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Welcome. Research Ethics Workshop ‘Integrity, Ethics and the Law’ Some issues for Biologies Research ‘Current and future perspectives’. What are Ethics?. The connection between ethics, law and public policy originates from Plato’s ‘Norms’ ( Nomoi )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Research Ethics Workshop ‘Integrity, Ethics and the Law’ Some issues for Biologies Research ‘Current and future perspectives’

  2. What are Ethics? The connection between ethics, law and public policy originates from Plato’s ‘Norms’ (Nomoi) In this treatise he stresses the importance of of introductions (proimia) which are deemed essential to make laws and regulations understandable and acceptable to the citizen.

  3. Ethos • According to Aristotle morality = ethos provides humans with the basis for political and legal practice. • Modern day ethics may have arisen out of human need to survive within the framework of a functional society. • Depend on continuous reflection and re-assessment of constantly evolving customs, traditions and manners.

  4. ‘Morality is a matter of geography’ Morality or Ethos during the Ages

  5. Role of ethics in biological research The development of biotechnology has produced nothing short of a revolution, both in our capacity to manipulate living things from bacteria to single plant cells to human nature itself. It has also led to the manufacture brand new life forms. Governments have been ill-equipped to engage the difficult technical and ethical and legal issues presented by biotechnological innovations such as cloning, stem cell research, agricultural transgenics, etc. As a result technological innovation has been stymied by bad public relations, understaffed regulatory authorities lacking clear mandates, uninformed legislatures, and miscommunication on all sides.

  6. Role of scientists in research ethics Do scientists have a greater responsibility than the average citizen in identifying ethical issues? Should they or must they provide pro-active guidelines while promoting the ethical implications of scientific innovations to the public?

  7. Key Issues I: Role of Ethic Research Councils Almost invariably controversial issues arise as a result of scientific innovations. • Prof. Jenkins, Chair of UREC, will present an overview of the role of the University’s Research Ethic Committee to identify and address emerging ethical challenges.

  8. Key issues II Prof. Hornby’s presentation: ‘Integrity in Scientific Research’ will be complemented by a forum discussion on plagiarism in academic teaching and research and the potential ethical and legal implications of early detections of such practices.

  9. Key issues III Prof. Plomer’s presentation on ‘Research Ethics, Property Rights and Innovation in the Biosciences’ will be complemented by a forum discussion on the ownership of human biological materials developed through Biotechnological advances.

  10. Role of Ethic Research Councils • Ethic Councils provide a forum for the discussion of pluralistic multidisciplinary and multicultural aspects of science and technology. • Ethic Councils provide guidelines for the implementation of moral and legal rules.

  11. Emerging issues

  12. Cognitive enhancers • Bulking up mentally: • Ritalin • Adderall • Inderal • Aricept

  13. Please provide a specimen! Checking drug intake after exams

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