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Skull and Skeleton Make Up Quizzam

Skull and Skeleton Make Up Quizzam. Fill in the following Table of the Skeleton. LE 7 -2-1. 2. 1. Occipital bone. Maxillae. Parietal bones. 2. 2. Palatine bones. 2. 4. 1. Auditory ossicles. 1. 1. 2. Inferior nasal conchae. Temporal bones. 2. 6. 2. 1. Sphenoid. 3. 2.

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Skull and Skeleton Make Up Quizzam

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  1. Skull and Skeleton Make Up Quizzam

  2. Fill in the following Table of the Skeleton LE 7-2-1 2 1 Occipital bone Maxillae Parietal bones 2 2 Palatine bones 2 4 1 Auditory ossicles 1 1 2 Inferior nasal conchae Temporal bones 2 6 2 1 Sphenoid 3 2 Zygomatic bones 1 5 2 1 Vomer 1 Mandible 6

  3. LE 7-1a

  4. (see Figure 8–1) 8 Cranium Skull 14 Face Skull and associated bones 29 Auditory ossicles 6 Associated bones 1 Hyoid LE 7-1b-0 1 Sternum Thoracic cage 25 24 Ribs 24 Vertebrae Vertebral column 1 26 Sacrum 1 Coccyx

  5. (see Figure 8–1) 8 Cranium Skull 14 Face Skull and associated bones 29 Auditory ossicles LE 7-1b-1 6 Associated bones 1 Hyoid 1 Sternum Thoracic cage 25 24 Ribs 24 Vertebrae Vertebral column 1 26 Sacrum 1 Coccyx

  6. PARIETAL BONE FRONTAL BONE Cranial bones TEMPORAL BONE SPHENOID Facial bones LE 7-2-0 ETHMOID OCCIPITALBONE Cranial bones LACRIMALBONE NASALBONE VOMER Occipital bone 1 Maxillae 2 ZYGOMATICBONE Parietal bones 2 Palatine bones 2 MAXILLA Auditory ossicles enclosed in temporal bones (detailed in Chapter 17) 1 Hyoid bone Nasal bones Frontal bone 1 2 Inferior nasal conchae 2 Temporal bones 6 2 Sphenoid 1 MANDIBLE 2 Zygomatic bones Ethmoid 1 Lacrimal bones 2 Vomer 1 Facial bones Mandible 1


  8. OCCIPITAL BONE Sagittal suture Lambdoid suture PARIETALBONE(left) PARIETALBONE(right) PARIETALBONE(right) PARIETALBONE(left) Lambdoid suture Sagittal suture Squamous suture OCCIPITALBONE TEMPORAL BONE Coronal suture Mastoid process FRONTAL BONE LE 7-3-ac Styloid process ZYGOMATIC BONE Occipital condyle External occipital protuberance NASAL BONES MANDIBLE Superior view Posterior view Coronal suture FRONTAL BONE Squamous suture PARIETAL BONE SPHENOID Supra-orbital foramen Squamous part of temporal bone NASAL BONE TEMPORAL BONE LACRIMAL BONE Lambdoid suture ETHMOID Infra-orbital foramen OCCIPITAL BONE MAXILLA External acoustic meatus ZYGOMATIC BONE Mastoid process Styloid process Mental foramen MANDIBLE Zygomatic process of temporal bone Mental protuberance Zygomatic arch Temporal process of zygomatic bone Lateral view

  9. Coronal suture PARIETAL BONE ETHMOID Supra-orbital foramen FRONTAL BONE SPHENOID Optic canal TEMPORAL BONE Superior orbital fissure Inferior orbital fissure PALATINE BONE Temporal process of zygomatic bone LACRIMAL BONE ZYGOMATIC BONE Mastoid process of temporal bone Infra-orbital foramen NASAL BONE LE 7-3-de Middle nasal concha (part of ethmoid) MAXILLA Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Inferior nasal concha Bony nasal septum VOMER MANDIBLE Mental protuberance Anterior view Mental foramen FRONTAL BONE MAXILLA ZYGOMATIC BONE PALATINE BONE VOMER SPHENOID Zygomatic arch Foramen ovale Medial and lateral pterygoid processes Styloid process Foramen lacerum Mandibular fossa Carotid canal External acoustic meatus TEMPORAL BONE Mastoid process Jugular foramen Stylomastoid foramen Lambdoid suture Occipital condyle OCCIPITAL BONE Foramen magnum External occipital protuberance Inferior view

