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www.definedstem.com. Social Studies, finding resources. Social studies search by key word, [Search]. Social Studies, finding resources. filter by grade level around your grade level and type of product. Science, finding resources. Science, click science. Science, finding resources.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.definedstem.com

  2. Social Studies, finding resources Social studies search by key word, [Search]

  3. Social Studies, finding resources filter by grade level around your grade level and type of product

  4. Science, finding resources Science, click science

  5. Science, finding resources Science, click a subject area filter and select a task type

  6. How Literacy Design Collaborative works Template Tasks and Rubric

  7. PBA Resources – Social Studies Multiple Resources: http://www.squidoo.com/social-studies-projects-ideas-for-pbl http://wveis.k12.wv.us/teach21/public/project/Mainmenu.cfm http://www.bie.org/ (search on right side of page) http://www.uen.org/k12educator/uenresources.php?cat=Social%20Studies Social Studies/ History links: http://www.trumbullesc.org/SocialStudies2012.aspx Interactive social studies tests World History songs parodies of pop tunes search YouTube for HistoryTeachers. Stanford History Teachinghistory.org

  8. PBA Resources Sample Items – Science Multiple Resources: www.Phet.colorado.edu http://www.trumbullesc.org/Science2012.aspx http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/science_2009/ - Interactive Assessment released tests from edinfomatics “search released state tests” using other state tests Concord.org Oregon state released tests http://www.darke.k12.oh.us/curriculum/sci/science http://demo.tds.airast.org/ohio/Default.aspx?disableJava=true&client=ohio&messages=ohio&acc=Content\\ohio_acc_default.json&config=Content\\ohio_default.json (use Firefox as browser)

  9. PBA Resources Articles InfOhio Discover Magazine National Geographic – Interactive Map is very awesome! Smithsonian Popular Mechanics Time, CNN, NPR, news websites Time for Kids, Nation Geo Kids Scholastic Google search with (Settings) Advance search for Reading Level

  10. PBA Resources

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