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CBM Simulation&Analysis Framework Cbmroot

CBM Simulation&Analysis Framework Cbmroot. Mohammad Al-Turany & Denis Bertini. The same framework can be used for Simulation and Analysis Fully ROOT based: VMC for simulation Geometry Modeller (TGeoManager) for geometry definition

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CBM Simulation&Analysis Framework Cbmroot

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  1. CBM Simulation&Analysis FrameworkCbmroot Mohammad Al-Turany & Denis Bertini

  2. The same framework can be used for Simulation and Analysis Fully ROOT based: VMC for simulation Geometry Modeller (TGeoManager) for geometry definition IO scheme (TChain, friend TTrees, TFolders ) for persistency TTask to organize analysis data flow Improved ROOT IO:Combined Chaining & Friend mechanism Completely configurable via ROOT macros Reuse of HADES Geometry Interface. Reuse of HADES Parameter containers. Easy to maintain (only ROOT standard services are used) Event merging before and/or after transport CBM Framework: Features M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  3. G3 G3 transport User Code VMC G4 G4 transport FLUKA transport FLUKA Reconstruction Virtual Geometrical Modeller Geometrical Modeller Visualisation CBMROOT is based on The Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  4. CBM Analysis and Simulation Framework ROOT Geant3 Geometry Manager Virtual MC Geant4 Magnet FLUKA Target IO Manager GeoInterface Run Manager PIPE Primary Generator Cave Module STS Magnetic Field Detector Tasks Urqmd EVGEN TRD Pluto TOF Particle Generator RICH Delta Tracking ASCII ECAL Field Map digitizers M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  5. CBM Analysis and Simulation Framework ROOT ROOT FILES Input: MC Points, Configuration Output: Hits, Digits, Tracks Geometry Manager Virtual MC IO Manager GeoInterface Run Manager Primary Generator Module Magnetic Field Detector Tasks EVGEN Delta Tracking digitizers M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  6. Use the copy mechanism reduce the size of ASCII files Reduce the number of Volumes in Geant Improve Geant tracking performance Oracle interface Hades geometry table design reusable HYDRA Geometry Interface, why ? M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  7. Advantage: more flexibility : different inputs can be used. closer to technical drawings and analysis coordinate systems Disadvantage more points than really needed for the basic shapes HYDRA Geometry Interface, why ? M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  8. Geometry/Material CBM Geometry TGeoManager input Builder Interface Material & Geometry Interface Oracle DB CBM Geometry/Material TGeoVolume TGeoNode TGeoMaterial CbmGeoInterface CbmGeoRootBuilder ASCII ROOT M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  9. Full Simulation-Analysis Chain Determine particle properties at target vertex Event Generator Transport particles through the detector material Simulation Transport SIM Digitizer Determine detector response RAW Determine physical space point parameters from detector hits Storage Levels Hit Finder Determine momentum vector and PID for all tracks Analysis Reconstruction Physics Analysis Calculate physics observables M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  10. Event merging before transport Event Generator 1 Event Generator 2 UrQMD Pluto Transport Merger Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Physics Analysis M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  11. Event merging after transport Event Generator 1 Event Generator 2 Pluto UrQMD Transport Transport Merger Digitizer Hit Finder Storage at SIM level is more efficient when digitizers are fast compared to transport Reconstruction Physics Analysis M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  12. Tasks and interfaces SIM MC POINT MC POINT Merger Data Objects MC POINT Tasks Storage Levels Digitizer Input of a taskis from storageor other task RAW DIGIT Hit Finder HIT Reconstruction TRACK M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  13. Material definitions Geometry definitions Create a detector (or Module) subclass Create the library Adding a detector or a Module ? M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  14. Load the Libraries Create the Run Manager Choose Simulation engine Choose an output file name Create Modules and detectors and add them to the Run Manager Create and Set the Event generator(s) Create and set the Magnetic field Initialize and run the simulation Simulation Macro M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  15. Simulation Macro – loading Libs // Load basic libraries gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); // Load Cbmroot libraries gSystem->Load("libCbm"); gSystem->Load("libPassive"); gSystem->Load("libGen"); gSystem->Load("libSts"); gSystem->Load("libTrd"); gSystem->Load("libTof"); gSystem->Load("libRich"); M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  