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Central AME Association 2019

This training module covers Canadian aviation regulation training requirements, curriculum development, delivery material development, examination development, personnel records, external training providers, and training manuals.

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Central AME Association 2019

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  1. Central AME Association 2019 Developing An In House Training Program Rev: February 2019

  2. Amendment Status

  3. Learning Outcomes Learning Objectives This training module encompasses the following learning objectives: • Canadian Aviation Regulation training requirements • Curriculum development • Delivery material development • Examination development • Personnel records • External training providers • Training manuals Rev: February 2019

  4. Purpose Of An In House Training Program • To comply with the Canadian Aviation Regulations • To comply with other external regulating body requirements • To develop a team of competent staff • To develop a safe workplace and operation for employees and customers Rev: February 2019

  5. Transport Canada Training Requirements CAR 573.06 Training Program (1) Pursuant to subsection 573.06(1) of the CARs, an AMO certificate holder shall ensure that all staff with technical responsibilities are provided appropriate training in technical, regulatory and human factors issues related to the work for which they are responsible. Rev: February 2019

  6. Transport Canada Training Requirements CAR 573.06 Training Program (2)The training program shall include: • Initial Training to ensure that persons taking on new responsibilities are aware of their technical, administrative, and regulatory responsibilities; • Update Training to ensure that personnel remain competent and are made aware of any change to their area of responsibility; Rev: February 2019

  7. Transport Canada Training Requirements CAR 573.06 Training Program (2)The training program shall include: • Additional Training where it is shown to be necessary by a finding made under the quality assurance program or required due to changes in the regulations, applicable standards, or company procedures; and • Proceduresto ensure staff are kept aware of maintenance safety related issues in general, by means of bulletin boards, information notices, company publications, verbal briefings, or by similar means. Rev: February 2019

  8. Transport Canada Training Requirements 573.06 (4) The AMO certificate holder shall ensure that sufficient examinations or practical evaluations are administered to determine whether students have achieved the learning objectives of the training provided. Rev: February 2019

  9. Elements of a Training Program Lesson Plan There are three main elements of a training program that make a Lesson Plan: • Curriculum • Delivery Material • Evaluation Material The curriculum, delivery materials, including any instructor notes, handouts or videos and the evaluation material make a Lesson Plan Rev: February 2019

  10. Elements of a Training Program Lesson Plan The purpose of a Lesson Plan is to ensure the delivery of the training content is the same when delivered by different instructors or at different times Rev: February 2019

  11. Curriculum Development Developing An In House Training Program Rev: February 2019

  12. Curriculum Development Curriculum • Is an outline of a course that provides guidance used to develop the content of the delivery material and the examinations. (ensures consistency) • Identifies the Key Topics and Sub-Topics to be delivered • Defines the level of understanding of the topic the student should be able to comprehend. (low level of knowledge or high level of knowledge) Rev: February 2019

  13. Curriculum Development Course: Contemporary Crew Resource Management Key Topics: • Threat and Error Management • Communications • Situational Awareness • Pressure and Stress Rev: February 2019

  14. Curriculum Development Contemporary Crew Resource Management (course) • Threat and Error Management (key topic) 1.1 Define Threat and Error Management (sub-topic) 1.2 Explain the types of threats (sub-topic) • External threats • Internal threats 1.3 Identify who TEM applies to (sub-topic) • Flight crew • Ground crew • Maintenance Rev: February 2019

  15. Curriculum Development Contemporary Crew Resource Management (course) 2. Communications (key topic) 2.1 Describe the importance of clear communications (sub-topic) 2.2 Describe influences on communication (sub-topic) • Rank • Age • Gender • Culture 2.3 Explain conflict resolution techniques (sub-topic) • Resolving disagreements • Maintaining open communication Rev: February 2019

  16. Curriculum Development Blooms Taxonomy • Is a classification system used to define and distinguish different levels of human cognition—i.e., thinking, learning, and understanding. • Is the use of different verbs in a curriculum to determine the level of understanding or detail required in the development and delivery of the topic Rev: February 2019

  17. Curriculum Development Rev: February 2019

  18. Curriculum Development Rev: February 2019

  19. Curriculum Development • When developing a curriculum each sub-topic will contain a verb and the verb used will determine the level of understanding expected as a learning outcome • Learning Outcomesidentify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or program Rev: February 2019

  20. Curriculum Development Rev: February 2019

  21. Table of Conformance Table of Conformance • A Table of Conformance is used to verify that all the curriculum Key Topics and Sub-Topics have been addressed in the training program • It is a quick method to audit a training course to ensure it is in compliance with a regulators requirements • For example AC 700-42 Contemporary Crew Resource Management “Appendix E” identifies specific Key Topics and Sub-Topics that must be included in the training program Rev: February 2019

  22. Table of Conformance Rev: February 2019

  23. Delivery Material Development Developing An In House Training Program Rev: February 2019

  24. Delivery Material Development Delivery Material: • Materials the instructor uses to teach a lesson. These include: • Instructor notes • Books • Handouts • Power point presentations • Objects/parts/tools for practical demonstration • Any other items the instructor uses Rev: February 2019

  25. Delivery Material Development • The course delivery material is developed from the curriculum Key Topics and Sub-Topics • Each Key Topic and Sub-Topic must be addressed to the Taxonomy level defined in the curriculum • The delivery material should contain a reference to the curriculum Sub-Topic • For Example if the curriculum Sub-Topic is 1.0.1 all delivery material relating to that Sub-Topic should be identified with a 1.0.1 designator 1.0.1 Rev: February 2019

