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ENOVIA SmarTeam Data Loading Strategies

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ENOVIA SmarTeam Data Loading Strategies

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    1. ENOVIA SmarTeam Data Loading Strategies Marc Young, CEO xLM Solutions, LLC

    2. Strategies to ease the migration pain…

    4. Data Analysis

    5. Analysis: Data Clean-Up

    6. Analysis: Data Clean-Up

    7. Analysis: Process Reviews and Updates An opportunity to review business processes Opportunity to evaluate and update user experiences Important: new changes to the underlying data model must be verified with the migration processes

    8. Analysis: Data Formats

    9. Analysis: Determine the Data Loading Rules

    10. Analysis: Effort and Cost Estimations

    12. Overview SmarTeam Bulk Loading Tool Load CAD File data that SmarTeam has integration for CATIA, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, AutoCAD Highlight a set of files that should be loaded into SmarTeam The bulk loader will open each file in the CAD application one at time and perform a SmarTeam Save Recommended way to bulk load standard parts

    13. Setup for SmarTeam Bulk Loading Tool CAD Integration should be configured Associated CAD File Type to SmarTeam Class Map CAD Attributes to SmarTeam field Sequence needs to be assigned to the primary Id Batch Mode Save Option should be turned on Otherwise, you will have to hit okay for each file to be loaded. Default Class to be specified

    14. Issues with SmarTeam Bulk Loading Tool Speed – an open and save performed on all files being loaded CAD data integrity – If links are bad/missing in the CAD data: the files will not be saved may require user intervention per occurrence Attribute data needs to exist in CAD properties* No log created for data load* Difficult if CAD data is to be associated with more than one class* An Engineering Part, Manufacturing Part, Standard Part All data is linked to only one project* May require copying CAD to data from various directories to one directory Does not handle loading of multiple revisions *Avoidable with scripting

    15. Overview of SmarTeam Import Tool Out of the box tool provided by SmarTeam to load meta data The ability to pick a class to load data Leaf Classes Link Classes i.e. Document Project Links The ability to map data from: Database – SmarTeam DB or non SmarTeam DB Text File – Delimited or Fixed Width Default Value – Defined in SmarTeam Default Value – Specific for the data load Populate field by a Sequence Log created for data that is imported Import Tool can run in an Add or Update mode

    16. Issues with SmarTeam Import Tool Limited to 32,000 records per load Greater than 32,000, data needs to be split and multiple loads conducted Tool can be “buggy” Crashing from time to time Data Mappings may get lost Tool is manual For each class to be imported mappings should be configured Can be tedious to do for many classes Tool does not handle certain condition (with out Scripting) Loading multiple revisions and specifying the latest revision Loading data to internal SmarTeam fields or Reference to Class fields

    17. Overview Custom Scripts / Programs Best suited for larger data migrations Almost any type of data loading rule can be created Determine what class to load the data Modify data to be loaded based on data in the system Re-formatted before going into SmarTeam Need to create or build link relationships in the system Various complex Data load scenarios will be conducted Need custom logging an error handling

    18. Custom Script Data Loading - Simple Example Data exists in a legacy Folder File Name contains meta data attributes such as ID_Descritpion_Rev .doc files will go into an Engineering folder .xls files will go into an Manufacturing folder Project will need to be specified Maintain latest revison

    19. SmarTeam Custom Script Tool Example

    20. Combination Bulk Load and Custom script / Import Utility Bulk Load CAD data into SmarTeam Hook scripts to the SmarTeam “Before Add” Event to retrieve information i.e. from the file name to update fields on the Profile Cards Write custom code that will query the database based on the file name Update information from another source where the file name is used to link the file data /object already in SmarTeam and the other external source for data

    22. Execution: Testing the Migration Process Test the migration process!!! Mitigate all discovered issues

    24. Execution: Pre-Data Load Planning When will the legacy system be turned off? How long will it take to load the data? Will the data loading occur during non-business hours? Specify the data load process: What are the required pre-data loading activities/events? e.g., legacy data clean-up Document the data load sequence Populate the lookup tables Import users before documents Import projects and documents, followed by the associated links Create references to class data Identify personnel responsible for the various parts of the data load process

    25. Execution: Final Data Load With proper planning and testing, the final data load process “should” go smoothly Advices: Follow the documented procedures Allocate buffer time for unexpected issues Prepare to support users in the new system

    26. Thank You!

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