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Grammar Warm Ups

Grammar Warm Ups. February 24-28. Warm Up: Monday, February 24 Place “quotation marks” where you think they should be!. I got an A on my test said Ko . Desoto said that he would be patient for thirty seconds. The judge said that it was time for us to go to jail.

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Grammar Warm Ups

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  1. Grammar Warm Ups February 24-28

  2. Warm Up: Monday, February 24Place “quotation marks” where you think they should be! • I got an A on my test said Ko. • Desoto said that he would be patient for thirty seconds. • The judge said that it was time for us to go to jail. • Plantain starts with a P. • The North Carolina Tarheels are playing the Duke Blue Devils in basketball tonight. • The Most Dangerous Game was a thrilling short story. • My favorite article in Time Magazine is titled The New Science of Happiness.

  3. Check your answers • “I got an ‘A’on my test,” said Ko. • Desoto said that he would be “patient”for thirty seconds. • “Street language” is not encouraged in the classroom. • Plantain starts with a “P”. • The North Carolina “Tarheels”are playing the Duke “Blue Devils”in basketball tonight. • “The Most Dangerous Game”was a thrilling short story. • My favorite article in Time Magazine is titled “The New Science of Happiness.”

  4. uses of the Quotation marks • Your warm ups are examples of each of these! • Direct quotations • Using irony or sarcasm • Showing an unusual usage of a word/phrase • Referring to the word/letter/number itself. • Nicknames or false titles • Short stories, articles, poems, painting titles • Movies, Epic poems, and novels are underlined!

  5. Warm Up: Tuesday, February 25Place quotation marks in the following sentences. • Are we there yet she asked. • The Charleston Cougars are playing the Cary Rail Hawks in soccer tonight. • I am tired the boy said and then drifted off to sleep. • We really should be going now she said. • I received an incomplete on my homework because I forgot to write my name on it.

  6. Check your answers • “Are we there yet?”she asked. • The Charleston “Cougars”are playing the Cary “Rail Hawks”in soccer tonight. • “I am tired,” the boy said and then drifted off to sleep. • “We really should be going now,”she said. • I received an “incomplete”on my homework because I forgot to write my name on it. ** Notice the commas!!**

  7. Punctuation with quotations • When you are introducing a quote that a character said, you need to place a comma to introduce the quote. Ex: Romeo mourned his fate and shouted, “I defy you stars!” Ex: Do you know who said, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”? • When a quote is in the beginning or middle of a sentence, set it off with commas. Ex: “Jesus Christ!” George yelled at his friend, “Don’t drink so much water, Lenny!”

  8. Punctuation with quotations • When a quote ends with a question or exclamation mark, include that punctuation inside the quotation marks. If the sentence is not done, put a period at the end of the sentence. Ex: No one really knows the answer to the old question, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Ex: “What came first the chicken or the egg?” is an unanswerable riddle. • When there is a quote within a quote, use ONE apostrophe to indicate the inner quote. Ex: “Mom said, ‘You better clean your rooms tonight or no dessert,’” Macey told her brother.

  9. Warm Up: Block DayPunctuate the following sentences. • Are we there yet she asked • She said We really should get going now • Whenever my mother claims to have an emergency, it’s usually nothing more than a paper cut. • Starry Night, by Van Gogh, is a beautiful painting. • Excuse me he said do you have the time

  10. Check your answers • “Are we there yet,”she asked. • She said, “We really should get going now.” • Whenever my mother claims to have an “emergency,”it’s usually nothing more than a paper cut. • “Starry Night,”by Van Gogh, is a beautiful painting. • “Excuse me,”he said, “do you have the time?” Notice that the punctuation goes INSIDE the quotation marks!!