  26. Delivery Material Development • During a audit this is a quick method to ensure delivery material has been developed for all curriculum Sub-Topics • The delivery material should also have an amendment system similar to the MPM or MCM and a method to identify the amendment status of each page or power point slide Rev: February 2019

  27. Delivery Material Development • It is important to have a QA procedure to ensure the training materials stay current with changes to manufacturers maintenance manuals/processes, company policies/procedures and convening authority regulations • When amending power points I describe the change in the “Click to add notes area” • Sometimes this is easier than the traditional side bar method Rev: February 2019

  28. Delivery Material Development Rev: February 2019

  29. Delivery Material Development Slide 60 Rev: February 2019

  30. Examination Development Developing An In House Training Program Rev: February 2019

  31. Examination Development Transport Canada Requirements 573.06 (4) The AMO certificate holder shall ensure that sufficient examinations or practical evaluations are administered to determine whether students have achieved the learning objectives of the training provided. Rev: February 2019

  32. Examination Development Examinations • The purpose of an examination is to determine if the learner has an acceptable understanding of the course Learning Outcomes • Examinations can be written examinations or practical examinations where the learner performs a function Rev: February 2019

  33. Examination Development Making a Written Examination • The content of the examination must be consistent with the content of the curriculum • There should be at least one examination question for each curriculum Sub-Topic. • Important Sub-Topics may have more questions. An examination may be “Weighted” to have more questions in a critical area • There should be no examination questions for material that was not covered during the delivery of the course Rev: February 2019

  34. Examination Development • Each question should contain a reference to the curriculum Sub-Topic • For Example if the curriculum Sub-Topic is 1.0.1 all questions relating to that Sub-Topic should be identified with a 1.0.1 designator • For auditing purposes this closes the loop from the curriculum to the delivery material to the examination question Rev: February 2019

  35. Examination Development SSub-Topic 1.0.1 Course Number 1.o Question Designator 1.0.1 Material Designator 1.0.1 Rev: February 2019

  36. Examination Development Designator Rev: February 2019

  37. Examination Development Making a Written Examination • There are different types of written examination questions • Essays • Long answer • Open ended/Short answer • Fill in the blank • True/False • Multiple choice • An examination may have a combination of any of these Rev: February 2019

  38. Examination Development Multiple Choice Questions • The advantages of multiple choice questions are: • The correct answer is one of the distractors • No grading bias • Quick to mark/ use of a bubble sheet • Easy to attach a percent mark for correct and incorrect answers • Easy to mark to 100% with the learner Rev: February 2019

  39. Examination Development • When developing a multiple choice question the question must relate to the content of the curriculum and what was delivered • The question must be clearly written and not intended to trick the learner. • The question is intended to test the learners knowledge of the subject not their ability to decipher trick questions Rev: February 2019

  40. Examination Development • Each question should have four distractors to choose from with only one being correct • It is not good practice to use the following as distractors • All of the above • None of the above • A and C or any other combination of distractors • This becomes important when using a Test Generating program with the ability to scramble the answers • All of the above may be moved to the top Rev: February 2019

  41. Examination Development Open Ended Questions • The advantage of an open ended question is it tests to a higher level of learning. The answer is not given. • A disadvantage is it can be difficult to write a question that will attract the specific answer you are looking for Rev: February 2019

  42. Examination Development For example a course on airfoil design, the learning outcome relates to airfoil shape. What creates lift? • The expected answer is the shape of the wing Another answer that could be argued as correct but does not relate to the learning outcome • The aircraft power plant providing forward motion Rev: February 2019

  43. Examination Development Columbus discovered America in_______________? • Expected answer 1492 • Other answers that could be argued as correct • A boat • October • Daylight Rev: February 2019

  44. Examination Development Question Vetting • Question vetting is an independent inspection of each question by a knowledgeable person not involved in the development of the question. • Acareful and critical examination of the question for: • Correctness of the question and answer • Clear wording of the question and multiple choice answers • Only one correct answer to the question • Not trick question • Question can only be interpreted the way it is meant to be • Spelling/typos Rev: February 2019

  45. Examination Development Rev: February 2019

  46. Examination Development Best Practices for Examination Passing Grades • CAR 573.06 for AMO’s and CAR 706.12 for Air Operators does not specify a passing standard for examinations • This would be stated in the MPM or MCM • CAR 566.10 for Approved Training Organizations clearly defines expected passing grades for written and practical examinations • CAR 566.10(2)(K) may be used as a best practices guideline for passing grades Rev: February 2019

  47. Examination Development CAR 566.10(2)(K) • (viii) examination methods intended to test the students theoretical knowledge are to be of the closed book variety, with a 70 percent or greater passing grade established for each major subject area; • examination methods intended to test the students skills or abilities are of a practical nature and are to be graded by a “pass” or “fail” method Note: Pass/Fail means there is no percentage grade. The learner is either competent or not competent at the skill Rev: February 2019

  48. Examination Development CAR 566.10(2)(K) • (v) post examination reviews are conducted and corrected to 100 percent; This is not required in CAR 573.06 or CAR 706.12 but is considered a best practice Correcting to 100% • Correcting to 100%, the instructor reviews each incorrect answer with the learner to ensure the learner understands the correct answer Rev: February 2019

  49. Examination Development Test Answer Forms • The test or test answer sheet should include the following information for proper record keeping: • Course or subject • Date • Learner name and signature • Grade received • Statement the test was corrected to 100% • Name and signature of person correcting to 100% Rev: February 2019

  50. Examination Development Rev: February 2019

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