  10. LE 7-3a

  11. LE 7-3b Superior view


  13. FRONTAL BONE LE 7-3d Anterior view

  14. LE 7-3e Inferior view

  15. Hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica Coronal suture SPHENOID FRONTAL BONE PARIETAL BONE Sphenoidal sinus (right) Squamous suture Frontal sinus TEMPORAL BONE Crista galli Lambdoid suture NASAL BONE Internal acoustic meatus ETHMOID LE 7-4 OCCIPITAL BONE VOMER MAXILLA Hypoglossal canal Styloid process PALATINE BONE MANDIBLE Sagittal Section Crista galli FRONTAL BONE Cribriform plate Sella turcica ETHMOID Foramen rotundum Foramen lacerum SPHENOID Foramen ovale TEMPORAL BONE Foramen spinosum Carotid canal Internal acoustic meatus Foramen magnum PARIETAL BONE Jugular foramen Internal occipital crest Hypoglossal canal OCCIPITAL BONE Horizontal Section

  16. LE 7-4a Coronal suture Sagittal Section

  17. LE 7-4b Foramen magnum Horizontal Section

  18. Hypoglossal canal Occipital condyle LE 7-5 Superior temporal line Foramen magnum Inferior nuchal line External occipital crest Inferior temporal line External occipital protuberance Superior nuchal line Occipital bone, inferior view Right parietal bone, lateral view

  19. Hypoglossal canal Occipital condyle LE 7-5a Foramen magnum Inferior nuchal line External occipital crest External occipital protuberance Superior nuchal line Occipital bone, inferior view

  20. LE 7-5b Superior temporal line Inferior temporal line

  21. Frontal sinus Supra-orbital foramen Supra-orbital margin Lacrimal fossa LE 7-6 Frontal (metopic) suture Frontal squama Inferior (orbital) surface Superior temporal line Supra-orbital margin Supra-orbital notch Anterior surface

  22. LE 7-6a Frontal (metopic) suture Frontal squama Superior temporal line Supra-orbital margin Supra-orbital notch Anterior surface

  23. LE 7-6b Inferior (orbital) surface

  24. Petrous part Squamous part Squamous part Mandibular fossa External acoustic meatus Internal acoustic meatus Zygomatic process LE 7-7 Mastoid process Mastoid process Styloid process Styloid process Lateral view Medial view External acoustic meatus Mastoid process, cut to show mastoid air cells Mastoid air cells

  25. LE 7-7a Lateral view

  26. Petrous part Squamous part LE 7-7b Internal acoustic meatus Zygomatic process Mastoid process Styloid process Medial view

  27. LE 7-7c External acoustic meatus Mastoid process, cut to show mastoid air cells Mastoid air cells

  28. Lesser wing Superior surface Foramen rotundum Optic groove Optic canal LE 7-8 Foramen ovale Greater wing Sphenoidal spine Foramen spinosum Sella turcica Lesser wing Superior orbital fissure Sphenoidal sinus Anterior surface Orbital surface Greater wing Body Foramen rotundum Pterygoid process Pterygoid plates

  29. Lesser wing Superior surface Foramen rotundum Optic groove LE 7-8a Optic canal Foramen ovale Greater wing Sphenoidal spine Foramen spinosum Sella turcica

  30. LE 7-8b Orbital surface Body

  31. Crista galli Olfactory foramina LE 7-9 Lateral mass containing ethmoidal labyrinth Superior nasal concha Crista galli Cribriform plate Middle nasal concha Perpendicular plate Perpendicular plate Superior surface Posterior surface

