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Overview Introduction Course Registration Process Course Offerings

Welcome to Saratoga High! Spring Guidance Workshop. Overview Introduction Course Registration Process Course Offerings Tips for a Successful Transition. S.H.S. Guidance Department. Student Last Name Counselor : A-F Monique Young ( x206) G-Le Frances Saiki ( x202)

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Overview Introduction Course Registration Process Course Offerings

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  1. Welcome to Saratoga High!Spring Guidance Workshop Overview Introduction Course Registration Process Course Offerings Tips for a Successful Transition

  2. S.H.S. Guidance Department Student Last NameCounselor: A-F Monique Young (x206) G-Le Frances Saiki (x202) Li-R Eileen Allen (x255) S-Z Alinna Satake (x262) See Your Counselor For: *Academic Guidance: Course Selection and Beyond *Personal Support and Guidance *Ideas About Getting Involved

  3. S.H.S. Guidance Website

  4. Course Registration Timeline

  5. Course Request Form: Return to P.E. 3/7

  6. Saratoga High Schedule

  7. English Courses 4 years required for graduation & college admission (P) ENGLISH 9 (P) ENGLISH 9 MAP

  8. MAP Sequence 10 (P) English 10 MAP (Media Arts Program) AND (P) World History MAP Grade 10 AND Media Arts 1 (MA1) + Grade 10 Concurrent enrollment required in English 10 MAP and World History MAP

  9. Social Studies Courses 3.5 years required for graduation. 2 years required for college (P) WORLD GEOGRAPHY (one semester class) Grade 9 HEALTH/DRIVER EDUCATION (one semester class) Grade 9

  10. *Course listed under other department that receives PE credit: *PE Marching Band Physical Fitness 2 years requiredfor graduation Introduction to Phys Fitness Grade 9 OR PE/Spring Sport See course request form for listing of specific sports PE/Fall Sport See course request form for listing of specific sports PE/Winter Sport See course request form for listing of specific sports OR PE/Marching Band PE/Independent Study (ISPE) Approval required prior to semester requested – application available in Guidance Office. PE/ColorGuard Audition required PE/Spirit Try-out required PE/WinterGuard Audition required

  11. Mathematics • 2 yrs req for graduation • 3 yrs req for college (P) Sequential Algebra 1 Geometry Completion of Alg 1 or Sequential Alg 1 (P) Algebra 1 (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1. (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or higher in Seq Alg 1/Geom (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1 (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or high in SeqAlg 1/Geom (P) Geometry Enriched B+ or higher in Algebra 1 (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1 (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or higher in SeqAlg 1/Geom (P) Algebra 2 C- or higher in Geometry/Geometry Enriched taken in high school (P) Algebra 2 Honors # B- or higher in Geom Enriched. B+ or higher in Geometry and B or higher in Alg 1 (grades based on both 1st and 2nd semester) (P) Trigonometry/ Pre-Calculus ** C- or higher in Algebra 2 (B- strongly recommended in Alg 2) (P*) Trigonometry/ Pre-Calculcus Honors ** B- or higher in Algebra 2 Honors (P) Algebra 2 C- or higher in Geometry/Geometry Enriched taken in high school. (P) Trigonometry/Math 4 ** C- or higher in Algebra 2 (P) Calculus AB AP Trig/Pre-Calculus (B- strongly recommended) (P*)Calculus BC AP B- or higher n Trig/Pre-Calculus Honors • Summer school Algebra 1 is NOT accepted for acceleration to Geometry. • For admission to honors and AP math courses, all prerequisite coursework must be completed during the regular school year with • the exception of Geometry. • For left and middle lanes, students need to maintain C- prerequisites to move onto the next course. For right lane, students need • to maintain B- prerequisite to move to the next course. • # Summer school Geometry does not guarantee admittance into Algebra 2 Honors. • ** Summer school Algebra 2 is NOT accepted for acceleration to Trig/Math 4 or Trig/Pre-Calculus.

  12. Science courses 2 Years required for graduation & college (P) Earth Science Recommended for 9th graders enrolling in Algebra 1 or who have earned a B+ or below in 8th grade science or math classes. (P) Biology Intended for students in grade 10 or above. Recommended only for 9th graders who have earned an A- or higher in 8th grade science and math courses.

  13. 2 years required for college World Language Courses (Students eligible for level 2 at SHS if two years completed in middle school) Red Text = Available to 9th Graders (P) French 1 (P) Chinese 1 (P) Spanish 1 (P) Spanish 2 C or higher in Spanish 1. Final grade of B or higher if two years of Spanish taken in middle school. (P) French 2 C or higher in French 1. Final grade of B or higher if two years of French taken in middle school. (P) Chinese 2 C or higher in Chinese 1 (P) Chinese 3 C or higher in Chinese 2 (P) Spanish 3 C or higher in Spanish 2 (P) French 3 C or higher in French 2 (P*) Spanish 4 Honors B- or higher in Spanish 3 (P*) French 4 Honors B- or higher in French 3. (P*) Chinese 4 Honors B- or higher in Chinese 3 (P*) Spanish Language AP B or higher in Spanish 4H (P*) Chinese 5 Honors B or higher in Chinese 4H or teacher approval. (P*) French Language AP B or higher in French 4H or teacher approval. (P*) Spanish Literature AP Completion of Span Lang AP (P*) Chinese Language AP B or higher in Chinese 5H or teacher approval. (P*) Spanish and Latin American Cinema Completion of Spanish Language AP

  14. Visual/Performing Arts courses 1 year required for college Music Art (P) Band (Symphonic/Marching) 1-5* and 4-5 Honors ♦ (P) Art 1-4 * (P) Band (Wind Ensemble/Marching) 2-5* and 4-5 Honors ♦ (P) Ceramics 1-3* Grades 9-12 (P) Orchestra 1-5* and 4-5 Honors ♦ Drama (P) Soprano/AltoChoir 1-2 (P) Concert Choir 1-4 (P) Drama 1-4* and 4 Honors Jazz Band 1

  15. Applied Arts Health/Drivers Ed plus one semester required for graduation Courses listed under other departments that fulfill the Applied Arts Graduation Requirement: *Computer Science AP *Introduction to Engineering Design *Journalism 1, 2, 3 and 4 Honors *Introduction to Rhetoric Animated Graphics Stage Technology and Design Independent Study Teacher approval required

  16. English course electives English Language Development (ELD) Grades 9-12 + (P) Journalism 1 Grades 9-12 + (P) Introduction to Rhetoric Grades 9-12

  17. Math course electives (P) + Introduction to Engineering Design (For Grades 9 & 10) B- or higher in Alg 1. Concurrent enrollment in Geometry or higher college prep math course. (P*) + Computer Science A AP B- or higher in Algebra 2 H or A- or higher in Algebra 2 or prior programming experience

  18. Suggestions for Successful Transition • Select classes that fit your interests and talents • Take advantage of help from teachers/counselors/administrators including tutorial • Implement time management skills • Implement study skills • Sleep!

  19. Active Study Strategies

  20. Saratoga High Schedule

  21. Looking Forward to Next Year! March 7th: Meeting with S.H.S. Guidance at Redwood August 11th (Tentative): Schedule Pick Up Day August 14th : New Student BBQ (for students coming from non-Saratoga schools) August 15th: (Tentative) Link Crew Orientation (for all freshmen) August 18th: First Day of School!

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