause of deficiency disease • ---The methods to solve the deficiency disease • ---What’s the advantage of studying deficiency disease?

  16. Vaccination • All the non-specific and specific body defence methods describedin this chapter help us to prevent and react against diseases • The ability that occurs naturally in all of us is call natural immunity (天然免疫).The resistance to certain deseasemay also be increase by artificial immunity(人工免疫).

  17. Edward Jenner

  18. The year 1796 marked the two hundredth anniversary of Edward Jenner's first experimental vaccination--that is, inoculation with the related cow-pox virus to build immunity against the deadly scourge of smallpox.

  19. In the eighteenth century, before Jenner, smallpox was a killer disease.In 1980, as a result of Jenner's discovery, the World Health Assembly officially declared "the world and its peoples" free from endemic smallpox

  20. Antitoxin Diphtheria • acute bacterial infection with symptoms of sore throat, fever, rapid pulse, and swollen neck glands. Mass immunization has made the disease extremely rare in developed countries.

  21. A Paralyzing Fear • A Paralyzing Fear is not just a film about polio. It is about the isolation of the victims of the disease, of the shunning of their families.... It is about the human intuition that must lead scientific discovery, and it is about the national momentum that must be galvanized to conquer an unseen enemy. Ultimately, it is a film about what happens when we begin to fear each other, and our transcendence from that fear

  22. Rubella • Rubella is an exanthematous illness characterized by nonspecific signs and symptoms including transient erythematous and sometimes pruritic rash, postauricular or suboccipital lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, and low-grade fever.

  23. THE END

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