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The Life of Theseus

The Life of Theseus. Annalise Heyward Hazim Mukhtar Jibryll Brinkley Matheus Cavalcanti. Summary. Theseus is the son of King Aegeus He is to retrieve a sword and shoes under the stone and go seek his father in Athens.

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The Life of Theseus

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  1. The Life of Theseus Annalise Heyward HazimMukhtar Jibryll Brinkley MatheusCavalcanti

  2. Summary • Theseus is the son of King Aegeus • He is to retrieve a sword and shoes under the stone and go seek his father in Athens. • He goes to Athens by foot and clears the land of all the thieves and robbers. • He goes to Athens and then volunteers to fight the Minotaur. • He agrees to marry Ariadne in return for a way to escape the labyrinth. • He kills the Minotaur and leaves forAthens without Ariadne. • He leaves her on an island for she is sea sick and is cast away by a great wind. • He returns holding the black flag which causes King Aegeus to kill himself by jumping into the sea. Theseus was supposed to hold the white flag to show that he was safe and was returning home safely. • He becomes King of Athens and creates a commonwealth and make the people rule. • He goes on many quest such as the Golden Fleece and defending his people from the Amazon.

  3. Summary • Pirithoüs wanted to fight Theseus and when they fought and when Pirithoüs knew he would lose Theseus offered to save him as long as he stayed and fought beside him. • He goes on journeys with Pirithoüs such as to the Underworld • Both Theseus and Pirithoüs are kept in the underworld by sitting in the chair of forgetfulness • Theseus is saved by Hercules while Pirithoüs is kept there for he wants Hades wife, Persephone. • Theseus marries Phaedra. • Phaedra begins to fall in love with Theseus’ son, Hippolytus. • She is crazed by Aphrodite and kills herself since Hippolytus doesn’t notice her. • Theseus is given a note saying Hippolytus killed Phaedra. • Theseus bans Hippolytus from the land and Hippolytus is killed. • Artemis tells Theseus the truth about his unfaithful wife. • Theseus is banished from Athens and is killed by a King and his friend. • He is honored more than any other mortal by all of Athens for his legacy will live on forever.

  4. Theseus Flaws Heroic Qualities • He couldn’t keep his promises- he lied to Ariadne, said he would marry her, but he abandoned her • Confidence and Pride- They lead him to taking every task that is challenging. He went to Hell and Hades kept him there, and he lost his best friend. • Fearless- travels to a city by land and encounters lots of thugs • Starts the Commonwealth in Athens • Strong- Fought the centaur • Courageous • Motivated

  5. Journey • Theseus went to Athens on foot for he didn’t believe on going the easy and safe route of ships

  6. Task • He goes to Athens to be recognized as a prince • Theseus goes to labyrinth in Crete to kill the Minotaur, and save his people • After his father’s death Theseus has to govern the City of Athens

  7. Quest • Goes to the underworld with Pirithoüs to get Persephone • Went with Jason to get the Golden Fleece • Sword and the Stone- Theseus has to get the sword and shoes under the stone to show he is the son of the king

  8. Motifs/ Themes Motif Theme • Rags to Riches- Theseus goes from prince to king • Guilt and Redemption- Phaedra is in love with her step-son which is the guilt she holds. She atones for this by killing herself but says that she was killed by him • What goes around comes around- King Aegeus sent visitors from Crete to the Minotaur for death. Killing another king’s son, he has to sacrifice 14 people every year to not cause war

  9. Archetypes (Characters) • Theseus- Hero • Medea-Trickster. She tried to kill Theseus with poison • Phaedra- Unfaithful wife. Married to Theseus, but fell in love with his son. • Pirithoüs- Anti-Hero- he wants the thrill of the adventure which eventually leads to his downfall for he is not strong enough. Helps Theseus but is stopped in the Underworld

  10. Archetypes (Settings) • Island- isolation. The island of Crete is isolated and is where the Minotaur is located • The Sea- • The sea carries Theseus off the island leaving Ariadne to die • King Aegeus died when he jumped into the sea

  11. Archetypes(Symbols/Colors/Etc) • Color- Black- The black flag showed the perceived death of Theseus which is why King Aegean killed himself • White- He was supposed to hang the white flag to show that he is safe and has returned home defeating the Minotaur • Darkness- The underworld caused despair among Theseus causing his friend to be stuck there forever • Hell- Hades controls what goes on after people die such as the supernatural force of it • Supernatural Intervention – • Aphrodite makes Phaedra fall in love with her son and becomes suicidal because he doesn’t love her back. • Artemis tells Theseus the truth about his unfaithful wife and makes him regret his wish

  12. Lessons in Theseus • Theseus learns not to judge something without knowing the full truth. He sends his son to death without knowing the truth which Artemis told him. • Theseus also learned not to let his pride get the better of him. He followed Pirithoüs to the Underworld and they both became trapped and he eventually lost Pirithoüs.

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