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CHAPTER 40 AN INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. Epithelial Tissue Simple-one cell thick Stratified-two or more cells thick cells may look different from one level to next. Slide 1 Simple Squamous Epithelium

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  2. Epithelial Tissue Simple-one cell thick Stratified-two or more cells thick cells may look different from one level to next

  3. Slide 1 Simple Squamous Epithelium Fig.1&2 Endothelium lining of blood vessel and heart ventricle Fig. 3&4 Mesotheliumvisceral peritoneumMicrovilli on 4 hold mucus to produce a slick frictionless surface Fig. 5&6 Loops of Henle

  4. Simple Squamous Epithelium

  5. Slide 2 Stratified Squamous Epithelium Fig.1 & 2 Hard Palate Fig. 3 & 4 folded mucosa surface of vagina Fig. 5 epidermis of skin

  6. Stratified Squamous Epithelium1=epidermis 2=dermis 1 2

  7. Slide 3 Simple Cuboidal-lining of proximal tubule; collecting ductsStratified Cuboidal-lining of brain ventricle; cs. of a seminiferous tubuleTransitional Cuboidal-Urinary Bladder

  8. Simple Cuboidal Transitional Cuboidal

  9. Simple cuboidal

  10. Slide 4 Simple Columnar Epithelium Fig 1&2 Oviduct w/ microvilli Fig 3&4 Lining of gallbladder Fig 5&6 Lining of intestine GC-goblet cell

  11. Simple columnar

  12. Pseudostratified columnar

  13. Ciliated columnar

  14. Slide 8 Loose Areolar Connective Tissue Fig 1 Adventitia of trachea Fig 2 Lamina propria Fig 3 Tubular intestinal gland Fig 4 Fibroblasts Fig 5&6 Lymph node with reticular fibers

  15. Adipose Tissue

  16. Adipose Tissue

  17. Slide 11 Dense Connective Tissue Fig 1 Dense irregular dermis of skin Fig 2&3 Dense regular tendons and ligaments

  18. Slide 33 TA-Elastic Fibers Blood Vessel Lu-lumen or interior of any tube EC-endothelium cells

  19. Loose connective tissue

  20. Fibrous Connective Tissue

  21. Cartilage

  22. Cartilage Mitosis

  23. Bone formation from cartilage Growth plate

  24. Compact Bone osteons

  25. Three kinds of muscle

  26. Skeletal (striated) muscle-voluntary multinucleated formed by fusion of several cells during embryonic development Single muscle fiber or cell

  27. Muscle fiber is a cell with many nuclei and several myofibrils

  28. Smooth Muscle Skeletal Muscle-spindle-shaped multinucleated formed by mononucleate involuntary fusion of several cells during embryonic development

  29. Smooth muscle

  30. Cardiac Muscle -cells are striated and branched with intercalated disks(desmosomes) tying the cells together

  31. Cardiac Muscle -cells are striated and branched with intercalated disks tying the cells together

  32. Slide 67 Nerve Fibers Myelin sheath produced by Schwann cells

  33. Processes Cell body Nucleus

  34. Stomach Low power

  35. Stomach High power

  36. Evolutionary convergence of fusiform shapes

  37. Contact with environment

  38. Internal exchanges surfaces Interstitial fluid-the liquid between the cells; exchanges nutrients and wastes with the blood in the capillaries and the cytoplasm in the cells

  39. Small intestine- maximized surface area

  40. Minimum distance from air to blood

  41. Negative FeedbackControl of room temperature

  42. Negative FeedbackControl of body temperature

  43. Ingestion  Digestion (mechanical and chemical) Absorption Elimination Basal Metabolic Rate-an endothermic animal’s Calorie need under complete rest Men= body wt. X 11 Women= body wt. X 10 Daily Calorie need For a sessile student= BMR X 1.6 30 min. exercise /day=BMR X 1.7 60 min. exercise /day=BMR X 1.8 90 min. exercise /day=BMR X 1.9 120 min. exercise /day=BMR X 2.0

  44. Crab lab-calorimeter

  45. Maximum metabolic rates over different time spans

  46. Total annual energy expenditures

  47. Endotherms-surface to volume ratio Ectotherms have a major advantage on energy usage but cannot always be active in temperate regions

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