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Plant-Based Skincare Ingredients That Power Green Goo’s Natural Products

Green Goo is a company that has figured out how to effectively incorporate plant-based ingredients into products we use every day. From deodorant to bug repellent, Green Goo has thoughtfully created products that complement a natural lifestyle. Take a look at a few plant-based ingredients they use in many of their products and why they're so effective.

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Plant-Based Skincare Ingredients That Power Green Goo’s Natural Products

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  1. Plant-Based Skincare Ingredients That Power Green Goo’s Natural Products

  2. Plant-Based Skincare Ingredients That Power Green Goo’s Natural Products Nature has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to taking care of our skin and body. The simplest ingredients have the potential to accomplish so much, so why aren’t we incorporating more natural, plant-based ingredients into our lives? Taking on the Challenge of Plant-Based Ingredients A common answer is that it’s not easy to find high-quality plant-based skincare products that work as expected. Plant-based ingredients have a long-standing reputation suggesting they don’t work as well as their “non-natural” counterparts—that is to say, products made with harsh or synthetic ingredients.

  3. This was never true, and thanks to companies like Green Goo, we live in a plant-based future! They’ve figured out how to formulate their product lines with natural ingredients that don’t just work but work well. They’ve unlocked the secrets of the plant-based future and we get to benefit. Here are a few plant-based ingredients that Green Goo champions that are much better for your skin than the old alternatives. Aloe Vera for Soothing Irritation and Minor Burns Most of us are familiar with aloe vera. It’s popular and appears in countless products, from beverages to shampoos. It’s also an ingredient that can be used straight from the plant to great effect, typically to soothe skin irritation. An aloe-based healing salve is always good to have around during the summer as part of your nightly skin routine and for sunburns. Because aloe is so effective at soothing skin irritation, why not include it in a product that’s applied to an area of the body where skin irritation is frequent? In this case, we’re talking about the underarm. Green Goo formulated their gel deodorant with aloe vera, along with other plant-based ingredients like calendula flower extract and lemongrass oil. The combination creates a product that moisturizes and soothes skin while keeping body odor at bay. Peppermint and Other Essential Oils to Keep Bugs Bites Away In the summer months, certain herbal extracts and essential oils can help keep bugs at bay. When they start biting or stinging, insects can cause itching and skin irritation that can last for days to weeks. However, there are a number of plant-based essential oils that also serve as bug deterrents, especially peppermint. Blend peppermint with other bug deterrents like sage, catnip, witch hazel, lavender, and lemongrass, and you’ll be left with potent results. This is what Green Goo did with Bugs Be Gone, their natural mosquito and fly repellent. There are no synthetic or harmful chemicals here—just an effective mix of herbal extracts and essential oils bugs don’t like. Fun fact: Green Goo’s Bugs Be Gone doesn’t just keep the bugs at bay, it freshens the air, too! Mist it on your skin and in the air and say goodbye to skin-irritating bug bites! Discover your own plant-based future at https://greengoo.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/2UnkFnR

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