  32. Olfactory foramina LE 7-9a Lateral mass containing ethmoidal labyrinth Crista galli Cribriform plate Perpendicular plate Superior surface

  33. LE 7-9b Posterior surface

  34. Palatine bone (horizontal plate) Palatine process Orbital rim Infra-orbital foramen Alveolar process Anterior nasal spine LE 7-10 Maxillary sinus Alveolar process Horizontal section through right maxilla and palatine bone Zygomatic process Lateral surface Orbital process Perpendicular plate Horizontal plate Anterior view of palatine bones

  35. LE 7-10a Lateral surface

  36. Palatine bone (horizontal plate) Palatine process LE 7-10b Alveolar process Maxillary sinus Horizontal section through right maxilla and palatine bone

  37. Orbital process LE 7-10c Perpendicular plate Horizontal plate Anterior view of palatine bones

  38. Optic canal NASAL BONE Supra-orbital foramen LACRIMAL BONE Lacrimal sulcus SPHENOID Superior orbital fissure TEMPORAL BONE LE 7-11 Middle nasal concha Zygomaticofacial foramen Inferior nasal concha ZYGOMATIC BONE Temporal process of zygomatic bone Infra-orbital foramen MAXILLA Mastoid process Perpendicular plate of ethmoid VOMER Bony nasal septum

  39. LE 7-11-1 Bony nasal septum

  40. LE 7-11-2 Bony nasal septum

  41. Articular surface for temporomandibular joint Coronoid process Teeth Mandibular notch LE 7-12 Alveolar process Head Ramus Body Mental protuberance Condylar process Mental foramen Angle Lateral view Coronoid process Articular surface Alveolar process Greater horn Condylar process Lesser horn Mandibular foramen Body Depression for submandibular salivary gland Mylohyoid line Medial view Anterior-superior view

  42. LE 7-12a Ramus Body Lateral view

  43. Coronoid process Articular surface Alveolar process LE 7-12b Condylar process Mandibular foramen Depression for submandibular salivary gland Mylohyoid line Medial view

  44. LE 7-12c Anterior-superior view

  45. FRONTALBONE FRONTAL BONE LE 7-13 Supra-orbital notch Supra-orbital notch Optic canal SPHENOID Optic canal SPHENOID ETHMOID Superior orbital fissure LACRIMAL BONE Superior orbital fissure ETHMOID Lacrimal sulcus Nasolacrimal canal Inferior orbital fissure Inferior-orbital fissure Nasolacrimal canal Infra-orbital groove ZYGOMATIC BONE PALATINEBONE Infra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital groove ZYGOMATICBONE MAXILLA MAXILLA

  46. FRONTALBONE Supra-orbital notch LE 7-13-1 Optic canal SPHENOID ETHMOID LACRIMAL BONE Superior orbital fissure Lacrimal sulcus Inferior orbital fissure Nasolacrimal canal ZYGOMATIC BONE PALATINEBONE Infra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital groove MAXILLA

  47. FRONTAL BONE Supra-orbital notch Optic canal SPHENOID LE 7-13-2 Superior orbital fissure ETHMOID Nasolacrimal canal Inferior-orbital fissure Infra-orbital groove Infra-orbital foramen ZYGOMATICBONE MAXILLA

  48. FRONTAL BONE Superior nasal concha Cranial cavity Frontal sinus LE 7-14 Middle nasal concha Ethmoidal air cell FRONTAL BONE Frontal sinuses Right orbit Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Sphenoidal sinuses ZYGOMATIC BONE ETHMOID Maxillary sinus SPHENOID Inferior nasal concha NASAL BONE Superior PALATINE BONE (bony palate) MAXILLA (bony palate) Middle Nasal conchae Inferior Tongue MAXILLA (bony palate) MANDIBLE VOMER Head, coronal section Sagittal section

  49. FRONTAL BONE LE 7-14a Frontal sinuses Sphenoidal sinuses ETHMOID SPHENOID NASAL BONE Superior PALATINE BONE (bony palate) Middle Nasal conchae Inferior MAXILLA (bony palate) Sagittal section

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