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Real time test of Nitrate-N in the field for raw soil

Filtering. Shaking. 32. 10. 64. 20. 128. 40. 80. 256. 160. 512. NO 3 — N test value (ppm). 1 NO 3 — N(kg/ha/10 cm). C.W. Hong and Y.J.Yun Cwhong@rda.go.kr yj.yun@merck.co.kr. Real time test of Nitrate-N in the field for raw soil. Justification.

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Real time test of Nitrate-N in the field for raw soil

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  1. Filtering Shaking 32 10 64 20 128 40 80 256 160 512 NO3—N test value (ppm) 1 NO3—N(kg/ha/10 cm) C.W. Hong and Y.J.Yun Cwhong@rda.go.kr yj.yun@merck.co.kr Real time test of Nitrate-N in the field for raw soil Justification O 20 ml of raw soil was added to 60 ml of water. O Shake for 1-2 minutes and filter O Filtrate is used for testing Nitrate-N by RQflex Method O Nitrate-N is much dynamic in the field soil. O Farmers wish to know the current soil N-status O Thus there is the need to test N status on real time base. O Adequate method has become available for this end Water Soil Rqflex Photometer (Merck) Calculation • Nitrate-N content in 10 cm depth soil is calculated based on N in soil water. • * Eg. 50 ppm --@ 160 kg N/ha/10 cm soil Quick Finder for Nitrate-N

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