  11. Warm Up: Friday, February 28punctuate the following sentences. • The word chandler refers to someone who makes candles • Mommy can I have an apple the child begged • The president yelled we must have peace • Billy the kid was a famous western gunslinger • Jim said you can leave now Aunt June said

  12. Check your answers • The word “chandler”refers to someone who makes candles. • “Mommy,can I have an apple?”the child begged.*The child is addressing “Mommy,” so a comma is needed.* • The president yelled, “We must have peace!” • Billy “The Kid”was a famous western gunslinger. *“The Kid” is part of Billy’s name=proper noun* • “Jim said, ‘You can leave now,’”Aunt June said. **Notice that the beginning of a quote is capitalized!!**

  13. Grammar Warm Ups March 3-7

  14. Warm Up: Monday, March 3Use your punctuation handout to place hyphens or dashes in the following sentences. • Everything the dresser, bed, tables, and your desk needs to be moved before we can paint. • At seventy nine, Mr. Perkins is extraordinarily active. • We made it to the top of the mountain the view was spectacular! • My brothers in law are the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. • It is said that possession is nine tenths of the law.

  15. Check your answers • Everything—the dresser, bed, tables, and your desk—needs to be moved before we can paint. • At seventy-nine, Mr. Walker is extraordinarily active. • We made it to the top of the mountain—the view was spectacular! • My brothers-in-law are the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. • It is said that possession is nine-tenths of the law. **Notice that hyphens are shorter than dashes!**

  16. Hyphens vs. Dashes • Compound words • ex-wife • self-control • Compound numbers • twenty-nine • Compound adjectives • well-liked • world-renowned Hyphen= - • Separate a list from the sentence • Remove everything—pen, paper, book—off your desk. • Special emphasis (but use sparingly) • I thought I was ready for the quiz—until quiz day. Dash= —

  17. Warm Up: Tuesday, March 4Use your punctuation handout to place hyphens or dashes in the following sentences. • One hundred fifty five people filed into the courthouse to view the arraignments. • Denny was asked to reglue the eyes onto his puppet's face, as they had fallen off. • Mary said her ex sister in law would always be a part of the family. • Jayne loves playing with her daddy's old jack in the box that her grandma brought. • Some old movie theme songs M*A*S*H, The Pink Panther, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Wizard of Oz are classics that will live on for all time.

  18. Check your answers • Onehundredfifty-five people filed into the courthouse to view the arraignments. • Denny was asked to re-glue the eyes onto his puppet's face because they had fallen off. • Mary said her ex-sister-in-law would always be a part of the family. • Jayne loves playing with her daddy's old jack-in-the-box that her grandma brought him. • Some old movie theme songs—M*A*S*H, The Pink Panther, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Wizard of Oz—are classics that will live on for all time.

  19. Warm Up: Block DayUse your punctuation handout to place apostrophes in the following sentences. • The mans rake wasnt left in the leaf pile. • My mothers tablecloth was stained with grease. • You shouldnt pull your sisters hair. • The secretarys phone rang off the hook all morning. • Maries umbrella was blown inside out.

  20. Uses of apostrophes • Inner quotes • “Mom said, ‘You better clean your rooms tonight or no dessert,’” Macey told her brother. • To show possession • Jenny’s book • The chair’s legs. • To make contractions that combine words and leave out letters • I am= I’m • They are= they’re • You are= you’re • Irregular words • Its= possession; it’s= it is • Theirs, ours, yours= no apostrophe

  21. Check your answers • The man’s rake wasn’t left in the leaf pile. *possession *contraction • My mother’s tablecloth was stained with grease. *possession • You shouldn’t pull your sister’s hair. *contraction*possession • The secretary’s phone rang off the hook all morning. *possession • Marie’s umbrella was blown inside out. *possession

  22. Warm Up: Friday, March 7Use your punctuation handout to place all punctuation where it is needed. • The snowstorms forecast didnt keep us out of school • Kylespep talks are always the best arentthey • Whos the partys candidate for vice president this year • The fox had its right foreleg caught securely in the traps jaws • James exclaimed Wow Those are terrific pictures • My little sister would like to go to the movies with us whined May

  23. Check your answers • The snowstorm’s forecast didn’t keep us out of school. • Kyle’s pep talks are always the best aren’t they? • Who’s the party’s candidate for vice-president this year • The fox had its right foreleg caught securely in the trap’s jaws its= it is; is this needed here? • James exclaimed, “Wow!Those are terrific pictures.” • “My little sister would like to go to the movies with us,”whined May.

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