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Jeopardy!. Begin. Nationalism And Sectionalism One. Nationalism And Sectionalism Two. War of 1812. Manifest Destiny One. Manifest Destiny Two. Inventors. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy! Begin

  2. Nationalism And Sectionalism One Nationalism And Sectionalism Two War of 1812 Manifest Destiny One Manifest Destiny Two Inventors $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500


  4. He overthrew the Mexican government and raised the California flag to proclaim the new California republic John C. Fremont

  5. Nationalism and Sectionalism One - $100The First National Road that lead to the west C1-$100 National (Cumberland) Road

  6. Nationalism and Sectionalism One - $200He supported a protective tariff that would pay for roads and canals to link the United States together C1-$200 Henry Clay

  7. Nationalism and Sectionalism One - $300It was an agreement between the U.S. and Great Britain which demilitarized the Great Lakes region C1-$300 Rush Bagot Agreement

  8. Nationalism and Sectionalism One - $400John Q. Adams convinced Spain to sell East Florida to the U.S for $5 million C1-$400 Adams Onis Treaty (Florida Purchase)

  9. Nationalism and Sectionalism One - $500This bill would have allotted $1.5 million for internal improvements when the U.S. Government charted the Second Bank of the United States C1-$500 Bonus Bill of 1816

  10. Nationalism and Sectionalism Two - $100This discribe the time period 1814 – 1819 which was full of tranquility and prosperity and united behind the Democratic-Republicans C2-$100 Era of Good Feelings

  11. Nationalism and Sectionalism Two - $200This was an elaborate scheme that would raise a protective tariff, allowing Eastern manufactures to to flourish. The revunues would provide for roads and canals C2-$200 Clay's American System

  12. Nationalism and Sectionalism Two - $300This stated that Europeans could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere C2-$300 Monroe Doctrine

  13. Nationalism and Sectionalism Two - $400This was a response to the British flood of cheap priced goods into the U.S. market C2-$400 Tariff of 1816

  14. Nationalism and Sectionalism Two - $500This occurred when the Second Bank of the United States attempted to stop inflation by collecting currency from state backs that were to reckless in loaning to speculators C2-$500 Panic of 1819

  15. War of 1812 - $100Francis Scott Key composed this after the British attack on Fort Henry C3-$100 The Star Spangled Banner or The National Anthem

  16. War of 1812 - $200It provided for the mutual restoration of all conquests and made no mention of maritime laws or other issues for which the U.S. had gone to war C3-$200 Treaty of Ghent

  17. War of 1812 - $300This is where Federalist met to protest the war with England. It lead directly to their demise C3-$300 Hartford Convention

  18. War of 1812 - $400It lifted all restrictions on trade and promised France and England that if either nation would lift their trade restictions, the U.S. Would only trade with that nation C3-$400 Macon's Bill #2

  19. War of 1812 - $500Led by Henry Clay, they were westerners who demanded immediate war with England C3-$500 War Hawks

  20. Manifest Destiny One - $100He was the editor of the New York Tribune who said “Go West Young Man, Go West.” C4-$100 Horace Greeley

  21. Manifest Destiny One - $200This was the slogan that indicated where America wanted the Oregon Territory to go to o / 54 40 or fight C3-200

  22. Manifest Destiny One - $300 DAILY DOUBLE C3-$300

  23. It was a war between lumberjacks from the U.S. and Canada over the disputed territory between Maine and New Brunswick Aroostook War

  24. Manifest Destiny One - $400 He was a four-time senator from Missouri and headed the military committee before the Mexican War. He was known as “Mr. Manifest Destiny” C3-$400 Thomas Hart Benton

  25. Manifest Destiny One - $500Slavery should not exist in any part of the territories received from Mexico C3-$500 Wilmot Proviso

  26. Manifest Destiny Two - $100He was sent to to buy California to from Mexico C4-$100 John Slidell

  27. Manifest Destiny Two - $200It ended the Mexican War C4-$200 Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

  28. Manifest Destiny Two - $300He started the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints C4-$300 Joseph Smith

  29. Manifest Destiny Two - $400Abraham Lincoln asked Polk to name the precise “spot” on American soil where American blood had allegedly been shed C4-$400 Spot Resolutions

  30. Manifest Destiny Two - $500This land was purchased as a southern railroad route through the Arizona Territory C4-$500 Gadsen Purchase

  31. Inventors - $100His vessel Clermont was the first vessel powered by steam C4-$100 Robert Fulton

  32. Inventors - $200He started the mechanization of farming by inventing the reaper C4-$200 Cyrus McCormick

  33. Inventors - $300He was a wealthy paper manufacturee who strecthed a the first transatlantic cable between Newfoundland and Ireland. C4-$300 Cyrus Fields

  34. Inventors - $400His invention of the sewing machine was a labor savings device for women C4-$400 Elias Howe

  35. Inventors - $500He was considered the Father of the factory System C4-$500 Samuel Slater

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