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Apostrophes. Language 8 Ms. Frost. Apostrophes. 3 Uses for Apostrophes : To form the possessive case of nouns and some pronouns To indicate in a contraction where letters or numbers have been left out To form some plurals. Possessive Case.

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  1. Apostrophes Language 8 Ms. Frost

  2. Apostrophes • 3 Uses for Apostrophes: • To form the possessive case of nouns and some pronouns • To indicate in a contraction where letters or numbers have been left out • To form some plurals

  3. Possessive Case • The possessive case of a noun or pronoun shows ownership. One dollar's worth The dog's collar Two weeks' notice

  4. Possessives • Rule #24p. Do not use an apostrophe with possessive personal pronouns. • Example: • These keys are yours, not mine. • His score was high, but hers was higher • Note: The possessive case form of “it” = its. “It’s” = contraction for “it is”.

  5. Possessives • Rule 24q. To form the possessive case of some indefinite pronouns, add an apostrophe and an “s” • Examples • Someone’s pencil • No one’s fault • Anybody’s guess

  6. Guided Practice • Page 672 Review B (1-10)

  7. Use # 2: Contractions • Rule 24r: To form a contraction, use an apostrophe to show where letters or numbers have been left out. • Examples: • Let us = let’s • 2001 = ‘01 • List of common contractions on p.672.

  8. Guided Practice • Exercise 8 p. 673 (1-10)

  9. Use # 3: Plurals • 24s. Use an apostrophe and an “s” to form the plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols, and of words referred to as words in the sentence. • Examples: • There are two d’s in the word hidden. • Your 2’s look like backward 5’s • Jazz became quite popular in the 1920’s • Don’t use too many so’s and and’s. • He wrote $’sbefore all the amounts.

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