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Characteristics of Life Classification of Living Things

Characteristics of Life Classification of Living Things. Record All Notes that have this symbol. Cornell Note Taking: Characteristics of Life. Questions Key Terms Main Ideas. Answers Definitions Supporting Details/Pictures. How do you know if an object is ALIVE?. It has to have the

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Characteristics of Life Classification of Living Things

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  1. Characteristics of LifeClassification of Living Things

  2. Record All Notes that have this symbol Cornell Note Taking: Characteristics of Life • Questions • Key Terms • Main Ideas • Answers • Definitions • Supporting Details/Pictures

  3. How do you know if an object is ALIVE? It has to have the Characteristics of Life!!!!!!

  4. What are the Characteristics of Life? • Cells • Energy • Homeostasis • Grow & Develop • Reproduce • DNA (Heredity) • Respond to Stimuli • Adapt & Evolve


  6. Single celled (unicellular ) organisms makeup most organisms on Earth. Click Here for Cool Video They have everything they need to be self-sufficient.

  7. In multi-cellular organisms, the cells specialize to perform specific functions (bone cells, skin cells, muscle cells, root cells, leaf cells). Smooth muscle Leaf cell Nerve cell Yeast cell Red Blood Cell

  8. What are the Levels of Organization? • Atom • Molecule • Organelle • Cell • Tissue • Organ • Organ System • Organism

  9. What are the Levels of Organization?

  10. 2) ALL LIVING THINGS USE ENERGY The SUN is the main source of energy on Earth!!! The Sun makes light that is used by plants!!!!!! What is the name of this process by which plants convert the energy from the sun into food?

  11. PHOTOSYNTHESIS Plants (producers/autotrophs) trap the energy of the Sun and make glucose (sugar) in the process called photosynthesis. How do animals get energy?

  12. CELLULAR RESPIRATION Animals (consumers/heterotrophs) get their energy from the plants or other organisms they eat. This process is cellular respiration


  14. 4) ALL LIVING THINGS GROW AND DEVELOP To grow means to get bigger and to get bigger; more cells must be added. To increase numbers of cells, cell division must occur. Develop means to change into an adult form (mature).

  15. 5) ALL LIVING THINGS REPRODUCE Reproduction must occur for a species to survive. Reproduction can be either sexual or asexual.

  16. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION 3 Types of Reproduction 1. Budding – Hydra and Sponge 2. Fragmentation - Starfish 3. Binary Fission – unicellular organisms


  18. 6) ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE DNA. DNA provides instructions for making molecules called proteins. Proteins build cells. DNA carries the genetic material from parent to offspring (heredity).

  19. 7) ALL LIVING THINGS RESPOND TO A STIMULUS (plural-Stimuli) Living things respond to immediate and long-term changes in their environment (shiver when cold, change fur color, plants bend toward light).

  20. Responding to Stimuli a. dogs pant when hot b. pupils dilate in lower light levels c. humans sweat when body gets too hot d. reflexes – touch hot stove, fight/flight

  21. 8) ALL LIVING THINGS CHANGE TO FIT THEIR ENVIRONMENT(ADAPT) Organisms must adapt to changes in their environment or risk becoming extinct. Adaptations occur over a very long period of time (millions of years).

  22. Name some the adaptations of these organisms.

  23. Record All Notes that have this symbol Cornell Note Taking: Classification • Questions • Key Terms • Main Ideas • Answers • Definitions • Supporting Details/Pictures

  24. What is classification? • Classification is the grouping of living organisms according to similar structures and functions.

  25. What branch of science is classification? • Taxonomy

  26. Who developed the 1st Classification System? • Aristotle developed the early classification system

  27. How did Aristotle group plants? • Aristotle grouped plants according to their sizes Tree Shrub Bush

  28. How did Aristotle group animals? • Aristotle grouped animals according to where they lived or spent most of their time Land Air Water

  29. Who developed the classification system we use today? • Carolus Linnaeus developed the modern classification system

  30. Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species What are the 8 levels (Taxa) of the modern classification system? The 8 levels known as Taxa are :

  31. What are the 3 Domains of Classification? Arranged from the least complex to the most complex • Archae • Bacteria • Eukarya

  32. How are the taxa arranged? The Taxa are listed in order from the broadest to the most specific.

  33. Human Classification

  34. How can we remember the 8 taxa in order? Choose one ! • Dear King Philip Came Over For Grape Soda. • Dear King Philip Came Over For Green Skittles. • Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti. • Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Soup.

