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Thinking About Skipping Your Next Dental Exam? Think Again

Dentists worldwide recommend that people should get their teeth examined at least once a year.

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Thinking About Skipping Your Next Dental Exam? Think Again

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  1. Heritage Grove Family Dental

  2. Thinking About Skipping Your Next Dental Exam? Think Again Dentists worldwide recommend that people should get their teeth examined at least once a year. However for some of us living a very busy lifestyle, scheduling yet another appointment can be too much of a drag. Moreover, after the first visit, most people are usually less inclined to come back because they feel that brushing their teeth every day and practicing good dental hygiene should keep them in the clear. True, it just might, however a quick dental checkup never hurts to confirm the health of your teeth and to check for any other conditions that might be developing undetected. For those people who are thinking about skipping their next dental exam, think again. Because skipping that appointment could prove to be extremely costly. In today’s post we will highlight some of the reasons why skipping is a bad idea.

  3. Gum Diseases and Systemic Disease A recent study highlighted some very unusual results. According to it, there was an astonishing amount of data confirming the link between periodontal diseases (also known as gum disease) and a wide number of systemic diseases that people develop as they age. This includes heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and respiratory disease. This means that anyone who has these conditions can potentially be facing gum disease in the future years. It’s best to act no and keep the gums in good shape. That would be at least one less thing you have to worry about as you get older.

  4. Tobacco Use and Gum Disease Study after study has shown that people who consume tobacco ultimately end up developing gum disease. It is a nasty habit that can cost an individual dearly in the form of gum cancer or periodontal disease; the leading cause of tooth loss in an individual. If you take tobacco on a steady basis, you should get your teeth examined to see how they are affecting your gums. Based on that you can get started on medication that would help curb the effects of tobacco on the teeth and gums.

  5. Stress Leads to Gum Disease As we didn’t have enough to stress about already. Studies have confirmed that people who are under a lot of stress end up developing periodontal disease faster than those who are relaxed. If you are living a stressful lifestyle or if you are under a lot of stress for the most part, then first thing you need to do is to work out your lifestyle and re-arrange things so that you are calmer and secondly you need to

  6. 75% Of Adults Will Develop Gum Disease This is not to say that gum disease is inevitable. But we as human are more likely to catch it unless we take care of our gums and teeth from an early stage. And part of that involves timely dental exams. 75% of all adults will develop some form of periodontal disease at some point in their lives be it tender gums to weak teeth. Proper dental care can delay that for years. To conclude, don’t skip that dental appointment. For more information, contact a family dental clinic in your area and sit down with a dentist to go over your options. When it comes to dental care, there is only one rule. You take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.

  7. Thank You www.HeritageGroveFamilyDental.com

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