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Evaluation, Design and Redesign Beit Wazan and Quseen Beit Iba Street


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Evaluation, Design and Redesign Beit Wazan and Quseen Beit Iba Street

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  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمAN-NAJAH NATIONAL UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF ENGINEERINGCIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Presenters: AlA’A SAMEER FARES ABD RABO MOHAMMAD DERBAS Supervisor: Dr. Khalid AL-Sahli Evaluation, Design and Redesign Beit Wazan and Quseen Beit Iba Street

  2. StudyArea

  3. Objective The objective of this project 1- Produce a new highway with higher and better standards. 2- Reducing travel time between cities and adjacent towns. 3- Facilitate development in the area between cities. 4- Provide best horizontal and vertical alignment , intersection design, cross section, marking and signing.

  4. Traffic Data Classification of vehicle

  5. Traffic volumeSegment A at Quseen Intersection

  6. Traffic volumeSegment B

  7. Determination Level of Service

  8. Highway Design Criteria

  9. Plan and profile Segment A, Section A

  10. Plan and profile Segment A, Section B

  11. Plan and profile Segment B

  12. Intersection Design In the highway under consideration the design vehicle is WB-15. Intersections along Project. There are two intersections along the project Quseen Intersection Beit Wazan-Quseen Intersection

  13. Quseen Intersection

  14. Beit Wazan Intersection

  15. Traffic Control Devices The purpose of traffic control is to assign the right of way to drivers, and predictable movement of all traffic on highways. Control may be achieved by using traffic signals, signs, or marking. Traffic Signs Yield Signs Stop Signs Traffic Markings

  16. Pavement Design The components of flexible pavements are subgrade or prepared roadbed, the subbase, the base, and the wearing surface.xibe Pavement Asphalt concrete Surface Base course layer Sub base layer Sub grade

  17. Pavement Design

  18. Pavement Design Thickness layers for the pavement 1: Wearing Course 2: Binder Course 2A: Basecourse 2B: Basecourse 3: Subbase

  19. Typical Cross SectionSegment A, Section A

  20. Typical Cross SectionSegment A, Section B

  21. Typical Cross SectionSegment B

  22. Summary and Conclusions This project deals with the design of BeitWazan Street and Quseen Street. So proper geometric design was prepared for the highway. The length of highway is • Segment A, Section A = 1+330 m. • Segment A, section B = 1+660 m. • Segment B = 1+890 m.

  23. Summary and Conclusions • The difficult topography, the presence of existing alignment, and the pre-determined right of way put some constraints on the proposed design. • Some of the curves did not achieve the typical design criteria such as minimum radius and the minimum length of horizontal curve. • Segment A have high grade, because : • Very Rough topography. • Existing several access roads.

  24. Recommendation • Recommended to consider the possibility of using the area outside the highway right of way in order to better design the highway in BeitWazan Village and Quseen Street. • It is recommended that in such cases, the government should have flexibility to increase the right of way. • The laminated right of way That’s influence in the geometric design and didn’t achieve the perfect design.

  25. Bill of Quantities Calculated quantities of the project from : • Cut and fill quantities. • Quantities of Basecourse. • Pavement quantities. • Concrete quantities used for the project to the walls and ditch. • guard rail length. • all the necessary materials to the project.

  26. Thank You

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