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Christendom and the Church

Christendom and the Church. Medieval Society during the Gregorian Reform. Christian Society. Christendom "body of Christ" "confraternity" "three orders"; "estates" "body politic" "corporation" gild (guild)

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Christendom and the Church

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  1. Christendom and the Church Medieval Society during the Gregorian Reform

  2. Christian Society • Christendom • "body of Christ" • "confraternity" • "three orders"; "estates" • "body politic" • "corporation" • gild (guild) • How did medieval people conceive of society as a hierarchical order in which each group had its own rights and liberties? • What were some of the economic consequences of the population growth of the High Middle Ages?

  3. Christians and Non-Christians • Pope Urban II, Crusades • reconquista • Convivencia • Albigensians; Albigensian Crusade • Inquisition • Why did the Crusaders achieve success so easily in the First Crusade?

  4. Hardening of Boundaries • What were some of the consequences of the increase in Christian fervor during the High Middle Ages? • What were some of the measures taken against Jews during this time? • What changes occurred in the status of women? Of homosexuals?

  5. Question to Ponder • To what extent is it "Christian" behavior to slaughter Muslims and Jews? What are historians able to say about this question?

  6. Gregorian Reform • simony • lay investiture • Pope Gregory VII • Emperor Henry IV • Concordat of Worms • What was the outcome of the Gregorian Reform? What were some of its implications? • Why were clergy expected to remain celibate? How well was this rule enforced? • In what ways did the clergy gain prestige in the High Middle Ages?

  7. Francis of Assissi, Franciscans

  8. Questions on Gregory VII, Henry IV, and the German Bishops, Documents • To what extent can the Gregorian reform be called a conflict between two contrasting views of authority? • From what source does Gregory claim his authority, and over what does he claim it? • From what source does Henry claim his, and over what? • Is this a theocratic society? Explain your answer. • What event sparked these letters? Why was it important to each party? • What were the implications of the Gregorian reform for the authority of the papacy over the church? Had the papacy even had clear, effective authority over the church in the eleventh century? • On the basis of these letteres, on what sources of authority other than God did people rely in the eleventh century? To whom or what did Gregory and his opponents turn in support of their positions?

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