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Info Map

Info Map. 5th International PHOTOMOD User Conference September 13-16, 2005, Jurmala, The Republic of Latvia EXHIBITOR: “InfoMap” LLC, Belgrade, The Republic of Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro “InfoMap” LLC, Novi Grad, The Republic of Serbska, Bosnia & Herzegovina

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Info Map

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  1. InfoMap 5th International PHOTOMOD User Conference September 13-16, 2005, Jurmala, The Republic of Latvia EXHIBITOR: “InfoMap” LLC, Belgrade, The Republic of Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro “InfoMap” LLC, Novi Grad, The Republic of Serbska, Bosnia & Herzegovina Surveying, Photogrammetry, Cartography & GIS Title: Basic GIS of the Republic of Serbska, Bosnia & Herzegovina Ljubomir Jovanić, B.Sc.Geod. & Leon Dražić, B.Sc.Geod. Belgrade, September 2005. InfoMap

  2. InfoMap Slide 2

  3. InfoMap • Aerial survey • Entire area of The Republic of Serbska (BiH) in the Scale=1:20000 (2001), 2.5 mil.ha (1/2 BiH), 4300 aerial images • - All cities of The Republic of Serbska (BiH) in Scale=1:6000 (2004) • 45 cities, over 2000 aerial images InfoMap

  4. Basic Project information: Input data description: Camera: Leica LC20/30, f=152mm; scale of Source images: 1:20,000; ground control data used for geo-Referencing: Basic Maps Sc=1:25,000; resolution used for source aerial films 800dpi, type of scanner: UMAX; PHOTOMOD software configuration used in project “Basic GIS – RS”: Full network version #PHV300472001; Hardware profile: Pentium 4 / 3264 MHz; Project workflow description: TOR of Basic GIS – RS, aerial images, geo referencing basic topo. maps, AT, Solver, Montage DT, Project time frame: Phase I: 2005.-Curently , Phase II: 2006., Phase III: 2007. Output results description: DEM – Basic Map 1:25000, DTM – Maps 1:25000, ortho mosaic: Fast orthophoto, Final spatial output resolution: 2m, accurate: 5-10m, Final products: Orthophoto maps 1:20000, Sample: Orthophoto maps 1:20000 - RS, 1:1000 Ljubinje city

  5. Project time frame: Phase I – 2005 – Currently, Phase II – 2006, Phase III -2007. Goal: Phase I : fast DOF 1:25000 RS, accurate m y, x =25-50m Phase II: DTM production, DOF 1:25000 RS, accurate m y, x 5-10 m, fast DOF 1:1000, cities, m y, x=1-2m Phase III: Address registry Purpose: - Creating a unique basic maps for the Government and its ministries; - Phenomena and projects' record keeping at the unique project maps; - Statistic needs; - Real estate cadastre and registry property including the state of existing structures and properties; - Manufacturing of planning documents for the republic government and local Authorities; - Miscelaneous…

  6. Example of Purposes How InfoMap created DOF maps are utilized in various institutions -Republic Geodetic Authority -Municipal Cadastral Authority -The Institute of Statistics -Construction companies -Road network Administration -Water economics -Power economics -Mines at surface and spoilbanks -Urbanism office -Projecting companies -Private entrepreneurs -Telecommunications and postal systems -Public services and communal systems -Agricultural and forest holdings -Army and police -MAC - (Mine Action Center) -etc… InfoMap

  7. Example of Purposes • Agricultural and forest management InfoMap

  8. Example of Purposes - Power economics InfoMap

  9. Example of Purposes - Urban and spatial planning InfoMap

  10. InfoMap Example of Purposes - Infrastructural corridors InfoMap

  11. Example of Purposes Problem solving for property and legal relations, urban and building permit. Digital Cadastre Plan and DOF combined - differences InfoMap

  12. Example of Purposes - 3D Visualisation and Miscellaneous…

  13. Geo Referenced MAPS Basic Topographic Maps – Scale 1:25000 No Sheets in part RS – 314 No Sheets in Federal Part – 162 ------------- Total: 476 Sheets InfoMap

  14. Entire area. Aerial survey in 2001. As the entire area is indented and due to practical reasons, the area was divided into 6 blocks Block 1. 1350 imagesBlock 2. 1086  imagesBlock 3. 230 imagesBlock 4. 99 imagesBlock 5. 1043 imagesBlock 6. 255 images-----------------------------------Total: 4063 images

  15. Example : Block 1 – RS 26 Strips

  16. Example : Block 1 – RSAT – 1350 images

  17. Example : Block 1 – RSAT - 1350 Images

  18. Example : Block 1 – RS Statistics -GCPoint 397 -TiePoint 13339 ---------------------- Total measuring 47350

  19. URBAN AREAS Entire area marked with 45 cities of urban areas for local authorities. Aerial survey in scale: 1:6000, (end of 2004.) (Image of RS with cities that were aerial survey) InfoMap

  20. Sample: Orthophoto mosaic in urban area, Sc=1:1000, 980ha - Ljubinje city InfoMap

  21. Novi Grad, BIH / Beograd, SCG Tel/faks +387 52 756397, email: infomap@prijedor.com InfoMap

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