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Back 'n da Dayz

Back 'n da Dayz. November 1. Swiss American Louis Chevrolet and his partner William Durant announced the incorporation of the new Chevrolet Motor Company. The com-pany planned to.

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Back 'n da Dayz

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  1. Back 'n da Dayz November 1

  2. Swiss American Louis Chevrolet and his partner William Durant announced the incorporation of the new Chevrolet Motor Company. The com-pany planned to

  3. establish its head-quarters in Detroit. Chevrolet, who had emigrated to the US from Switzerland only 11 years earlier, had already established

  4. himself as an automotive giant by the time of the announcement of the new company was made.

  5. Back 'n da Dayz November 3

  6. In 1992, Democrat Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas was elected as 42nd President of the United States,

  7. defeating President George Bush. This victory marked the end of a 12-year era of Republicans in the White House.

  8. Back 'n da Dayz November 4

  9. In 1924, Miriam Ferguson was elected governor of Texas. Ferguson, who was more commonly known

  10. Back 'n da Dayz November 6

  11. Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman to serve in the US Congress when she was elected in 1968. She was a Democrat from Brooklyn,New York, and served in Congress until 1983.

  12. as “Ma,” became the first woman in the United States to be elected to this office.

  13. Back 'n da Dayz November 7

  14. In 1946 Wing F. Ong became the first Chinese American elected to a state legislature. Ong was elected to the Arizona State Legislature.

  15. Back 'n da Dayz November 8

  16. Attorney General of the state of Massachusetts Edward Brooke became the first African American to be elected to the US Senate by popular vote in 1966.

  17. Senator Brooke was a member of the Republican party.

  18. Back 'n da Dayz November 9

  19. The Vietnam Memorial was opened on this day in 1982 in Washington, DC. The memorial was designed by Maya Ying Lin, a Vietnamese American architecture student.

  20. Back 'n da Dayz November 10

  21. In 1917, 41 women from 15 states were arrested outside the White House in Washington, DC for suffragette demon-strations. The women did nothing more than picket the White House with

  22. signs demanding voting rights. The arrested women drew sentences that ranged from six days to six months imprisonment.

  23. student from Yale University. It was the first major tribute to US soldiers who fought in Vietnam.

  24. Back 'n da Dayz November 11

  25. William O. Douglas, associate justice of the US Supreme Court, announced his retirement from the court in 1975. Douglas served for 36

  26. Back 'n da Dayz November 13

  27. Carl Stokes was sworn in as mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1967. Stokes became the first African American mayor of a major US city. Twenty years later, on this same date, Carrie Saxon Perry

  28. was elected mayor of Hartford, Connecticut. Perry became the first African American woman to hold a mayoral seat in a major northeastern city.

  29. Back 'n da Dayz November 14

  30. At age 71, Rosa Parks was presented with the first Eleanor Roosevelt Woman of Courage Award from the Wonder Woman Foundation (1984). The award was given to Parks in recognition for her

  31. defiance of a segrega-tionist law in Alabama that prohibited African Americans from sitting anywhere except in the back of buses.

  32. Back 'n da Dayz November 15

  33. In 1990, President Bush signed a bill that protected the gravesites of Native Americans and required the return of remains and artifacts from such sites to the Native American tribes to which they belonged.

  34. Back 'n da Dayz November 19

  35. Seventy-three-year-old former Klu Klux Klan mem-ber Robert E. Chambliss was convicted of first-degree murder on this day in 1977. Chambliss was charged with responsibility

  36. for the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church resulting in the deaths of four African American girls in 1963.

  37. Back 'n da Dayz November 20

  38. Lincoln Borglum announced the completion of the carvings of the busts of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt into Mount Rushmore in 1941.

  39. His father, Gutzon, who died on March 6, 1941, spent 14 years carving the president’s heads into the mountain and, when he died, his son pledged to finish his father’s work.

  40. Back 'n da Dayz November 22

  41. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by a sniper’s bullet as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas in 1963.He became the fourth

  42. president to be assass-inated and the first in 62 years. Texas Govenor John Connally was also wounded. Several hours later, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with the crime.

  43. Back 'n da Dayz November 23

  44. African American farmer and inventor Andrew Jackson Beard was awarded a patent for his “Jenny” coupler in 1899. The coupler allowed train cars to be joined

  45. together simply by bumping them against one another. The device cut back on serious injuries, such as the loss of limbs, that occurred frequently using previous coupling methods.

  46. Back 'n da Dayz November 24

  47. Following the murder of President John F. Kennedy two days earlier, alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed while being escorted from a Dallas

  48. jail. Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby. The event, captured by the many television cameras waiting to photograph Oswald, became the first nationally televised murder. Ruby was

  49. Back 'n da Dayz November 26

  50. In 1973, Rose Mary Woods, personal secretary of Pre-sident Nixon, testified that she was responsible for the 18-minute gap on one of the tapes subpeonaed by the federal court investigating the Watergate break -in. The tape in question was

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