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UCP REVISION. UCP600 逐条分析 中国银行总行国际结算部 程 军 2006年11月. 背景介绍. UCP500 已使用十余年,有些条款已不能很好满足业务发展的需要。 ICC 于2002年萌发修订 UCP500 的动议。 自 UCP500 生效以来, ICC 提出的专家意见中超过58%集中在 UCP500 七个条款上 。 另有17条现行条款从未引起过意见或只有一两条意见。. 背景介绍. 第九条 – 开证行与保兑行的责任 (共二十六次)

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  1. UCP REVISION UCP600逐条分析 中国银行总行国际结算部 程军 2006年11月

  2. 背景介绍 • UCP500已使用十余年,有些条款已不能很好满足业务发展的需要。ICC于2002年萌发修订UCP500的动议。 • 自UCP500生效以来,ICC提出的专家意见中超过58%集中在UCP500七个条款上。 另有17条现行条款从未引起过意见或只有一两条意见。

  3. 背景介绍 • 第九条 – 开证行与保兑行的责任 (共二十六次) • 第十三条 – 审核单据的标准(共四十三次) • 第十四条 – 不符点单据与通知(共六十次) • 第二十一条 – 对单据出单人或单据内容未 作规定共二十九次) • 第二十三条 – 海运提单(共四十七次) • 第三十七条 – 商业发票(共二十六次) • 第四十八条 – 可转让信用证(共三十一次)

  4. 背景介绍 • ICC银行委员会于2003年5月的会议上正式批准修订UCP。修订小组由九位成员组成 • 另外设有顾问小组,由来自26个国家的41位专家组成

  5. 背景介绍 • 将ICC历年来的主要意见、决定和DOCDEX仲裁结果吸纳入修订本中 • 评估法院的判决和过去的案例对UCP的影响,有些判决并不和国际商会银委会的意见相符 • 探讨国际商会出版的其他相关规则,如URR 525, ISP 98和eUCP,有关内容可联系借鉴到新的UCP中

  6. 背景介绍 • 修订注重于技术性的课题 • 尽量使用简单易懂的语言 • 考虑取消多余的或过时的条款 • 考虑引入新的概念和规则 • 尝试弥补造成多发不符点的规则缺陷

  7. 背景介绍 • 各国代表累计提了5000多条意见: • ART 1-13: DRAFT 9 • ART 14-18: DRAFT 7 • ART 19: DRAFT 5 • ART 20: DRAFT 7 • ART 21-25: DRAFT 5 • ART 26-27: DRAFT 7 • ART 28: DRAFT 6 • ART 29-33:DRAFT 7 • ART 34-37: DRAFT 9 • ART38-39: DRAFT 7

  8. 背景介绍 UCP600共39条,今年10月在巴黎召开的ICC银行委员会会议上各国代表表决一致通过了UCP600的条款。 UCP600将于2007年7月1日起实施



  11. UCP REVISION DRAFT 2: • The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, XXXX Revision, ICC Publication No. XXX (“UCP”) shall apply to all Documentary Credits (including to the extent to which they may be applicable Standby Letters of Credit) (“Credit”) where they are incorporated, by reference, into the text of the credit.They shall also apply to a Credit sent via an electronic system where the rules of that system make specific reference to the applicability of the UCP to the Credit. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Credit.

  12. UCP REVISION • DRAFT 2中,增加“by reference”意在明确如何将UCPXXX“incorporate”进信用证中,但该表达仍不很明确。在随后的修订稿中将措辞改为“when the text of the credit expressly indicates that it is subject to these rules”,则将“incorporate”的方式明确地规定出来,即必须在信用证中明确说明“It is subject to UCP600”。

  13. UCP REVISION • DRAFT2中增加“They shall also apply to a Credit sent via an electronic system where the rules of that system make specific reference to the applicability of the UCP to the Credit”是为了解决以SWIFT系统开立的信用证(正文中未注明适用UCP)与UCP500第一条不一致的问题。 • 参看ICC632, R248

