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English language arts Non-fiction & Essays

English language arts Non-fiction & Essays. Terms. Persuasive Essay. The emphasis is on proving a thesis. Literary Essay. Different ways of writing about literature. Personal Essay . Seeing the world through particular temperament. Expository Essay.

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English language arts Non-fiction & Essays

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  1. English language artsNon-fiction & Essays Terms

  2. Persuasive Essay • The emphasis is on proving a thesis

  3. Literary Essay • Different ways of writing about literature

  4. Personal Essay • Seeing the world through particular temperament

  5. Expository Essay • Different techniques for enlivening information. An essay on providing information (i.e. an essay on penguins)

  6. Biography • The story of a person’s life as told by another

  7. Autobiography • Concerning the writer’s own life

  8. Diction • An element of style which indicates the type of words used

  9. Sentence Structure • The awareness of how the essayist put words together

  10. Metaphor • A direct comparison between two unlikely things without using words such as “like” or “as”

  11. Simile • A comparison between two unlikely things using the words “like” or “as”

  12. Hyperbole • The use of exaggeration to create a serious or humorous effect

  13. Personification • The ascribing of human qualities to things that are not human

  14. Allusion • A reference to someone or something with which the writer assumes readers will be familiar

  15. Implied Thesis • A thesis that is never explicitly stated (it’s left up to the reader to infer)

  16. Parallelism • The juxtaposing of sentences or parts of sentences of exactly the same length, structure, and weight so as to achieve a sense of balance.

  17. Style (essay) • A writer’s way of using language

  18. Thesis Statement • A statement explicitly expressing the main idea of an essay

  19. Rhetorical Question • A question asked for effect and which does not expect an answer.

  20. Feminism • The doctrine advocating social and political rights for women equal to those of men

  21. Transition Words • A word or phrase used to link ideas

  22. Satire • The ridiculing of human vices or stupidities with a view to effecting change (or a work of literature that does this sort of ridiculing)

  23. Monologue • A speech spoken by one

  24. Improvisation • To perform or provide without previous preparation

  25. Colloquial Language • A familiar, conversational expression

  26. Tribute • A gift, testimonial, compliment, or the like given as due or in acknowledgement of gratitude

  27. Implicit • Suggested, not stated.

  28. Explicit • Fully and clearly expressed.

  29. Bias • A prejudice, a narrow subjective perspective.

  30. Eulogy • A speech that praises a person, usually soon after the subject’s death

  31. Tone • The attitude of a speaker or writer toward a subject or audience reflected in choice of words and emphasis

  32. Loose Sentence • A loose sentence makes complete sense if brought to a close at one or more points before the end. It follows the usual subject – verb – object pattern. • i.e. “We reached Montreal that night // after a rough flight // and some hair-raising experiences.” • (it gets better as you add sections…)

  33. Periodic Sentence • A periodic sentence makes complete sense only when one reaches the end (or the period). You can’t stop reading until the end of the sentence. • i.e. “That night, after a rough flight, and some hair-raising experiences, we reached Montreal.”

  34. Balanced Sentence • A balanced sentence has two parts that are similar in form and grammatically balance one another. • i.e. “Not that I loved Caesar less, // but that I loved Rome more.”

  35. Parallel Structure • parallel structure is found when two or more parts of a sentence follow the same grammatical construction. • i.e. “With malice toward none, // with charity for all, // with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, // let us strive to finish the work we are in…”

  36. Images obtained through “google images” via public domain

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