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Mammoths. contents 1. Are mammoths just elephants? 2/3. When did they become extinct?/why did they become extinct 4. What did mammoths eat? 5. What did mammoths weigh?. Are mammoths just elephants? .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mammoths contents 1. Are mammoths just elephants? 2/3. When did they become extinct?/why did they become extinct 4. What did mammoths eat? 5. What did mammoths weigh?

  2. Are mammoths just elephants? • No they are just close related like zebras and horses etc. mammoths are more hairy, there tusks are longer and they are bigger.

  3. When did they become extinct? • 1200 years ago because that’s when the ice age ended and the mammoths overheated and the ice age it started in 811. 811 2011

  4. What did mammoths eat? • Mammoths were plant eaters, they used their tusks to dig up snow and their trunks to pick up the food.

  5. What do mammoths weigh? a mammoth could weigh up to 10 • tons which is 9 tons heavier then a • car.

  6. Thanks for watching By James

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