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Chapter 6

Chapter 6. Section 4: Other Senses. Taste: Savory Sensations. Taste occurs because chemicals stimulate thousands of receptors in the mouth, primarily on the tongue, but also in the throat, cheeks, & roof of mouth. Papillae: Knoblike elevations on the tongue, containing the taste buds.

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Chapter 6

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  1. Chapter 6 Section 4: Other Senses

  2. Taste: Savory Sensations • Taste occurs because chemicals stimulate thousands of receptors in the mouth, primarily on the tongue, but also in the throat, cheeks, & roof of mouth

  3. Papillae: Knoblike elevations on the tongue, containing the taste buds

  4. Actual receptors for taste are inside the taste buds • Cells send tiny fibers out through an opening in the bud • Receptor cells are replaced by new cells every ten days • After 40, total number of taste buds declines

  5. Bitterness & sourness help us identify foods that are rancid or poisonous • Sweetness helps us identify foods that are healthful or rich in calories • Salt is necessary for all bodily functions

  6. Basic tastes can be perceived at any spot on the tongue • Center has no taste buds • Taste differences are genetic, a matter of culture & learning • Attractiveness of a food can also be affected by its color, temperature, texture, & odor

  7. Smell: The Sense of Scents • Smell or olfaction

  8. Airborne chemical molecules enter the nose & circulate through the nasal cavity. • Vapors can also enter through the mouth & pass into nasal cavity.

  9. Sniff out dangers by smelling smoke, food spoilage, & poisonous gases • Loss can be caused by infection, disease, injury, or smoking

  10. Red bars show the people who could identify a substance dropped on the tongue when they were able to smell it • Blue bars show the people who could identify the substance when they were not able to smell it

  11. Senses of the Skin • Protects our innards, helps identify objects, establish intimacy with others, gives us a sense of ourselves as a distinct from the environment • Basic senses- touch/pressure, warmth, cold, & pain • Tickle, itch, & burning

  12. The Mystery of Pain • When the stimulus producing it is removed, the sensation may continue, sometimes for years • Chronic pain disrupts lives, puts stress on the body, & causes depression, & despair

  13. The Gate Control Theory of Pain • Experience of pain depends (in part) on whether the pain impulse gets past neurological “gate” in the spinal cord & thus reaches the brain.

  14. Brain influences the gate • Thoughts & feelings can influence our reactions to pain

  15. Updating the Gate Control Theory • Doesn’t explain phantom pain • Brain not only responds to incoming signals from sensory nerves but is also capable of generating pain entirely on its own • A network of neurons in the brain gives us a sense of our own bodies & body parts

  16. Neuromatrix Theory of Pain • Theory that the matrix of neurons in the brain is capable of generating pain (& other sensations) in the absence of signals from sensory nerves

  17. The Environment Within • Kinesthesis: The sense of body position and movement of body parts • Information provided by pain & pressure receptors located in muscles, joints, & tendons

  18. Equilibrium: The sense of balance • Gives us information about our bodies as a whole • Relies on three semicircular canals in the inner ear • Tubes are filled with fluid that moves & presses on hair like receptors whenever the head rotates

  19. Receptors intake messages that travel through a part of the auditory nerve not involved in hearing

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