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Animated Explainer Videos 101

Why animated explainer videos are important. How animated explainer videos are beneficial for business. Read the blog to learn about Animated Explainer videos.<br>

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Animated Explainer Videos 101

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  1. Animated Explainer Videos 101 Animated Explainer Videos 101 ATTENTION!!! It is incredibly challenging to get a notice of people without them getting distracted, and now that we have grabbed your attention, let’s talk about powerful attention-grabbers that would work for your business. Did you know? Statistics suggest that only 20% of visitors on your site will read a document, but 80% will consume a video. *Animated Explainer Video enters the chat* In today's digital world, marketers and consumers both agree that when it comes to learning about a new product or service, visual and auditory cues are much more powerful than texts. And, in this competitive marketing landscape, if you're not harnessing the power of explainer videos you are missing out on a massive opportunity to gain a wider audience. To stay ahead of the game, all types of businesses need a video marketing strategy and the best video production houses which would tailor-make the best explainer videos! What is an explainer video? Why is it vital for your business? Let’s dive right in and guide you through everything. The answer is, explainer videos are small animated videos that allow organizations to convey their business message or describe a new product/service along with its benefits to their target audience in a simple way. Animated explainer videos are a mixture of information as well as education that

  2. makes them more engaging and memorable. Statistics suggest that the internet gets flooded with hundreds of videos every second. Hence, in this new era of online businesses, it’s really important to leverage this rising demand for videos, and use it as a tool of communication to increase web traffic and generate better ROI. Explainer videos can be displayed on landing pages, social media, shown as YouTube ads or even used for email campaigns. How explainer video works and how you could step up your business with it? Explainer videos, as the name suggests, should be easy to explain and understand. An animated explainer video production company develops such explainer video content that engages the client in it and helps sell a product, promote business or even raise awareness. One of the most important steps in creating a good animated explainer video is to make a video that's engaging and optimized. We live in a world of short attention spans and a good explainer video should, therefore, be specifically designed to grab the intended audience’s attention and keep them hooked on to it. It should always be brief, straight to the point and also not to forget to have a clear call-to- action at the end, without which there will be no increase in sales and revenue. Now, one might argue that if human attention span is just 8-seconds, how are we spending hours binge-watching Stranger Things? Producing an excellent storytelling explainer video is a life-saver! Remember, the most crucial part of your explainer video is your storytelling that would entice your audience and cultivate a desire in them to find out more about your product/brand/service. A Good Explainer Video tells a story of how the audience is experiencing a problem and how the products/services help the viewer solve the problem. Doing this successfully can get you more customers and buyers who’d spread your brand information via word-of-mouth and increase web traffic, assuring you more sales and revenue. While creating an explainer video, the focus should be on presenting the information and data in an entertaining way rather than the usual sales-y way. A well-crafted explainer video uses live video, narrations, animations, and motion graphics, which resonate well with potential buyers. Mostly all enjoy entertaining content and when you add this flavor to your video to put across your brand message, it works the best, leading to more conversions. Also, do not forget that these videos should get visitors and feedback on your website as that is how your sales will increase. One needs to play with the video in such a way to create an urge or desire to have the product An excellent animated explainer video showcases all these things in one package and calls for more attention from the viewers and also favors better SEO ranking when it comes to your brand. Benefits of explainer videos or brand.

  3. Why do you think we still remember the cartoons we watched as kids? That’s the best part about an animated explainer video, which is the most appealing form of explainer video, usually not more than 90 seconds, and can explain what your business offers, and produces, to the target audience, just one play button away. That said, nothing can explain the effectiveness of explainer videos better than the below- listed • Using creative freedom explainer videos deliver information faster and better, making complex subjects easy to understand • Can be used on virtually any digital platform, including the world’s second-biggest search engine - YouTube • The ROI from explainer videos can be tracked better • They are short, hence can be easily shared • Gets to the point quickly and can hold a viewer’s attention • Fits any digital marketing campaign • Improve search engine rankings and are also an effective way of driving loads of traffic to your website or page • Is also great for mobile marketing Now you know, why explainer videos are the best out of all the choices? So, if you are thinking of creating an animated explainer video that is fast and easy to understand, then all you need to do is select the best short film production houses in Mumbai, or in any other city that can provide you with the best animated explainer video that can be used in pitches, on your website, email marketing and more. Looking for one? We got you covered! Visit Griffin Pictures, the best video production company in Mumbai. With a dedicated team, they make animated explainer videos that tell your story with simplicity and clarity, grab the audience’s attention and promote your business. benefits:

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