  14. UCP REVISION 修订稿在所有其他条款中取消了“Unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the credit”的字样。这是因为: • 1、这是第1条中已经确定的通用原则, 不必重复。 • 2、不鼓励使用不符合UCP精神的条款。


  16. UCP REVISION 为何专门设立定义 • 大量、集中地对术语进行定义说明,体现了UCP600细化规定的精神。 • 对一些术语作出定义不仅可以使概念明晰化,从而有利于条款的理解与适用,而且更可以解决一些地方法律适用的问题。

  17. UCP REVISION 1、ADVISING BANK(通知行) Means the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank

  18. UCP REVISION • 第二或第三通知人? • “advise through…”? • 在修订稿ARTICLE 9(242行)中将可能出现的另外的通知行称为“second advising bank”,并赋予其与”advising bank”相同的义务。可以算是对“advising bank”定义间接的补充。

  19. UCP REVISION 2、APPLICANT(申请人) • DRAFT 3:means the customer at whose request and on whose instructions the issuing bank issues the credit. An issuing bank may issue a credit on its own behalf. The applicant is not a party to the credit.

  20. UCP REVISION 开证申请人不是信用证的当事人? 几 个 相关判 例 • Union Pacific Railroad Co. v. The Village of South Barrington 958 F. Supp. 1285 (N.D. Ill. 1997) • Oei v. Citibank (Kools) • Polymer Trading, S.A.R.L. v. CIC-Union Europeenne Et Cie 640 N.Y.S.2d 32 (N.Y. App. Div. 1996)

  21. UCP REVISION 一个问题 • 申请人是信用证业务中的当事人,但又强调申请人不是信用证合同关系中的当事人,有时会造成混乱。 鉴于此,随后的修订版本将该句话删除。

  22. UCP REVISION 3、Banking day(银行工作日) • Means a day on which a bank is regularly open at the place at which anact subject to these rules is to be performed.

  23. UCP REVISION 需要注意的是: • 1)相关业务 • 2)开门营业时间 • 3) “DAY”的概念,不是“banking hours”的概念

  24. UCP REVISION 4、BENEFICIARY • means the party in whose favour a credit is issued.

  25. UCP REVISION • 5、Complying presentation “means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and international standard banking practice.”

  26. UCP REVISION 6、CONFIRMATION • means a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour or negotiate a complying presentation. • 强调了允诺是确定的(DEFINITE) • 强调了允诺是独立于开证行允诺之外的

  27. UCP REVISION 7、CONFIRMING BANK • means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit, upon the issuing bank’s authorization or request. • 强调了“upon the issuing bank’s authorization or request”的必要性,否则就是沉默保兑而不适用UCP关于保兑的相关规则

  28. UCP REVISION 8、CREDIT • 修订稿直接定义为一种“UNDERTAKING(承诺/允诺)”,采用了一种被普遍认可的定义 。 • 不可撤销性

  29. UCP REVISION 9、HONOUR (兑付?) 一个全新的概念 1、将信用证下的付款方式统一浓缩定义为两种行为:“兑付”和“议付” 。 2、使得开证行和保兑行在延期付款信用证下的责任变得更加明确 。

  30. UCP REVISION 10、ISSUING BANK(开证行) • means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf.


  32. UCP REVISION 议付的定义??? • UCP500 • POSITION PAPER NO. 2

  33. UCP REVISION 什么是“undertaking an obligation to make payment”——承担付款责任? • GARY COLLYER的观点 • 香港冯敬德律师的观点

  34. UCP REVISION UCP500修订过程中的“议付定义”: DRAFT 2中的议付定义: • 在单据相符时,被指定行对受益人提交的汇票及/或单据的付款或付款责任。 Negotiation means the payment to, or an obligation to make payment to, a Beneficiary by the Nominated Bank against presentation of drafts and/or documents provided that the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with.

