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Netwerkbijeenkomst Groene Chemie 1 november 2011

Netwerkbijeenkomst Groene Chemie 1 november 2011. Luuk van der Wielen BE-Basic / TUD / UTM. Biorenewables: economic sectors, climate, biodiversity, income. structured around integral biomass value / sustainability. biodiversity geophysics land (use) fertiliser water labour others.

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Netwerkbijeenkomst Groene Chemie 1 november 2011

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  1. Netwerkbijeenkomst Groene Chemie 1 november 2011 Luuk van der Wielen BE-Basic / TUD / UTM

  2. Biorenewables: economic sectors, climate, biodiversity, income structured around integral biomass value / sustainability biodiversity geophysics land (use) fertiliser water labour others soil/water/air quality & nutrient/carbon recycles nutrients CO2 energy fuels (s,l,g) chemicals materials food/feed agro/forestry harvest logistics & biorefining conversion & purification socio-economics,sustainability,training,comm 1. Bio-energy as key ingredient of optimised (economic/climate/..) portfolio → Techno/societal roadmap & macro-econ impact 2. Need to connect players along value chain

  3. Technology roadmap and (direct) economic impact target €20 bn/yr (incl indirect: 4-5% GDP) € 7 bn/yr Internat HighTech Chem’s & materials 56 (25 %) - CO2e Mton/yr 200 2030 added value €/ton € 2-3 bn/yr 30 2020 National LowTech EU & energy focus todays technology 100 8 (4 %) €2-3 bn/yr €1-2 bn/yr 2030 0 2010 0 biomass (eq) Mton/yr domestic production 50 100 0

  4. cellulosics 50 -100 lignin protein nutrients S&T for higher added value portfolio ton biomass* added € /ton biomass (eq)* materials chemicals fuels power heat feed/food fertiliser services science & techn. fields agro-forestry (A&F) biorefinery (C,E) thermal conversion (E) chem/cat conversion (C,E) indus/env. biotech (C,E,A) process eng. (C,E) feed/food (A, E) chem’s/materials (C, E) fuel efficiency (E,M) power & heat (E) socio-econ./ecologics** (all) 100 - 250 250 - 1000 100 - 250 X by 50 -100 100 - 250 5 - 20 + ?? now € 130-180 mio/yr (50+% gov, 25 % private) * eq: domestic, imports, derivatives

  5. Biobased Cross-sector Fuels & Energy (incl power & heat) Energy Thermo- ChemCat* CatchBio, EOS, ISPT, ECN, TNO Chemistry Chemicals & Materials* DPI, BPM Biorefinery* WUR-A&F/ECN Dutch Biorefinery Cluster, ISPT Resource Plant & Agrotech AlgaeTech “Solar Biofuels” Indus. & Env. Biotechnology* (incl socio-economic) BE-Basic, Kluyver BPF, W2R TIFN-Ferm Food, Feed, Nutrition Δ FND, CCC TIFN-Food, Agro-Food /Tuinbouw

  6. Innovatietafels chemie TKI Proces- Technologie 1) Specifiek fundamenteel R&D 1) Jongsma /Schouten Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Valorisatie / Implementatie TKI Materialen 1) Joosten /Brouwer Lommerts /Brouwer (MKB) TKI Biobased Economie 1) BBE Andere topsectoren Hartvelt /V.d. Wielen BBE Coördinatieteam TKI TASC Hartvelt De Winde Weckhuysen /Schouten/De Winde 27 okt. 2011

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