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Word of the Day

Synonym. Word of the Day. Plebeian. An ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman Republic. Sentence. Picture. Commoner Laborer. Word of the Day. Plebeian. An ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman Republic.

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Word of the Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Synonym Word of the Day Plebeian An ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman Republic. Sentence Picture

  2. Commoner Laborer Word of the Day Plebeian An ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman Republic. The plebeians were the majority of Rome's citizens but had little political power compared to the wealthy patricians.


  4. Ancient Roman Republic(Senate)United States Democracy(Senate)

  5. KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT • 1. The _________ branch of our government makes the laws. • Legislative • 2. The _________ branch of our government enforces the laws. • Executive • 3. The Senators serve for _______ years and Congress serve for _______ years. • 6 & 4 • 4. There are ___________ Senators. • 100

  6. KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT • 5. The ________ is elected by eligible U.S. citizens who vote and by the Electoral College. • President • 6. _______ and ______ are elected by voters in their own state. • Senators and Congressman • 7. _______ study laws to see if they are correct according to the Constitution. • Justices • 8. Justices are appointed not elected to serve for _________. • Life.

  7. Warm Up: Sentence Correction • A imbalance betwen rich and poor is the old and most deadly ill of all republic • An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most deadly illness of all republics. – Plutarch (Ancient Greek philosopher)

  8. Imagine If… • The year is 1787. • You’re invited to Philadelphia PA for the Continental Congress meeting to discuss what this new United States will look like. • The United States has just broken away from the British Empire under King George and are ready to set up their own form of government. • You walk up to the building.


  10. You Enter The Room…

  11. Imagine If… • Thousands of people have just died in this war and you don’t want their deaths to be for nothing. • A man named John Adams will speak before you. • You will need to share your ideas about this new democratic republic that may soon be created. • You know one past democratic republic was in ancient Rome. So you will need to share what ideas you like from Rome and what ideas you don’t like.

  12. Imagine if… • “I see a new nation ready to take its place in the world. Not an empire but a republic! And a republic of laws not men.” • What does this republic look like to you?

  13. Elements to your persuasive speech. • Introductory Paragraph- Who are you talking to? What are you going to be talking about? Why is this important? Catch the readers attention! • Body Paragraph 1- What parts of Roman government would you like to include into the United States government? Why are these important to add? What might life be like if these things are not added? • Body Paragraph 2- What parts of Roman government would you not want to include? Why would these things not be helpful? What would life be like if these things were included? • Conclusion Paragraph- Restate the importance of your ideas. REMEMBER this is the Rule of Law for your country. Remind the reader how bad life would be if your ideas were not taken seriously.

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