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a. Describe the influence of African slavery on the development of the Americas.

SS6H2 The student will explain the development of Latin America and the Caribbean from European colonies to independent nations. a. Describe the influence of African slavery on the development of the Americas.

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a. Describe the influence of African slavery on the development of the Americas.

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  1. SS6H2 The student will explain the development of Latin America and the Caribbean from European colonies to independent nations. a. Describe the influence of African slavery on the development of the Americas. b. Describe the influence of the Spanish and the Portuguese on the language and religions of Latin America. c. Explain the Latin American independence movement; include the importance of Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Miguel Hidalgo.

  2. SS6H2a-African Slavery • Europeans who came to the Americas needed a large & cheap labor force to mine gold and silver and to grow sugar cane. • Most natives died from diseases, violence with Europeans, or harsh working conditions. • Europeans looked to Africa for labor. • Many African slaves died of disease or starvation.

  3. SS6H2a-African Slavery • Slave labor helped to build many businesses in Latin America, but the wealth went back to Europe. • Countries started gaining freedom from Europe in the 1800s, ending slavery. • Mulattoes = African & European ancestors • 60% Cubans & 50% Brazilians are Mulattoes

  4. SS6H2b-Language & Religion • As the Spanish and Portuguese conquered the indigenous people, they spread their language and religion. • Spanish: Most of Central & South America and the Caribbean Islands • Portuguese: Brazil • Spanish or Portuguese = languages of government, business, and power • Native languages still spoken today

  5. SS6H2b-Language & Religion • Mostly Roman Catholic • Spanish & Portuguese governments sent missionaries to New World to convert indigenous people to Christianity • Indigenous people often “said” they were practicing Catholicism, but continued to practice traditional beliefs • Some religions mixed with Catholic beliefs

  6. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • Spain & Portugal ruled most of Latin America for nearly 300 years • American Revolution in 1776 & French Revolution in 1789 encouraged Latin American countries to seek freedom

  7. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • Toussaint L’Ouverture • Famous black freedom fighter in Saint Domingue (present day Haiti) • Learned about freedom from his father • Plantation owner allowed him to read & write • L’Ouverture - nickname because he could find “openings” in the enemies’ lines

  8. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • 1789=French Revolution – granted freedom to blacks & mulattoes • 1791=French gov’t changed its mind • Toussaint led slave army & defeated French troops • 1793=French abolished slavery altogether so Toussaint fought against Spanish & British • Toussaint left in charge of Saint Domingue • 1802=Toussaint was captured & imprisoned in France (where he died soon after)

  9. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • Simon Bolivar • Known as “Liberator” and “George Washington of South America” • Helped win independence for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela between 1810-1824 • Bolivia is named after him

  10. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • Simon Bolivar • Born to wealthy family in Venezuela • Read books about freedom & lived through French Revolution • Became dictator & tried to create one large South American country named Gran Colombia • Died of tuberculosis in 1830

  11. SS6H2c-Independence Movement • Miguel Hidalgo • Father of Mexican Independence, but he did not live to see independence • Priest who led peasant army against Spanish army in Mexico • 1810-encouraged people to fight for freedom • 1811-Tried for treason, found guilty, & executed • 1821-Mexico won independence

  12. SS6H3 The student will analyze important 20th century issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Explain the impact of the Cuban Revolution. b. Explain the impact and political outcomes of the Zapatista guerrilla movement in Mexico.

  13. SS6H3a-Cuban Revolution • Prior to 1950’s • Americans traded with Cuba, owned land in Cuba, & bought Cuba’s sugar cane crop • Late 1950’s • Batista made himself dictator, Cubans were not happy (poverty, education, healthcare) • 1959= Fidel Castro led rebels against Batista & won. He ruled nearly 50 years.

  14. SS6H3a-Cuban Revolution • Fidel Castro • Organized communist government • All farms, factories, & businesses owned by Cubans became government property • All property belonging to Americans now belonged to government • Arrested Batista supporters - most went before firing squad, others to prison • Newspapers, radio & TV were shut down • Churches closed & property went to gov’t

  15. SS6H3a-Cuban Revolution • Fidel Castro • Hospitals & schools were improved • Women & blacks were better educated & had better jobs • Everyone was guaranteed a wage (very low) • Christians were discriminated against • Cuba became one of poorest & least free countries in the region

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