16. //create the Run Class CBMRun *fRun = new CBMRun(); // set the MC version used fRun->SetName("TGeant4"); //for G3 use "TGeant3" // chose an output file name fRun->SetOutputFile("test.root"); Simulation Macro M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  17. CbmModule *Cave= new CbmCave("WORLD"); Cave->SetGeometryFileName("PASSIVE/CAVE", "v03a"); fRun->AddModule(Cave); CbmModule *Target= new CbmTarget("Target"); Target->SetGeometryFileName("PASSIVE/TARGET", "v03a"); fRun->AddModule(Target); CbmModule *Pipe= new CbmPIPE("PIPE"); Pipe->SetGeometryFileName("PASSIVE/PIPE", "v03a"); fRun->AddModule(Pipe); CbmModule *Magnet= new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); Magnet->SetGeometryFileName("PASSIVE/MAGNET", "v03a"); fRun->AddModule(Magnet); Simulation Macro- Create Modules M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  18. CbmDetector *STS= new CbmSts("STS", kTRUE); STS->SetGeometryFileName("STS/STS", "v03c"); fRun->AddModule(STS); CbmDetector *TOF= new CbmTof("TOF", kTRUE ); TOF->SetGeometryFileName("TOF/TOF", "v03_v10"); fRun->AddModule(TOF); CbmDetector *TRD= new CbmTRD("TRD",kFALSE ); TRD->SetGeometryFileName("TRD/TRD", "v04b_9" ); fRun->AddModule(TRD); Simulation Macro- Create Detectors M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  19. CbmPrimaryGenerator *priGen= new CbmPrimaryGenerator(); fRun->SetGenerator(priGen); CbmUrqmdGenerator *fGen1= new CbmUrqmdGenerator("00-03fm.100ev.f14"); CbmPlutoGenerator *fGen2= new CbmPlutoGenerator("jpsi.root"); CbmParticleGenerator *fGen3= new CbmParticleGenerator(); fRun->AddGenerator(fGen1); fRun->AddGenerator(fGen2); fRun->AddGenerator(fGen3); Simulation Macro-Event Generators M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  20. // setting a field map CbmFieldMap *fMagField= new CbmFieldMap("FIELD.v03b.map"); // setting a constant field CbmConstField *fMagField=new CbmConstField(); fMagField->SetFieldXYZ(0, 30 ,0 ); // values are in kG // MinX=-75, MinY=-40,MinZ=-12 ,MaxX=75, MaxY=40 ,MaxZ=124 ); fMagField->SetFieldRegions(-74, -39 ,-22 , 74, 39 , 160 ); // values are in cm fRun->SetField(fMagField); Simulation Macro-Magnetic Field M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  21. fRun->Init(); // Initialize the simulation Simulation: 1. Initialize the VMC (Simulation) 2. Initialize Tasks (if they are used in Simulation) fRun->Run(NoOfEvent); //Run the Simulation Simulation Macro- Run Simulation M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  22. CBM Detector Geometry M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  23. Example: Rich Detector M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  24. Tasks can be organized into a hierarchy and displayed in the browser. The CbmTask class is the base class from which the tasks are derived. To give task functionality, you need to subclass the CbmTask class and override: Init(); //Initialization Exec(Option_t * option); CbmTask M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  25. Tasks Mechanism • CbmTask *Task1=new CbmTask("Task1") CbmTask *Task2=new CbmTask("Task2") • CbmTask *Task3=new CbmTask("Task3") • CbmTask *Task4=new CbmTask("Task4") • CbmTask *Task5=new CbmTask("Task5") • CbmTask *Task6=new CbmTask("Task6") • Task1->Add(Task2) • Task1->Add(Task3) • Task2->Add(Task4) • Task2->Add(Task5) • Task3->Add(Task6) M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  26. CbmTasks M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  27. class CbmITrack : public CbmTask { public: CbmDITrack(const char *name, const char *title="CBM Task"); virtual void Init(); //Initialization virtual void Exec(Option_t * option); //called for each event virtual void Finish(); //called for each event virtual ~CbmITrack(); ClassDef(CbmITrack,1) //CbmITrack } Analysis : creating a Task M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  28. void CbmITrack::Init() { // Get a pointer to the ROOT Manager( data store ) CbmRootManager *fManager =CbmRootManager::Instance(); // Get the relevant data for the Task // activate in IO the corresponding TTree branch fListSTSpts=(TClonesArray *)fManager->ActivateBranch("STSPoint"); //Create a new branch in the output file for the results fHitCollection = new TClonesArray("CBMSTSDoubleHit"); fManager->Register("STSDoubleHit","STS", fHitCollection); } Analysis Task- Init example M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  29. void CBMITrack::Exec(Option_t * option) { CBMSTSDoublePoint *pt=NULL; CBMSTSDoubleHit *hit=NULL; for (int j=0; j < fListSTSpts->GetEntries(); j++ ) { pt = (CBMSTSDoublePoint*) fListSTSpts->At(j); if (pt && ( pt->GetDetectorID(0) == pt->GetDetectorID(1)) ) { hit =AddHit(); hit->SetDetectorID( pt->GetDetectorID(1)); } else continue; hit->SetPos_in( pt->GetPos_in() ); hit->SetPos_out( pt->GetPos_out() ); TVector3 