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How Will AI-Driven Content Affect the Future of Marketing

Goodman Lantern provides content that helps you increase subscriptions and grow faster. We help our clients to establish a strong brand identity, enabling them to build trust, create engagement, sell better, and grow their business faster. Best content writing services, content marketing agency, content writing company, digital content marketing agency, high quality content writing services Goodman Lantern provides native English content writing services that help businesses sell better and grow faster. Our writing team consists of native English speakers with highly sought-after skill sets, including marketing, branding, SEO, and social media. We help our clients to establish a recognizable brand and develop content that will help them to influence their audience, make sales, and create brand awareness. Our tech team is backed by experience in full-stack software development, helping businesses enhance their marketing capabilities. Goodman Lantern provides native English content writing and software development services that help businesses sell better and grow faster.

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How Will AI-Driven Content Affect the Future of Marketing

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  1. How Will AI-Driven Content Affect the Future of Marketing https://goodmanlantern.com/

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how businesses operate. The field of content marketing is no exception. AI is already being used to automate various aspects of content creation and distribution, and the industry is about to change forever.Ever since the advent of ChatGPT in November 2022, AI-driven content has taken centre stage for marketers. AI content marketing is being adopted by organisations across industries. It provides various benefits such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and easy, convenient content creation.

  3. According to a report published by Reportlinker.com, the global AI-based content creation market is expected to grow from $1.26 billion in 2020 to $3.87 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 24.2%. The increasing demand for personalised, high-quality content, as well as the need to improve efficiency and reduce costs drives this growth. These statistics lead to a lot of questions about AI’s impact on marketing. How will AI affect the future of content marketing? What are the ways in which AI-driven content will be used? Will AI content marketing replace the need for human content writers and marketers? Let’s take a closer look.

  4. Applications of AI-Driven Content AI content marketing can create value for organisations and shape the future of content marketing in the following ways:

  5. Automated Content Creation One of the most significant ways in which AI impacts content marketing is through automated content creation. AI-driven content tools such as ChatGPT can generate written content that’s indistinguishable from any text written by a human. This has made it possible for businesses to create high-quality content at scale, without the constant need for human writers. This change is also good news for small- and medium-sized organisations. While a lot of them struggle to produce consistent content due to budget constraints, the advent of ChatGPT changes that. These businesses can now use AI-driven content at scale without overshooting their budgets. 

  6. Personalised Content Another way in which AI is impacting content marketing is through personalised content. AI-powered tools can analyse data about individual customers and use it to tailor content to their specific needs and interests. This makes it possible to deliver highly relevant and engaging content that’s more likely to convert into sales. In fact, a study by HubSpotfound that personalised Calls-to-Action (CTAs) resulted in a 42% higher conversion rate than generic CTAs. In a world of content clutter, personalised, AI-driven content will drive the future of successful marketing.

  7. Content Optimisation Businesses can also use AI to optimise content for search engines and social media platforms. AI-powered tools can analyse data about search trends and social media engagement to identify the types of content that are most likely to perform well. This can help businesses to create content that’s more likely to rank high in search results and generate engagement on social media. According to Forbes, 93% of online experiences begin with a search via a search engine, making SEO a top priority. Furthermore, a study found that social media can generate almost double the marketing leads of trade shows, telemarketing, direct mail, or PPC.

  8. However, it can be difficult to figure out the right strategy to get these results, and how to optimise the content accordingly. In cases such as these, AI content marketing can be a lifeline for businesses and marketers.

  9. Content Distribution You can also use AI content marketing to automate the process of content distribution. AI-powered tools can analyse data about customer behaviour and use it to identify the best times and channels to deliver content. This process can help businesses to reach their target audiences at the right time and place, which can improve engagement and conversion rates.

  10. Challenges and Opportunities of AI-Driven Content Marketing While AI is bringing many benefits to the field of content marketing, it also poses some challenges. One of the main challenges is the risk of reducing human creativity and personalisation. AI-generated content may lack the human touch required to create truly engaging content. Therefore, in the future, over-dependence on AI content marketing can lead to a world where human-produced content isn’t appreciated. Another challenge is the risk of creating low-quality content that doesn’t meet the needs of customers. AI-generated content may not be as high quality as human-written content. It might not even be tailored to the specific needs of individual customers.

  11. However, these challenges also present opportunities for businesses to differentiate themselves by creating high-quality, thought leadership-type content that AI-generated content can’t replicate. Businesses can use AI-generated content as a starting point. Then, they can ask human writers to review, edit, and customise the content.

  12. Conclusion on AI-Driven Content In conclusion, AI is already having a significant impact on the field of content marketing, and this the use of AI is expected to continue.

  13. AI-powered tools and technologies can automate the process of content creation, optimisation, and distribution, making it possible for businesses to create high-quality content at scale and tailor it to the specific needs and interests of individual customers. However, companies must be aware of the challenges and opportunities that AI-generated content poses. They should invest in strategies to overcome these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities. The best way to mitigate these challenges would be to find a balance between AI and human content marketing. This creates an opportunity for businesses to find a sweet spot and get the best of both worlds. 

  14. Instead of seeing AI as a threat to human competence, the future of content marketing involves both bots and humans. AI’s impact on marketing will ultimately enable human writers to produce quality content at scale. Are you ready to embrace the future? 

  15. THANKYOU! Goodman Lantern Phone: +1 9292993999 Email: hello@goodmanlantern.com Website: https://goodmanlantern.com/

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