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Aim: Describe how the Universe and Solar System Formed

Aim: Describe how the Universe and Solar System Formed. Brainpop -Big Bang. 2. The Big Bang Theory. 14 Billion years ago all matter & energy was squished into a tiny dot (a singularity) that eventually exploded, forming the Universe and EVERYTHING we know! It is Still EXPANDING!.

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Aim: Describe how the Universe and Solar System Formed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aim: Describe how the Universe and Solar System Formed Brainpop-Big Bang

  2. 2. The Big Bang Theory 14 Billion years ago all matter & energy was squished into a tiny dot (a singularity) that eventually exploded, forming the Universe and EVERYTHING we know! It is Still EXPANDING! Big bang animation

  3. Proof the Universe is Expanding: • Cosmic Background Radiation

  4. Spectral Shift – Red Shift (moving AWAY) • Red Spreads Away. Blue to You (towards)

  5. Galaxy:Billions of stars and other matter in space

  6. Our sun is located in the Milky Way Galaxy which is spiral

  7. It takes approximately 220 million years to revolve

  8. 2. Solar System Formation 4.6 billion years ago the Sun, Planets, Asteroids, Moons, Comets formed. All objects that orbit (revolve) around the Sun -

  9. Solar System

  10. 3. Sun ESRT p. 15 4.6 billion years old. Average (Main Sequence) Star. Produces energy/light by Nuclear Fusion of Hydrogen into Helium. H + H = He

  11. Sun, an Average Star

  12. 4. Planets ESRT p.15 Formed 4.6 billion years ago (along with the Sun and Solar System)

  13. Mercury Mars Terrestrial Planets Venus Earth

  14. Mercury

  15. MERCURY • Similar to Earth’s moon • Almost no atmosphere-No weathering! • Covered with craters. • Mercury goes through phases, like the Moon. Mercury looks like a crescent moon when it passes between Earth and the Sun. • Mercury has no moons.

  16. Venus

  17. VENUS • ESRT look up its period of revolution and period of rotation. • What is interesting about its Periods of Rotation and Revolution ?? Rotation is longer that Revolution; Day is longer than its year. ESRT!!!

  18. VENUS • Atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide. Greenhouse Effect traps the heat. Extremely Hot !! • Sometimes called “Earth’s sister planet”

  19. Earth

  20. EARTH • Only planet with liquid water and LIFE. • Atmosphere is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen • Water covers 71 % of the Earth’s surface. • Earth has one Moon

  21. Earth as seen from the Moon

  22. Mars

  23. MARS • Very thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide. • Mars’ surface is red. • Two known moons, Phobos and Deimos.

  24. Mars (Polar Ice Caps)

  25. Jupiter Neptune Jovian Planets Uranus Saturn

  26. Jupiter

  27. JUPITER • Diameter is 11 times greater than Earth’s. • Over 1000 Earths could fit inside. • Jupiter has NO solid surface, a ball of liquid surrounded by gas. • Great Red Spot, a huge storm of swirling gas that has lasted for hundreds of years. • Over 60 moons. Its four largest moons were discovered in 1609 by Galileo.

  28. The Galilean Moons of Jupiter -Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto (top to bottom) -The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is on the left -Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system

  29. Saturn

  30. SATURN • Saturn has a density of 0.7. It is lighter than water. Saturn would FLOAT!!! • Thousands of rings made of rocks, dust, and ice which orbit the planet. • More than 30 moons. Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is the only moon in the solar system with a significant atmosphere.

  31. Uranus

  32. URANUS • Uranus spins on an axis that is tilted more than any other planet. • Only planet that is spinning on its side. • More than 20 moons.

  33. Neptune

  34. NEPTUNE • Large Gas planet • Furthest from the Sun • More than ten moons.

  35. Terrestrial Jovian .earth-like jupiter-like Rocky Gaseous Solid Gas More Dense Less Dense Closer to Sun (hotter) Far from Sun (colder) Small size Large size Hydrogen-rich atmosphere Many Moons Rings Ex. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Earth, Mars Neptune

  36. 5. Asteroids Solid, Rocky objects orbiting between Mars and Jupiter – Asteroid Belt

  37. 6. Meteroroids/Meteors/Meteorites Rocks floating in space/entering earth’s atmosphere (shooting star).

  38. Halley’s Comet Nucleus Every 76 years, as Halley’s Comet nears the Sun, it becomes visible to the unaided eye. (next sighting in 2062) Photo taken by space probe Giotto, 3/14/86.

  39. Impact Crater – when meteorite reaches Earth’s surface.65 mya-caused extinction of dinosaurs!

  40. 7. Comets – Rocky, Icy objects orbiting the Sun in highly elliptical (eccentric) orbits.

  41. Comets tail Always Points AWAY from the Sun

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