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Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem. Lee-Ad Gottlieb Weizmann Institute Tyler Neylon Bynomial Inc. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A. Matrix sparsification.

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Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

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  1. Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem Lee-Ad Gottlieb Weizmann Institute Tyler Neylon Bynomial Inc. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAA

  2. Matrix sparsification • Problem definition: Given a matrix, make it as sparse as possible (minimize number of non-zeros), using elementary row reductions • we want lots of 0’s • Could try Gaussian elimination… but can we do better? • Applications: • Computational speed-up for many fundamental matrix operations • Machine learning [SS-00] • Discovery of cycle bases of graphs [KMMP-04] Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  3. Matrix sparsification • What’s known about matrix sparsification? • Precious little… mostly work by McCormick and coauthors • It’s NP-hard [M-83] • Known results • Heuristic [CM-02] • Algorithm under limiting condition: [HM-84] gave an approximation algorithm for matrices that satisfy the Haar condition Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  4. Sparse null space problem • First recall the definition of null space: • The null space of A is the set of all nonzero vectors b for which Ab=0 • A null matrix for A spans the null space of A. Finding such a matrix is a basic function in linear algebra. • Problem definition: Given a matrix A, find an optimally sparse matrix N that is a full null matrix for A • N is full rank • Columns of N span the null space of A • N is sparse • Applications • Helps solve Linear Equality Problems [CP-86] (optimization via gradient descent, dual variable method for Navier-Stokes, quadratic programming) • Efficient solution to the force method for structural analysis [GH-87] • Finds correlations between time series, such as financial stocks [ZZNS-05] Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  5. Sparse null space problem • What’s known about sparse null space? • Precious little… • First considered in [P-84], it’s known to be NP-hard [CP-86] • Known results: Heuristics [BHKLPW-85, CP-86, GH-87] Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  6. Two matrix problems • It’s not difficult to see that matrix sparsification and sparse null space are equivalent • Let B be a full null matrix for A. The following statements are equivalent: • N = BX for some invertible matrix X • N is a full null matrix for X • Surprisingly then, these two lines of work have proceeded independently Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  7. Our contribution • Two matrix problems • Have been around since the 80’s • Have many applications • Are equivalent – from now on, we’ll refer only to matrix sparsification • Can we prove something concrete about matrix sparsification? • Hardness of approximation? • Approximation algorithms? • We can do both… • Hardness of approximation • As hard as label cover (quite hard to approximate) • Hard to approximate within factor 2log.5-o(1)n of optimal (with some caveats…) • Approximation algorithms • For the hard problem • Under limiting assumptions Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  8. Min unsatisfy • As a first step towards proving hardness of approximation, we’ll show that matrix sparsification is closely related to the min unsatisfy problem introduced in [ABSZ-97] • Problem definition: Given a linear system Ax=b, provide a vector x that minimizes the number of equations not satisfied • What’s known about min unsatisfy • As hard to approximate as label cover [ABSZ-97] • Under Q, hard within factor 2log.5-o(1)n of optimal under the assumption that NP does not admit a quasi-polynomial time solution. • Randomized Θ(m/log m) approximation algorithm (m is number of rows) [BK-01] x = Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  9. Hardness of matrix sparsification • We’ll give a reduction from min unsatisfy to matrix sparsification, which will prove hardness of approximation for matrix sparsification. • Preliminary note: There exist matrices that are unsparsifiable. and these can be construction in poly time. • M = (I X), where I is the identity matrix and X contains no 0 entries. • The identity portion can always be achieved via Gaussian elimination Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  10. Hardness of matrix sparsification • Proof outline • Let (A,y) be an instance of min unsatisfy • We’ll create a matrix M with a few copies of A, but many of copies of y • Minimizing the number of non-zero entries in M reduces to finding a sparse linear combination of y with some vectors of A • That is, solving the instance of min unsatisfy. • Construction: Let (Iq X) be an unsparsifiable matrix, and Ø be the Kronecker product • We chose q=n2 Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  11. Approximation algorithm • Our first result: We conclude that matrix sparsification is as hard as min unsatisfy, which itself is as hard as label cover. • Matrix sparsification is hard to approximate within factor 2log.5-o(1)n of optimal • So what can be done for matrix sparsification? • We will further show that a solution to min unsatisfy implies a similar solution for matrix sparsification. • Hence, the randomized Θ(m/log m) approximation algorithm for min unsatisfy [BK-01] carries over to matrix sparsification. • More importantly, we will also show how to extend a large number of heuristics and algorithms under limiting assumptions to apply to min unsatisfy, and therefore to matrix sparsification. • In particular, we’ll show that the well-known l1 minimization heuristic applies to matrix sparsification. Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  12. Another look at min unsatisfy • Consider the exact dictionary representation (EDR) problem, the major problem in sparse approximation theory. • Problem definition: Given a matrix D of dictionary vectors and a target vector s • Find the smallest subset D’ such that a linear combinations of vectors is equal to s. • What’s known about this problem • A variant appeared in a paper of Schmidt in 1907 [T-03] • NP-Hard [N-95] • Applications in signal representation [CW-92,NP-09], amplitude optimization [S-90], function approximation [N-95], and data mining [CRT-06, ZGSD-06, GGIMS-02, GMS-05]. • A large number of heuristics have been studied for this problem • Also approximation algorithms under limiting assumptions Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  13. Another look at min unsatisfy • EDR is in fact equivalent to min-unsatisfy ([AK-95] proved one direction) although this seems to have escaped the notice of the sparse approximation theory community. • We’ll show how to extend the heuristics and algorithms for EDR (and therefore, min unsatify) for matrix sparsification. Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  14. Matrix sparsification • The following greedy algorithm solves matrix sparsification • We assumes existence of subroutine SIV(A,B), • returns the sparsest vector in the span of matrix A that is not in the span of matrix B • Notes: • This subroutine can be easily implemented using a heuristic or approximation algorithm for min unsatisfy (see paper) • The matrix sparsification algorithm below is a slight simplification (again see paper) • Algorithm for matrix sparsification builds matrix B one column at a time • B ← null • For i=n…1 • a = SIV(A,B) • B ← a • [CP-86] proved that the greedy algorithm works for matroids. Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  15. Algorithms for matrix sparsification • We conclude that all algorithms for min unsatisfy (and EDR) apply to matrix sparsification as well. • There exists a randomized Θ(m/log m) approximation algorithm for matrix sparsification. • A large number of heuristics for EDR carry over to matrix sparsification. • Practical contribution • The popular l1 minimization heuristic for EDR carries over to matrix sparsification • This heuristic finds a vector v that satisfies Dv=s, while minimizing ||v||1 instead of number of non-zeros in v • The heuristic is also an approximation algorithm under certain limiting assumptions [F-04] • This heuristic for matrix sparsification has already been implemented since the public posting of our paper! Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

  16. Conclusion • Considered the matrix sparsification and sparse null space problems. • Showed that they are very hard to approximate. • Showed how to extend a large number of studied heuristics and algorithms to these problems Matrix sparsification and the sparse null space problem

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