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Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of Children who Report Improved Level of Well-being

Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of Children who Report Improved Level of Well-being. 31.4% of population in Armenia living below the poverty line compared to EU average being 4.2% Expert evaluation of quality and effectiveness of Child Protection System in Armenia is 1.98 out of 5

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Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of Children who Report Improved Level of Well-being

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  1. Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of Children who Report Improved Level of Well-being • 31.4% of population in Armenia living below the poverty line compared to EU average being 4.2% • Expert evaluation of quality and effectiveness of Child Protection System in Armenia is 1.98 out of 5 • In average 92% of households having children and living in WV Armenia programme areas are using coping mechanisms (sale of liquid or productive assets) to face with shocks affecting well being of their children • Children living in WVA programme area who report that their parents/caregivers show affection and value them – average 1.4 out of 3 which stands for: Children are valued, limited opportunity for children’s opinion, child work does not influence study and leisure • Children living in WVA programme area who are able to express future hopes and dreams – average 1.4 out of 3 which stands for: Have vague ideas and dreams about the future which are often not well articulated • Children living in WVA programme area who have a life project – average 1.6 out of 3 which stands for: Can see some value in planning ahead and to take have taken some steps to make these future plans a reality • Children living in WVA programme area who report being treated the same as other children in the household – average 2 out of 3 which stands for: Preference of boys/girls is rare • [

  2. Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of Children under 5 who are Protected from Disease and Infection • Immunization rate: 94.4% of girls and 90.6% of boys (DHS 2010) • Only 42% of households living in WV Armenia Programme areas have access to clean water • Under five mortality rate (per 1000 live births) - 12.1, more than 50% of which is preventable death • Public expenditures on Health Care in Armenia is 1.4% of GDP compared to average 7% in CIS countries and 8.8% in EU • 7.1% of child mortality causes in Armenia during 2007-2008 were respiratory diseases and diarrhea • 6 out of each 100 deliveries is at home

  3. Landscape Data onTarget:Increase % of Children under 5 who are Well Nourished • Average 23% prevalence of stunting rate among children under 5 living in WVA programme areas • Only 31% of children receive early initiation of breastfeeding (within 1 hour of birth) • Only 33% of children in Armenia receive exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life • 26.6% of population in Armenia living below the poverty line

  4. Landscape Data on Target: Increase % of children 11 years who can read • 98 % of children enrolled in primary education (1 to 4 grade of secondary school) • 87% of children completing basic education • Only 3.32% of 15-18 year olds currently involved and/or graduated from vocational education facility

  5. CWB Targets and Relevant Standard Indicators Selected for WV Armenia National Strategy • Children report on increased level of well-being (12-18) – DAP tool • Increase in children protected from disease and infection (0-5) - % children aged 0–59 months who suffered a bout of diarrhea in the past two weeks and received oral re-hydration therapy (ORT) and continued feeding. • Increase in children well-nourished (0-5) - % of children exclusively breast-fed for the first 6 months of life NOTE: All the mentioned standard indicators are relevant to be included in programme re/designs. Currently about 50% of the programmes do include those in addition to other indicators from Compendium relevant to the Targets.

  6. Contribution of WV Armenia Strategic Objectives to CWB Global Targets 2013 Target Increase % of children who report improved level of well-being WVA Strategic Goal Armenia – Home for children living with hope and dignity WVA Strategic Outcome Children are Cared for, Protected and Participating

  7. Contribution of WV Armenia Strategic Objectives to CWB Global Targets Increase % of children under 5 who are well nourished Increase % of children under 5 who are protected from disease and infection WVA Strategic Goal Armenia – Home for children living with hope and dignity WVA Strategic Outcome Children Enjoy Good Health

  8. CWBO Indicators Included in the WV Armenia National Strategy • % parents or caregivers with school-aged children who believe that the school their child attends is fulfilling its role as a school and are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with this standard • Proportion of youth who exhibit emotional management skills • Proportion of households where children's ideas are listened to and acted on where appropriate • Proportion of parents or caregivers able to provide well for their children • % of children exclusively breast-fed for the first 6 months of life • % children aged 0–59 months who suffered of diarrhea in the past two weeks and received oral re-hydration therapy (ORT) and continued feeding • # of children/youth involved in life skills development initiatives • % of first grade students (disaggregated by gender and disability) who completed pre-school education • # of youth involved in vocational education NOTE: the indicators are taken from the previous edition of the Compendium, which is still found by WV Armenia more comprehensive.

  9. Matrix of Data Collection Events in FY11 relevant to the Targets • Baseline and mid-term evaluation of USAID funded Health for Families project • Annual reviews of 3 ADPs • Quarterly monitoring of all programmes and projects • Sponsorship monitoring from all 11 ADPs • National Strategy Baseline (to be completed by the end of Nov 2011) • Evaluation of 3 ADPs (to be completed by the end of January 2011) • For Every Child Christian Commitment project baseline evaluation • End-of-project evaluation of the Mobility Exacerbated HIV regional project • Baseline evaluation of the Mobility Exacerbated HIV regional project phase 2 • Baseline and mid-term evaluation of the EC funded Reduced Violence against Children in Armenia project (mid-term to be completed by the end of Nov) • Evaluation of the CoH methodology • End-of-project evaluation of the Policy Influence through Citizen Empowerment project

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