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Cell Phones in the Classroom

The Ubiquitous Tool. Cell Phones in the Classroom. Source: Liz Kold , “Toys to Tools” Webinar. 1. The ubiquitous use and ownership of cell phones by youth. Why cell phones in learning?. 71% of US households have Internet access 82% of US citizens own a cell phone

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Cell Phones in the Classroom

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  1. The Ubiquitous Tool Cell Phones in the Classroom Source: Liz Kold, “Toys to Tools” Webinar

  2. 1. The ubiquitous use and ownership of cell phones by youth Why cell phones in learning?

  3. 71% of US households have Internet access 82% of US citizens own a cell phone 91% of 11th graders (girls) in US have a cell phone 78% 11th graders (boys) in US have a cell phone Higher % of kids have access to cell phones than the Internet….

  4. ?? % of FessBow 7-12 graders have a cell phone www.Wiffiti.com – online “graffiti board” • Uses: • Brainstorming • Check for understanding • And….

  5. What is the average age in US to receive a cell phone? • You can also vote on the web • (basic plan = 30 responses/question) Polleverywhere… Source: Liz Kolb “Cell Phones in Education” ISTE presentation

  6. 2. Welcome to the world of the “Free Agent Learner” - “Tomorrow Group” Why cell phones in learning? • AnyTIME • AnyWHERE • Any PLACE • Any PACE • Relevant • Collaborative Do this with the technology of THEIR generation

  7. # of student that have cell phones Students view their phones as a network to the world Relevant to the real world Anytime, anywhere, any place, and any pace CHA CHA (1-800-224-2242 or TEXT 242242)

  8. 3. 21st Century Professional World • 23% of adv. Technology students do not feel that school are preparing them for the work force • Why: do not gain digital knowledge • 88% of the general public believe that kids are not equipped to compete in the 21st Century job market (feel schools are not focused on new literacy) Source: Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2007 Why cell phones in learning?

  9. ….which means every single thing they do on the cell phone can be traced backed to them. So if they post something on the Internet, from their cell phone, it can be traced back to them. Cell phone are a public entity

  10. “The Tale of Genji” - best selling novel created on a cell phone into www.textnovel.com

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