  35. How do we name organisms? • Binomial Nomenclature • Developed by Carolus Linnaeus What is Binomial Nomenclature? • Two-name system: • First name is the organism’s genus (Always Upper Case) • Second name is the organism’s species (Always Lower Case) • Both are always Italicized or Underlined

  36. What device do we use to identify organisms? Dichotomous Key (aka. Taxonomic Key) What is a dichotomous key? -paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms

  37. Dichotomous Key • 1a Fruits occur singly ....................................................... Go to 3 • 1b Fruits occur in clusters of two or more ......................... Go to 2 • 2a Fruits are round ....................................................... Grapes • 2b Fruits are elongate ................................................... Bananas • 3a Thick skin that separates easily from flesh .............Oranges • 3b Thin skin that adheres to flesh .............................. Go to 4 • 4a More than one seed per fruit ............................ Apples • 4b One seed per fruit ............................................ Go to 5 • 5a Skin covered with velvety hairs .................... Peaches • 5b Skin smooth, without hairs ........................... Plums Use the key to identify the following:

  38. How is a Cladogram different from a dichotomous key? Hint: Describe what it is and what it is based on. • A cladogram is a more detailed diagram that depicts evolutionary relationships among groups. It is based on PHYLOGENY, which is the study of evolutionary relationships. Sometimes a cladogram is called a phylogenetic or branching tree (though technically, there are differences between the two).

  39. LET’S PRACTICE Name_____________________Date_________Period___ DICHOTOMOUS KEY vs CLADOGRAM INTRO BUTTONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. INSECTS 1. ______ Wings2. ______ 6 Legs3. ______ Segmented Body4. ______ Double set of wings5. ______ Cerci (abdomenal appendages)6. ______ Crushing mouthparts7. ______ Legs8. ______ Curly Antennae

  40. INTRO: DICHOTOMOUS KEY PRACTICE BUTTONS Use the Dichotomous Key on the right to identify the 10 buttons Two Holes Four Holes Four Holes Two Holes Four Holes Two Holes


  42. Interpreting a Cladogram: 1

  43. Interpreting a Cladogram: 2

  44. LET’S PRACTICE Name_____________________Date_________Period___ DICHOTOMOUS KEY vs CLADOGRAM INTRO BUTTONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. INSECTS 1. ______ Wings2. ______ 6 Legs3. ______ Segmented Body4. ______ Double set of wings5. ______ Cerci (abdomenal appendages)6. ______ Crushing mouthparts7. ______ Legs8. ______ Curly Antennae

  45. INTRO: Cladogram Practice1. List the 8 characteristics below.2. Analyze the Cladogram.3. Identify the characteristic that should be represented at each letter. INSECTS 1. ______ Wings2. ______ 6 Legs3. ______ Segmented Body4. ______ Double set of wings5. ______ Cerci (abdomenal appendages)6. ______ Crushing mouthparts7. ______ Legs8. ______ Curly Antennae

  46. Answers! INSECTS • 1. _F_ Wings2. _C_ 6 Legs3. _A_ Segmented Body4. _G_ Double set of wings5. _E_ Cerci (abdominal appendages)6. _D_ Crushing mouthparts7. _B_ Legs8. _H__ Curly Antennae

  47. MORE PRACTICE: DICHOTOMOUS KEY MANIPULATIVES Dichotomous Key Practice: Classification Duration 15mins. M=At your seats V=Voice Level 1 P= Create the table below on ISN Pg. 47 Then work with an elbow partner to identify the scientific names of each organism and record your answers on the table. • Manipulatives • 1. Separate the organism • picture from the • organism names. • Place organism pictures in numerical order • Use the Dichotomous Key to match the correct scientific name to the organism

  48. Alienus quadiegicus Alienus hairicus Alienus tritoothicus Alienus stripicus Alienus blobicus Alienus fuzzicus 1. 2. 4. 3. 6. 5. 7. 8.

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