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Resource Mobilization (R.M.)

CARIMA Annual Conference and Training Workshop on: Enhancing Capacity for Grant Writing and Project/Research Management. Resource Mobilization (R.M.). MOSINGE Emmanuel EKOVI University of Buea. Outline. - Introduction -Definition -Why Mobilize Resources -Concepts

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Resource Mobilization (R.M.)

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  1. CARIMA Annual Conference and Training Workshop on: Enhancing Capacity for Grant Writing and Project/Research Management

    ResourceMobilization (R.M.)

    MOSINGE Emmanuel EKOVI University of Buea
  2. Outline -Introduction -Definition -Why Mobilize Resources -Concepts -What Donors/Partners Look For -Types of Donors -Strategies - R.M as a Team Effort -Conclusion Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  3. Introduction The environment in which resources are mobilized is increasingly competitive, giving rise to numerous development actors. This coupled with a scarcity of resources resulting from the recent global economic crisis. -R.M has become a more challenging exercise, demanding a mix of knowledge and skills. -R.M has come to replace the more traditional and narrow term ‘fundraising’ where “resource” refers not only to funds, but also to human resources, goods and services. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  4. - R.M therefore stresses the ability of an organization to 1 acquire resources; 2 mobilize people towards accomplishing the goals of the organization. - Technically, it merely means mobilizing or raising resources - For an organization, resources can include many different things, not just money. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  5. Apart of money, you can also raise; support from volunteers you can receive material donations (goods/products, assets, equipment) you can get in-kind contribution from your own community Technical assistance Secondary staff Sponsorships Joint promotions/cause related marketing Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  6. There are different types of support for your organization e.g. organizing fundraising events where you invite guests and request donations for your organization, and submitting proposals to a typical donor agency which is the most conventional way of getting support. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  7. Cash + all sources of support are collectively referred to as Resource Mobilization R.M. refers to systematic financing strategies to generate resources aimed at supporting or paying for the goods and services used in the production and delivery of project goals to the community. R.M should be considered a core institutional function, rather than just a string of ad-hoc activities. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  8. Definition R.M. may be defined as follows: -A strategic management process that involves identifying people who share the same values (what the organization believes in) as your organization, and taking steps to manage that relationship. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  9. Why Mobilize Resources -Funding from aid agencies has become less reliable due to shifting donor trends and preferences. -Research and development organizations need to establish financial sustainability (to ensure survival) -Organizations learn to diversify funding sources due to declining funding from the international donor community -Researchers need to improve their partnering and management practices -There is need to adapt to changing donor trends, and the willingness to explore alternative sources of funding. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  10. -There is need to wean away from once-reliable source, and learn how to cast a wide net to draw in a bigger variety of donors. -For protection against often changing donor trends -Increased competition for scarce grant resources, there is need to look for other sources to help manage the programs of the organization Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  11. 4. Concepts -From the definition, R.M. is actually a process that involves 3 integrated concepts or elements; each guided by a number of principles. a) Organizational management and development b) Communication and Prospection c) Relationship building Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  12. Organizational Management and Development -Involves establishing and strengthening organizations for the R.M. process -Involves identifying the organization’s vision, mission, and goals -Putting in place internal systems and processes that enable the R.M. efforts such as identifying the roles of board and staff; effectively and efficiently managing human, material, and financial resources; creating and implementing a strategic plan that addresses the proper stewardship and use of existing funds on the one hand, and identifies and seeks out diversified sources of future funding on the other. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  13. This concept has 5 principles: *R.M. is just a means to the end, the end being the fulfillment of the organization’s vision *R.M. is a team effort, and involves the institution’s commitment to resource mobilization; acceptance for the need to raise resources; and institutionalizing resource mobilization priorities, policies and budget allocation. *The responsibility of the R.M effort is shared by the board, the President or Executive Director, and the R.M Unit. *An organization needs money in order to raise money *There are no quick fixes in R.M. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  14. Communication and Prospection R.M is an art that entails: -learning how to connect with prospective donors in a manner and language they understand, and finding common ground through shared values and interests. -Discerning the right prospect to approach, and matching the appropriate R.M strategy to the prospect. Once an organization has achieved a certain readiness for R.M, it must then take on another challenge: ensuring its long-term sustainability by acquiring new donors and maintaining a sizeable R.M base. