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‘Half-Caste’ by John Agard

‘Half-Caste’ by John Agard. Starter. What does multi-cultural mean? What makes us a multi-cultural society ?. Background Information. John Agard was born in Guyana, in the Caribbean in 1949, to parents of mixed nationality. He moved to England in 1997.

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‘Half-Caste’ by John Agard

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  1. ‘Half-Caste’by John Agard

  2. Starter • What does multi-cultural mean? • What makes us a multi-cultural society?

  3. Background Information • John Agard was born in Guyana, in the Caribbean in 1949, to parents of mixed nationality. He moved to England in 1997. • He likes to perform his poems and believes humour is an effective way of challenging people’s opinions. • In this poem Agard expresses his disgust and anger at people who treat others contemptuously or condescendingly because of the colour of their skin.

  4. Background Information • John Agard was born in ............, in the Caribbean in 1949, to parents of mixed nationality. He moved to ...............in 1997. • He likes to ..............his poems and believes ..............is an effective way of challenging people’s opinions. • In this poem Agard expresses his disgust and ...........at people who treat others contemptuously or condescendingly because of the ..............of their skin.

  5. Half-caste is an old-fashioned term once used to denote a person of mixed race. It was in use for much of the twentieth century, but is now considered offensive.

  6. 1) Listen2) Listen and sum up the tone for each stanza • Illustrate the images created by the poet e.g. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTt4GAjPh58

  7. 1) Listen2) Listen and sum up the tone for each stanza • Negative • Positive • Happy • Sad • Angry • Upset • Sarcastic • Humorous • Indifferent • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTt4GAjPh58

  8. ‘Cultural Mix’ Look at the reference to Picasso. Picasso was a Spaniard who lived for much of his life in France. (1881–1973) • Should Picasso be seen as second-rate because he mixed a variety of colours in his paintings?

  9. ‘Cultural Mix’ • Should the English weather be scorned because it is full of light and shadow?

  10. ‘Cultural Mix’ Look at the reference to Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky blended Russian and European influences in his music. Both are regarded as seminal figures in Western culture. (1840–1893) • Should the music of Tchaikovsky be seen as inferior because he used both the black notes and the white notes on the piano?

  11. ‘Cultural Mix’ • Half –caste = mixed race • Agard is pointing out to the reader that painters and composers mix colours – does this mean they are less worthy of their fame?

  12. Thematic language • How does Agard develop the idea of being “half” in lines 31 - 46? • List all of the halves • Is this possible? Why is Agard using these ideas?

  13. Thematic language = lines 31 – 46? • Agard extends the idea of being “half” to the individual parts of his body to show how silly the term half caste is. • Does ‘half’ mean ‘half’ a person? • Literally or figuratively?

  14. Language • Why might the phrase ‘explain yuself’ be repeated? • Why is he asking the reader to explain themselves?

  15. ‘Come back…’ • Come back tomorrow with the “whole of yu mind” • What does Agard mean here? • What is his final message?

  16. ‘Come back…’ – come back tomorrow with the “whole of yu mind” • He wants the listener to stop being narrow minded • - what does this mean?

  17. Tone Plenary: Tone

  18. Complete / select… • In his poem ‘Half-caste’ Agard uses humour, particularly ……, to explore a ……… point. • Being of a …….. himself, Agard uses this poem to explore the meaning of the derogatory term……. • Though it was once in common use, it is nowadays considered an…….. • In the first stanza Agard makes references to Picasso ……………and Tchaikovsky ……………..Agard asks the reader if these famous artists should be superior/inferior because they ‘mix’ their tools (paint and keys.) • In the same breath, does this mean mixed race people should be treated as second class citizens?

  19. Complete / Select… • Agard moves from being humorous to almost ……… in the second stanza where he begins to link the term …………. to a sense of ….. • Does the term ‘half’ therefore suggest that he is…………… and therefore an inferior race. • Agard uses humour at first to suggest that it is a …….. term and he wants to catch…… • His last message is much more ……. And the tone changes to effect /reflect this. • Agard turns the joke onto the….. By suggesting the reader …………..’…………………’ He is implying that the reader is …………………. There is no ‘other half’ of the story, Agard is speaking metaphorically to speak to white man’s ignorance.

  20. Complete / select… Mixing colours on his palette Half-caste Sarcasm Mixed race Mixing the keys on his piano Serious Insult • In his poem ‘Half-caste’ Agard uses humour, particularly ……, to explore a ……… point. • Being of a …….. himself, Agard uses this poem to explore the meaning of the derogatory term……. • Though it was once in common use, it is nowadays considered an…….. • In the first stanza Agard makes references to Picasso ……………and Tchaikovsky ……………..Agard asks the reader if these famous artists should be superior/inferior because they ‘mix’ their tools (paint and keys.) • In the same breath, does this mean mixed race people should be treated as second class citizens?

  21. Reader Half a man Sarcastic Our attention Half –caste Not open minded Identity Silly Comes back with the ‘whole’ of his mind Serious • Agard moves from being humorous to almost ……… in the second stanza where he begins to link the term …………. to a sense of ….. • Does the term ‘half’ therefore suggest that he is…………… and therefore an inferior race. • Agard uses humour at first to suggest that it is a …….. term and he wants to catch…… • His last message is much more ……. And the tone changes to effect /reflect this. • Agard turns the joke onto the….. By suggesting the reader …………..’…………………’ He is implying that the reader is …………………. • There is no ‘other half’ of the story, Agard is speaking metaphorically to speak to white man’s ignorance.

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