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Dark Matter Mass Constrained by Relic Abundance, Direct Detections, and Colliders

Dark Matter Mass Constrained by Relic Abundance, Direct Detections, and Colliders. 1301.4186 In coll. with Kwei -Chou Yang. Ho-Chin Tsai CYCU 2013/03/22 Academia Sinica. Outline. Introduction of Dark Matter. DM evidence Wimp Miracle What Collider can do Dimensional Analysis

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Dark Matter Mass Constrained by Relic Abundance, Direct Detections, and Colliders

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  1. Dark Matter Mass Constrained by Relic Abundance, Direct Detections, and Colliders 1301.4186 In coll. with Kwei-Chou Yang Ho-Chin Tsai Ho-Chin Tsai CYCU 2013/03/22 Academia Sinica

  2. Outline Ho-Chin Tsai

  3. Introduction of Dark Matter • DM evidence • Wimp Miracle • What Collider can do • Dimensional Analysis • Model Study DM SM Collider Direct detection Ho-Chin Tsai DM SM Indirect detection Relic ΩDMh2=0.12 3

  4. Lagrangian ~ 0.1 • Fermionic dark matter with a mediator Y • Annihilation Ho-Chin Tsai

  5. Color code : Magenta Green Blue Relic Perturbativity Ho-Chin Tsai

  6. Relic Ho-Chin Tsai

  7. Direct Detection Experiment Mole number, E_R ~100 keV Ho-Chin Tsai No signal Assume interaction type then inverse the flux to get cross section bound StatusProgressOutlookTAUP 2011 München, September 7, 2011 V. ZacekUniversitédeMontréal PICASSO

  8. X-section Calculation Nucleus Size ~40 MeV Quark level  Nucleon level(Hadronic Matrix element )  Nuclear(form factor) Proton 200 MeV Ho-Chin Tsai Mediator ~100 GeV momentum transferred ~100MeV H.Y. Cheng DM particle

  9. D-N Elastic Cross-section Suppression factor 1 10^-2 10^-6 10^-10 with m_D = 100 m_N Ho-Chin Tsai Dark SUSY

  10. Relic+DirectDetections Ho-Chin Tsai

  11. Relic+DirectDetections relic Ho-Chin Tsai

  12. mY=100, 500, 1000, 4000 GeV Ho-Chin Tsai

  13. mY=100, 500, 1000, 4000 GeV Ho-Chin Tsai

  14. Relic Direct Detection Collider Collider Reduced mass ~1GeV Collider can do better than direct detection with heavy mediator and light DM more better when momentum suppression interaction Ho-Chin Tsai

  15. In-visible Y Available Mono-Jet searches: • CMS 36 pb−1 • ATLAS 1 fb−1: LowPt, HighPt and veryHighPt MadGraph 5 • VeryHighPT: 7 TeV, 1fb-1 • missing ET > 300GeV, missing pT j1 > 350GeV • σ1j < 0.045pb 1202.0158 ATLAS jet g* u ū u proton Y*,Y proton Ho-Chin Tsai χ χ SM BG p p  j Z j v v , 2 to 2 process

  16. Effective Cut-off Scale Perturbativity Mono-Jet Xenon100 Relic Ho-Chin Tsai

  17. In Effective Cut-off Scale Relic Mono-Jet Perturbativity Xenon100 Ho-Chin Tsai

  18. Dijet Resonances Search Find resonance on smooth QCD background Bin data for search efficiency Unphysical if resonance width < energy resolution Best bin width slightly bigger than energy resolution due to particle decay width Narrow width: can be applied to particle decay width < energy resolution Ho-Chin Tsai

  19. Upper Limit for Y CDF 0812.4036 260 - 1400 GeVCMS 1107.4771 1000 - 4100 GeVATLAS 1108.6311 900 - 4000 GeVTake Y width < 0.1 mY ~ resolution 1107.4771 Ho-Chin Tsai

  20. Visible Y CDF CMSDi-Jet Only constrain not cases of Find Y to claim dark matter exist. Ho-Chin Tsai mY=500, 1000, 1500, 1000 GeV mY=100, 300, 500, 700 GeV

  21. Relic+DirectDetections+Colliders Relic + Direct Ho-Chin Tsai

  22. Visible Y CDF CMS Di-Jet Ho-Chin Tsai mY=500, 1000, 1500, 1000 GeV mY=100, 300, 500, 700 GeV

  23. Relic+DirectDetections+Colliders Relic + Direct Ho-Chin Tsai

  24. Y width Ho-Chin Tsai Narrow width

  25. Conclusions • Study fermionic DM mediated by scalar particle universally to the SM quarks. • Restrict mass relationby the relic abundance, direct detections, and mono-jet and di-jet search at collider. • A pseudo-scalar mediator comfort relic and direct detection due to momentum suppression. • Mono-jet for invisible Y search is limited by DM mass and relevant on PS, PP case only. • Di-jet for visible Y search is powerful, relevant on PS, PP case, stronger than dark matter direct detection in constraint. • DM search might be near if Y were found. Ho-Chin Tsai

  26. Thank you. Ho-Chin Tsai

  27. Di-Jet Visible Y Search Ho-Chin Tsai

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