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  15. This concept has 2 principles * R.M is really FRIEND raising. Financial support comes as a result of a relationship, and not as the goal in and of itself. *People don’t give money to causes, they give to PEOPLE with causes. People give to organizations to which hey have personal affiliation, in some shape or form. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  16. Relationship Building Once you identify your donors, the objective then is to get close to them, get to know them better, very much the same way as developing a casual acquaintance into a trusted friend and confidante. -As the relationship deepens, this increases the chance of donors giving higher levels of support over time, intensifying commitment and enlarging investment. -As cultivation techniques become more targeted and personal, a donor may become more involved in the organization. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  17. -Initiating new relationships, nurturing existing ones and building an ever-expanding network of committed partners is an on going activity, embedded as a core function of the organization. This requires the dedication of board members, staff and volunteers. -This concept has 2 principles: *Donor cultivation means bringing the prospect to a close relationship with the organization, increasing interest and involvement. *start at the bottom of the R.M pyramid to get to the top Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  18. What Donors /Partners Look For -An organization needs 3 major characteristics in order to attract support: Legitimacy: *An organization is considered as legitimate if established according to their country’s civil laws and traditions. She must have achieved some level of compliance with government standards. Transparency *Open communication with internal and external stakeholders regarding organization’s financial and management health. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  19. *Disclosure of information about the organization’s programs, activities, and financial transactions and investments to stakeholders. *It assures donors/partners of an organization’s trustworthiness. Accountability *Proper management of resources, guided by sound management and financial principles *Ability to report back to donors regarding the use of donated funds Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  20. 6. Types of Donors -Individual donor e.g. a family member -Corporate/private donor e.g. MTN, Shell, Coca Cola -Multilateral/UN agencies e.g. UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, FAO -Foundations e.g. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Toyota Foundation, The Ford Foundation -Families e.g. Clinton husband, wife and children -Church Agencies -Government agencies e.g. CIDA (Canada), SIDA (Sweden), USAID JICA (Japan), GIZ (Germany) -Trusts -Service and membership Clubs (Rotary Clubs) Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  21. 7. Strategies -Before an organization chooses a strategy or technique to raise resources, it must consider the following 4 elements: *Communicate its vision and mission effectively to external and internal stakeholders *Know who to approach for financial support (donor identification) *Communicate why your organization should be supported *Use communication materials to convey key messages of the organization like brochures, websites, annual reports, press releases, newsletters, posters etc. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  22. Ways in which resources come in (R.M strategies or vehicle)
  23. 1. Grants -A financial donation given to a person, organization, project or program. -The funds are restricted because the receiver of the funds (grantee) is not expected to return the money received, but is expected to use the resources in the manner which the donor had intended. -The funds are project-based, time-bound, short-to-medium term funding -Usually given by governments, Foundations, multilateral agencies, associations and bilateral agreements -Some grants are solicited: a grant making institution may issue a ‘Call for Proposals” for the implementation of a specific project or program. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  24. 2. Special Events -Public occasion to achieve one or more of the following objectives: raise money; make the organization’s cause known; enhance group’s cohesiveness; and offer something for the spirit. -Examples: Art/music festivals; auctions; bazaars; fashion shows; gala dinners; musical concerts; plays; conferences; exhibitions; trade fairs; book launches, raffles; sports tournaments; marathons etc. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  25. 3. Direct Mail (R.M letter) -A cost-efficient means of communicating the organization’s program -Examples: Funding appeals, membership renewals, and special appeals. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  26. 4. Earned Income -Monies received by a non-profit entity for the sale of products or services rendered. -Unrestricted, short-to-long term funding, for-profit operation, needing different management skills -Income received from interest generated by endowments and other investments e.g. *Income from merchandise: sale of products (publications, ticket sales, stationery, arts & crafts, clothing, mugs, key chains, desk accessories, food products) *Income from professional services: fees (transfer or exchange of information, training workshops/programs, consultancy engagements, technical assistance, legal assistance, performances of art groups, hosting of conferences, forums, discussions, micro-credit and learning programs) Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  27. Earned Income (cont’d) *Income from Endowments (interest income generated from investments: time deposits, stock dividends and sale of shares of stock). -Monies received by a non-profit entity for the sale of products or services rendered. -Unrestricted, short-to-long term funding, for-profit operation, needing different management skills -Income received from interest generated by endowments and other investments e.g. *Income from merchandise: sale of products (publications, ticket sales, stationery, arts & crafts, clothing, mugs, key chains, desk accessories, food products) Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  28. Earned Income (cont’d) *Income from professional services: fees (transfer or exchange of information, training workshops/programs, consultancy engagements, technical assistance, legal assistance, performances of art groups, hosting of conferences, forums, discussions, micro-credit and learning programs). *Income from Endowments (interest income generated from investments: time deposits, stock dividends and sale of shares of stock). Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  29. 5. Major Gifts -Donations given to an organization which are significantly higher than its average recorded gift. They take time to mature and may be given as a one-off donation or a periodic regular gift. -May be given by individuals, corporations, informal groups of people with common interests or foundations -They are unrestricted, unlike grants which are restricted. -They are medium-to-long term funding -May come in the form of cash, capital (land, building, vehicle), in-kind donation (e.g. legal services from a law firm or group, audit services from an accounting firm) Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  30. 6. Capital Campaign -It is a carefully organized, highly structured campaign for specific needs e.g. an endowment fund - Raising funds for the construction of tangible assets e.g. buildings and equipment -Raising resources by drawing interest earnings from investments to fund future operations e.g. endowments Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  31. 7. Other innovative resource acquisition strategies -Direct response marketing -Cause-related marketing -Employee Giving -E-mail/Internet R.M -Diaspora R.M: Remittances or donations to fund development projects given by expatriates or immigrants to their “native” countries. People who have left their counties permanently can be asked to donate or raise money overseas for a local organization. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  32. 8. R.M as a Team Effort -R.M is a team effort. Everyone in an organization has a role to play in the process. -In order for R.M to be successful, it needs the leadership of the Executive Director, the involvement of the R.M officer and staff, the commitment of the Board, and the mobilization of the volunteers. -The Accounting & Finance Departments: Have the tasks of listing down monies that have come in and issuing the requisite receipts. -The Administrative Officer: may be in contact with suppliers who may be able to give donations to the organization. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  33. -The Program Officer: may meet funding agencies and corporate representatives. -For an organization to achieve its R.M. goal, there is need for: 1. The establishment of institutional R.M priorities and policies. 2. The allocation of resources to support the human resources. 3. The putting in place of systems and structures. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  34. R.M. Team
  35. 1. The Executive Director: It is composed of: He is the captain who directs and encourages all team members to do their part. He is the lead person in meeting with major donors and funding organizations Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  36. 2. The R.M Officer: He leads the R.M. team. Having this position in an organization is an indication that the organization is committed to institutionalizing its R.M. function. His tasks include planning for R.M, managing the R.M process, reviewing donor’s histories, reflecting ideas and vision of board members, assisting in major gif solicitation, leading staff and volunteers, serving as contacts, suggesting prospects, and developing strategies. -The team may be composed of staff dedicated to R.M functions, members of the organization, volunteers, and other involved persons. The duties of the team include: Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  37. The duties of the team include: 1. Doing the actual asking or not. 2. provide technical support 3. Managing a direct mail campaign 4. sending donor recognition materials 5. preparing presentation kits to be used by board members when meeting with prospective donors. 6. Other tasks that lay the groundwork for donor communication. 7. Manages or oversees the donor management process, moving in tandem with the Executive Director, the Board, and other staff not directly involved in raising funds. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  38. 3. The Board: A mature Board is one that actively participates in policy formulation, strategic planning and resource generation. It focuses on the organization’s long term sustainability issues, not on daily management issues, and truly leads the organization toward the fulfillment of its vision. The Board members are usually the champions of the R.M function, as most of those individuals have acquired a certain status in society and have a wide network of friends and partners who may be willing to support your organization. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  39. 9. Conclusion -R.M is a strategic process that varies from one institution to another. -Each institution can identify and adopt an approach or a strategy (the best course of action) friendly to its environment. -Use a combination of approaches for R.M (shift from dependence on grants and develop a healthy mix of funding sources (individual donors, corporations, and groups) -A healthy mix of R.M strategies moves you away from risky over-dependence on one or two funding sources. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
  40. -While the tendency to pursue grants still prevail, more organizations are realizing the need to broaden their base of support beyond the usual sources of funds. -Organizations need to look for ways to raise funds and not just be dependent on funds provided by donors or funding institutions. -Whatever the approach used in R.M, the following are key: team work; managerial commitment and support; multi skilled members; policies; and structures and systems. Central African Research and Innovation Management Association
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