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This is for my evaluation for my music magazine

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  1. How did you attract/address your audience?

  2. What did you include in your mag to make it attractive to your target audience? • I included bright girly colours and groovy font to my title of my magazine, plus made my title big to attract my audience. I have also used bright fonts throughout my magazine with girly backgrounds to my pages. I have also included big images to my pages so that my stand out and address the audience to my magazine. I have also used colours that go well with the background of the magazine, plus not including too much writing in the front cover else it might look too busy. I added the price at the top of the front cover to show that the magazine is affordable. I also included a top heading in my front cover saying ‘Candy Floss your favourite Pop Magazine of the year’ this shows that it is a popular magazine which will encourage the target audience to buy the magazine. I have also included a star shape which is pink that says ‘win’ inside to attract attention to show that it’s a competition. I have made sure I put the writing in the front cover to fill in the blank spaces so the magazine doesn’t look bare or too busy. My contents page is very informal and friendly towards the target audience especially in the editor’s message to show the editor is a friendly, welcoming person who is interested in the magazine and the audience. In the DPS I have added a welcoming message to address the reader as well as the person being interviewed.

  3. Why would someone want to buy your magazine? • People would buy my magazine because I show a lot of variety of things in my content page as well as music. Also for my interview on my DPS I have written a lot of interesting questions with answers, with quotes in bigger font to show what has been said. Someone might want to buy my magazine because it is also affordable with a lot of celeb gossip and exclusive information. • My magazine is also for not just one social type but ranges to any teenage females but who are girly. • My magazine gets the readers involved by publishing what they send in e.g. embarressing moments or problem pages.The reader will also get feedback when they send in their problems.

  4. How have you included these conventions in your own mag? • I have added an editor’s message onto my contents page with a picture of myself as the editor. I have also used a column for my contents with subheadings like features and music. I have also added pictures with page numbers to show what is included in those pages. I have also included the date and issue number with the title of the magazine. • For my DPS I did an interview. I have used a picture to full in one side of the page with a quote from the interview. I have also included page numbers at the side corners with the title of the magazine in each corner. For my subheading I used another quote.

  5. • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

  6. Which institutions already publish magazines like yours? • Shout magazine is a similar magazine to mine and has the same target audience. Shout is very colourful, using a single photo to help draw more attention. They also use the same sort of pop artists e.g. JLS and Katy Perry. This magazine has used a lot of different colours which I have tried not to do. • Sugar magazine is a similar magazine to mine because it uses shapes e.g. a star which I have used on my front cover. This magazine also uses a single picture. The fonts are very groovy to show the target audience well. It also puts information in the blank spaces, so the magazine doesn’t look dull is what I have done as well. • Mizz magazine is a similar magazine top mine because they use bold, girly colours with a single photo. This magazine has a pink top heading which I used in my front cover as well. • Overall they all seem to include female artists in their front covers and a bold, bright master head. The colours that are used are all girly and attractive. The fonts are also groovy.

  7. Why would a company want to distribute your magazine – what does it offer? • I think that a company would want to distribute my magazine because even though it’s a music magazine, there are a lot more things included in my magazine that my target audience would be interested in e.g. true stories and problem pages. But there are also exclusive interviews with music artists or people involved in music. The readers can get involved in the magazine e.g. involved in competitions or send in their embarrassing moments or problems and have them published in the magazine, if they do get a reward e.g. money voucher. My magazine also offers celebrity information, tips on typical teenage situations e.g. boys, hair and beauty and school. It also offers fun activities like quizzes and posters. This magazine is going to be affordable, aiming for the working class so teenagers can afford the magazine but still including everything important in a teenage girl’s life.

  8. • Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? • I’ve learnt that using more programmes like dafont.com and gimp help to make the magazine look more realistic. I think that using one picture as the background instead of more than one helps make the magazine look more realistic. You can tell that I didn’t use many programmes for my first task because it doesn’t look very realistic. I think that I have used a better colour range in my music magazine. I think that my contents page looks better by adding a link to contact the magazine, adding a signature to the editors message makes it look a lot more professional. I think my pages on my music magazine show my target audience better by adding girly, young colours with things that would interest typical teenage girls e.g. celeb gossip. The colours that are used for my music magazine pages are used throughout all the pages instead of using colours that clash. I have tried to get more audience feedback so that I could improve my pages more towards what they think and like but also including what I like as well. I have also included a top heading to make my front cover look more professional. I didn’t include a bar code or the issue number in my preliminary task, which made it look very unprofessional. I made sure I included these elements in my music magazine.

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