xy(gRandom->Gaus(0,fDx), gRandom->Gaus(0,fDy),0.0); hit->SetDPos_in( xy ); hit->SetDPos_out( xy ); } } Analysis Task- Exec example M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  30. { gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libCbm"); gSystem->Load("libITrack"); CBMRun *fRun= new CBMRun(); fRun->SetInputFile(“/d/STS_AuAu25Gev_Urqmd.root"); fRun->SetOutputFile(“trackOutput.root"); CBMITrack *tr= new CBMITrack("Tracking Algorithm"); fRun->AddTask(tr); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(); } Analysis Macro M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  31. Chaining mechanism supported in the Analysis: { // … CbmRun *fRun = new CbmRun(); fRun->SetInputFile(“myfile1.root”); fRun->AddFile(“myfile2.root”); fRun->AddFile(“myfile3.root”); // loop over all entries fRun->Run(); } Chaining root files M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  32. Combined Chain & Friend (ROOT) • ROOT IO problem: • { // … • TChain ch(“cbmsim”); • ch.Add(“rich_hit1.root”); • ch.Add(“rich_hit2.root”); • TFile f1(“Rguidance1.root”); • TFile f2(“Rguidance2.root”); • ch.AddFriend(“cbmsim”, &f1); • ch.AddFriend(“cbmsim”, &f2); • // … • Does NOT Work !! M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  33. Make use of our CbmRootManager (IO): When the TChain switch to new file: Clear the global list of friends Add the correct next friend to the list Update the corresponding pointers (TTree, Friend Tree ..) Problem is solved : { //… CbmRun *fRun = new CbmRun(); fRun->SetInputFile(“rich_hit1.root”); fRun->AddFriend(“Rguidance1.root”); fRun->AddFile(“rich_hit2.root”); fRun->AddFriend(“Rguidance2.root”); //… fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(); … } Combined Chain& Friend (CbmRoot) M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  34. In the Simulation macro add: ......... fRun->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); fRun->Init(); // Set cuts for storing the trajectories CbmTrajFilter* trajFilter = CbmTrajFilter::Instance(); trajFilter->SetStepSizeCut(1); // 1 cm trajFilter->SetEnergyCut(0., 1.04); // 0 < Etot < 1.04 GeV trajFilter->SetStorePrimaries(kFALSE); ......... Track Visualization M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  35. { gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libCbm"); ...... TFile* file = new TFile("test.root"); TGeoManager *geoMan = (TGeoManager*) file->Get("CBMGeom"); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 100, 100, 800, 800); c1->SetFillColor(10); geoMan->DrawTracks("same/Nneutron"); geoMan->SetVisLevel(3); geoMan->GetMasterVolume()->Draw("same"); } Example: Visualization macro M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  36. Track Visualization M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  37. Track Visualization M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  38. Code Convention • CodeWizard is being used as automatic rule checker • Will be integrated with “cvs commit” M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  39. Need to simulate heavy system at High energy Need external stack for Geant3: internal stack capacity reached Check data with geant4 Easy to use CBM framework services The Only efforts: Definition of Detector MC point container Field map reader Conversion from Lab. MC point definition to points defined in the local ref. Frame of the sensitive volume Modification of some particles physical characteristics: Use of TVirtualMC::Gspart() Hades Simulation using Cbmroot, why? M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  40. Hades Simulation ROOT Geant3 Geometry Manager Virtual MC Geant4 Magnet FLUKA Target IO Manager GeoInterface Run Manager PIPE Primary Generator Cave Module MDC Magnetic Field Detector Tasks Urqmd EVGEN RICH Pluto SHOWER Particle Generator Field Map TOF/TOFINO ASCII M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  41. Hades Simulation M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  42. A VMC based framework for CBM has been implemented First released in March 2004 Work on digitizers and full tracking is going on. OCT04 release of Cbmroot was used to produce data for the progress report Packages ( ROOT 4.01/02 , GEANT3/GEANT4.6.2 ) Tested on Red Hat 9.0 (gcc 3.2.2 and icc 8.1) Suse 9.0 (gcc 3.3.1) Debian (gcc 3.2.3) Fedora Core 2 (gcc 3.3.3) Binaries are also available for these platforms Summary M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

  43. Hades spectrometer has been fully integrated Gives us the opportunity to tune Geant4 (cuts/physics list …) to real Data ! Realistic test of the framework. FLUKA simulation will be also possible with no efforts ! CBM Convention rules will be forced via CodeWizard very soon HADES Parameter containers are implemented and ready to use The Hades Oracle interface is already available and will be integrated within the next months Summary M. Al-Turany, DVEE Palaver

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