  35. UCP REVISION • 修订组在对DRAFT 2的评论中提到:“Negotiation is a method of finance.” 议付的本质特性——一种融资行为。 而所谓融资必然是提前支付——”ADVANCE TO PAY”,也只有提前支付才会给被指定议付行带来风险,形成损害(detriment),才构成对价。

  36. UCP REVISION DRAFT 3中的议付定义: • 议付被分为动词形式(negotiate)和名词形式(negotiation)来分别定义如下: • “negotiate”是指被指定行与受益人间根据约定条款进行议付的行为。如果该被指定行是保兑行,那么它对受益人的议付没有追索权。

  37. UCP REVISION • “negotiation”是指议付信用证下,被指定行以预付款项或同意预付款项给受益人的方式对汇票(该汇票的受票行不是被指定行)及/或单据的买入。仅仅审核单据不构成议付。 Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank, if the credit is available by negotiation, of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents by either advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary. The mere examination of documents does not constitute a negotiation.

  38. UCP REVISION • 引入了“PURCHASE”的概念 • “Purchase” vs. “giving of value ” • 定义中将“Purchase”的方式特定为“预付款”和“同意预付款”——“Advancing funds” and “Agreeing to advance funds”

  39. UCP REVISION • UCP600: • “Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by either advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on which reimbursement is due to the nominated bank.”

  40. UCP REVISION • 将“if the credit is available by negotiation”删除了,其他没有改动。该删除不妥,会带来在其他类型信用证下的对单据及或汇票的“purchase(买入)”也被视为议付。

  41. UCP REVISION “允诺”概念带来的问题: 1、“AGREEING”的具体形式是什么?口头的还是书面的?可撤消的还是不可撤消的?如何证明被指定银行已经同意向受益人融资? 2、“AGREEING TO ADVANCE FUNDS”后,被指定议付行是否已完全取得议付行的地位,从而享有欺诈例外抗辩的豁免权?

  42. UCP REVISION 一个态度: • 如果不能推出一个这样的定义,与其引发纠纷,不如将其删除。 • 关于“删除议付”的呼声。

  43. UCP REVISION 修订定义的建议: • 以“融资”为核心内容,定义中只需强调向受益人提前支付款项的概念即可。建议: • 1、“Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by advancing funds to the beneficiary, if the Credit is available by negotiation.”。 或者

  44. UCP REVISION • 2、将“AGREEING TO ADVANCE FUNDS”和之后的“ADVANCE FUNDS”结合在一起作为一种议付行为——“Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by advancing funds to the beneficiary ,or incur an advance payment undertaking and advance funds to the beneficiary, if the Credit is available by negotiation.”

  45. UCP REVISION 加拿大信用证专家李道安先生的一句话: “Please don’t try to ride on the elephant named ‘negotiation’, we may fall unless we can fly.” UCP600中的议付定义似乎 很难给我们以飞翔的翅膀!

  46. UCP REVISION RABO BANK v. BANK OF CHINA(2004) 1、议付是否必须是无追索权的? 2、议付支付的对价是否必须是足额的? 3、议付对价的支付是否必须在声称议付的当天完成? 4、议付融资款项是否必须贷记到受益人的账户? RABO BANK将融资款项记账为进口押汇而不是出口押汇!

  47. UCP REVISION 12、NOMINATED BANK 前几个版本:means the bank authorized by the issuing bank to honor or negotiate or, in the case of a freely available credit, any bank. UCP600:means the bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank.

  48. UCP REVISION • 引入了UCP500中没有的两个新概念: 1、既可开立自由议付信用证,也可以开立自由付款信用证、自由延期付款信用证、自由承兑信用证! 2、保兑行也是被指定银行!

  49. UCP REVISION 13、PRESENTATION • means either the deliver of documents under a credit to the issuing bank or nominated bank or the documents so delivered. • 将“PRESENTATION”定义为提交的单据或者是提交单据的行为。

  50. UCP REVISION 14、PRESENTER • means a beneficiary, bank or other party that makes a presentation. • 建议改为:“Presenter means a party that makes a presentation. ” • 更为简洁,可将对“presenter”的限定条件放在下面的“issuing bank undertaking”和“confirming bank undertaking”条款中。

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