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IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF IMTS 2010, MSITS 2010 & BPM6. Mr. Zainuddin Ahmad Mr. Zanol Jamil MALAYSIA. Outline. Overview of DOSM Implementation Plan: 2.1 IMTS 2010 2.2 MSITS & BPM6 3. Conclusion. DOSM Organisation Chart. Malaysia Trade Performance. Malaysia World Ranking.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF IMTS 2010, MSITS 2010 & BPM6 Mr. Zainuddin Ahmad Mr. Zanol Jamil MALAYSIA

  2. Outline Overview of DOSM Implementation Plan: 2.1 IMTS 2010 2.2 MSITS & BPM6 3. Conclusion

  3. DOSM Organisation Chart

  4. Malaysia Trade Performance

  5. Malaysia World Ranking

  6. Malaysia Exports by Major Products (Jan-Nov 2010)

  7. Malaysia Exports by Top 5 Countries (Jan-Nov 2010)

  8. Percentage share of GDP

  9. Implementation of IMTS 2010

  10. Awareness Session IMTS 2010 Awareness Session (Internal) - was held 6 August 2010 2. IMTS 2010 Awareness Session (External) - was held 1 December 2010 - attended by Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Royal Malaysian Custom Department, Ministry of Finance etc.

  11. Awareness Session 3. Training on IMTS 2010 - plan to be held on June 2011 - will involve officers from External Trade Statistics Division and stakeholders

  12. Implementation of New Recommendations of IMTS 2010

  13. Implementation Plan of MSITS 2010 and BPM6

  14. Malaysia in Brief CONTRIBUTION OF SERVICES SECTOR: GDP 2009 = 57.4% Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) = Projected 61.1% EMPLOYMENT IN SERVICES SECTOR : i. 2009 = 6.2 mil. (53.4% share) ii. Tenth Malaysia Plan (2015) = 7.4 mil (55.8% share) • ITS 2009 • Exports = RM101.3 billion • Imports = RM 96.6 billion

  15. Current Practice - Compilation of ITS Data • Data sources • International Transaction Reporting System (ITRS)-Central Bank • Enterprise surveys - Transport • Surveys of travellers and household expenditure surveys • Official sources and government transactions

  16. DOSM Plans Towards Implementation MSITS 2010 and BPM6 • Developmental works: • 1. Construct Frame on ITS • Construct Frame on Specific Services: Manufacturing Services and Maintenance & Repair • 3. Inward FATS • 4. Outward FATS

  17. Economic Census 2011 – Question on Import & Import of Goods and Services Developmental work 1: Construct Frame on ITS • Collaborate with other relevant agencies • Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) • Central Bank (BNM) • Companies Commission of Malaysia

  18. Developmental work 2: Construct frame on Manufacturing Services and Maintenance & Repair Incorporate relevant questions in Economic Census 2011 to construct ITS Frame particularly on companies involve in cross border Manufacturing Services and Maintenance & Repair

  19. Developmental work 3: Inward FATS Data Sources • Tap variables for construct Inward FATS from Economic Census 2011 • In the Census, incorporate question on: • Percentage of foreign equity ownership (establishments report more than 50% are classified as Inward FATS) • Country of Ultimate Controlling Institutional Unit (UCI)

  20. Economic Census 2011 – Question on Ownership Structure Developmental work 3: Inward FATS (con’t)

  21. Developmental work 3: Inward FATS (con’t) Economic Census 2011 Question on Ultimate Controlling Institutional (UCI)

  22. Developmental work 4: Outward FATS Survey of Outward Foreign Affiliate (SOFA) • Annual survey • Commenced in August 2010 - collect data for reference year 2008 & 2009 • Collect statistics on economic activities of the affiliates abroad • The information is collected via their parent companies in Malaysia • Canvassing about 488 companies • The frame is sourced from Joint Survey of International Investment Position (IIP)

  23. Developmental work 4: Outward FATS (con’t)

  24. Conclusion IMTS 2010: some new recommendations have been implemented. Malaysia will prioritize other recommendations. DOSM plans to apply BPM6 at the end of year 2014. Implementation of BPM6 need further detail study.

  25. Thank you

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