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Sustain Southern Maine: An Introduction to Centers of Opportunity

Sustain Southern Maine: An Introduction to Centers of Opportunity. Southern Maine’s transportation and housing needs are changing. Baby boomers are downsizing and retiring The younger generation needs affordable first homes and often wants fewer autos

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Sustain Southern Maine: An Introduction to Centers of Opportunity

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  1. Sustain Southern Maine:An Introduction to Centers of Opportunity

  2. Southern Maine’s transportation and housing needs are changing • Baby boomers are downsizing and retiring • The younger generation needs affordable first homes and often wants fewer autos • Maine has very few smaller lower-cost, lower-maintenance, energy-efficient homes in walkablecommunities • Maine’s bigger cities are seeing a rise in population for the first time in decades • Mill redevelopment in Sanford, Biddeford and Lewiston has been a huge success, with waiting lists for residential apartments • This is a market gap…waiting to be filled

  3. The Sanford Mill Apartments

  4. The Sanford Mill Apartments

  5. The Bates Mill Lofts, Lewiston

  6. The Bates Mill Lofts, Lewiston

  7. Pepperell Mill, Biddeford

  8. Wilshire Row Townhome, Dunstan Crossing, Scarborough

  9. Two Echo Cohousing Development,Brunswick

  10. Battle Road Farm Condominiums, Lincoln, Massachusetts

  11. Goals for Centers of Opportunity • Create housing choices for a range of incomes • Create transportation choice –walking, biking, bus/train as community grows • Create attractive locations for jobs and commerce to grow • Maintain parks, open space and agricultural land

  12. What you need to create a Center of Opportunity • Support of property owners in center location • Community/municipal support • Public sewer/water OR good soil quality • Available land for housing and businesses • Some level of existing businesses, public services, recreation, cultural areas or agriculture

  13. Centers of Opportunity will be: • Mixed use, no more than ½-mile in diameter, able to absorb growth, with appropriate utilities, telecommunications and transportation infrastructure • Tapping into the market’s desire for safe, livable, and walkableneighborhoods

  14. Benefits of Centers of Opportunity A center of opportunity will: • Be responsive to community and landowners’ goals • Be highly competitive to attract the next generation of job and housing growth • Increase economic growth for the region by encouraging regional planning • Protect land resources and preserve local character by focusing growth in a planned way • Build and maintain a sense of local community

  15. Centers of Opportunity • The growth of multiple small centers will over time produce a more sustainable growth pattern than the current one, providing: • Multiple economic drivers and job creators • Healthier, walkable, affordable neighborhoods that include destinations • Energy-efficient housing for a range of incomes, including seniors and the next generation • Easy access to recreation, greenspace, agriculture • Jobs that are closer to home

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