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Ancient Egyptians Religious beliefs/ gods and goddesses

M. Aziz. P. A Aditya . J.W . Ancient Egyptians Religious beliefs/ gods and goddesses . What religions did people follow?.

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Ancient Egyptians Religious beliefs/ gods and goddesses

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  1. M. Aziz. P. A Aditya. J.W Ancient Egyptians Religious beliefs/ gods and goddesses

  2. What religions did people follow? Most of Ancient Egyptians mainly follow ‘polytheistic’. But then when King Akhenaken and Queen Nefertiti reign, the Ancient Egyptians follow monotheistic. Then when King Tutankhamun came in to reign, Ancient Egyptian back to follow polytheistic. Monotheism Polytheism

  3. What is polytheism & monotheism? ‘Poly’ means ‘more than one’, and ‘Theism’ means ‘God’. So polytheism means believe in more than one god. ‘Mono’ means one, and ‘theism’ means ‘Gods’. So monotheism means believe in one god.

  4. How RELIGION SO INFLUENTIAL TO THE Ancient Egyptians live everyday? • Influence of Ancient Egyptian religion is the welfare of their lives. • Ancient Egypt following the Egyptian superstition like knocking on a wall at the temple to tell the godsomething. NOTES: Sorry, can’t find a good information!!!   LOL

  5. GODS and GODDESSES Khonsu God of the moon Geb God of the Earth Anuket Goddess of Nile River Ra God of the sun Horus God of the sky Osiris God of underworld and afterlife. Seshat God of writing

  6. OTHER After the New Kingdom, the pharaoh's role as spiritual intermediaries began to diminish along with the custom to worship god directly, without  intermediaries. On the other hand, the priests developed a forecasting system (oracle) to communicate directly to the public desire god. 

  7. Bibliography • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polytheism • www.ancientegypt.co.uk/gods/home.html • wiki.answers.com • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotheism

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