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Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Lancers are GREAT!

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Lancers are GREAT!. R is for Responsible Leaders. Responsible Leaders: Independent and self-directed learners who take responsibility for their actions Attend regularly, behave ethically, and work diligently toward graduation

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Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Lancers are GREAT!

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  1. Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Lancers are GREAT! R is for Responsible Leaders • Responsible Leaders: • Independent and self-directed learners who take responsibility for their actions • Attend regularly, behave ethically, and work diligently toward graduation • Work collaboratively and cooperatively with diverse populations

  2. Being able to see one of my peers lead a socratic seminar in my AP English Language class has allowed me to be prepared as a responsible leader. Samar

  3. Well I think doing all my homeworks that I’ve done on time is responsibility and for the leader part i’m not a leader and i don’t think anyone else is, leaders are at wars they were in ancent times if I am a leader then i’m only a leader for my self Elen

  4. We’ve learned how to be respectful, responsible and to be on time everyday at school. Ricardo Bautista

  5. we did group work that i had to be the leader in annie

  6. We learned about other people’s culture and how they suffered Cody

  7. I have learned to value others' opinions. Esther

  8. In the club for class of 2020, I worked the snack stand and learned how to work with a team for a common goal. Sergio

  9. In my AP Seminar elective, we have to always make sure we have proper research done and this week we worked in teams to complete a presentation on Darwin’s theory. Davit

  10. Manage my time wisely Angelica

  11. In Seminar it helped me prepare me to be a responsible leader since we work with others. Smiling Villanueva

  12. In English doing group works really helps cooperate others and more determined to finish our work. Sarkis

  13. I helped my group organize some element cards for an assignment in Chem, and I helped the group get it done Michael

  14. this is my 3rd year playing basketball, and I’ve been helping out the new girls brisa

  15. Since we’re learning about real world conflicts in Economics, I could use that to help people I know who might not know that information. Sargis

  16. In English we learned how to make arguments with evidence and validate other people’s arguments

  17. Film elective teaches me to be a responsible leader because it shows you that you need to be responsible and aware; it gives you motivation to make something happen, but also to have a certain responsibility that you have to endure. Adam Elalouf

  18. Maria I was responsible and got all my work done before it was due.

  19. In the club I am in, I work as one of the club leaders. Alexis

  20. I have learned and understood the responsibilities and consequences of taking on the role of a leader. Gabriel

  21. We are learning on how to lead community circles, and how to not only be active speakers but also active listeners. • Matthew Flores

  22. To not talk and make sure everyone in the group is doing what they are supposed to do. chanell

  23. I learned to be a responsible leader working as a group, in Mrs. Caruso's class Lusine

  24. In health class, I have learned how to make good decisions over bad decisions. Bianca

  25. My teachers always prepare me for the real work and the right way I should be treating people when I grow up so that I’m benefiting the community not abusing it. Maya

  26. we had to make a video and i was in charge of assigning roles and tasks Jann Burn

  27. I learned how to be a responsible leader by grading with honesty in my TA class. Arpenik

  28. how to work in groups Vivian Astvatsatryan

  29. Did not procrastinate, even though I missed one day of school this week. Emily

  30. Being a Teachers Assistant for the Attendance Office allowed me to learn the responsibility I have when given a task. I think this helps me be more responsible and getting me prepared for the more responsibilities that’s to come in the future. • Ovsanna

  31. I learned about an ideology, about being held accountable for my actions, and accepting the consequences of my choices. Astrid

  32. My math teacher is so each teaching us to be responsible. She marks us late by the second. She doesn’t care if we walk in while the bell is ringing she marks us late. This is helping me turn responsible and punctual. Stephanie

  33. How to manage money in Economics Jacinto

  34. I learned how to work better in groups Ivan

  35. In my peer mediation class, we take turns to lead a circle. We cooperate together and work together to restore justice. Meri Ter-Avanesyan

  36. I’ve learned to be prepared for the world when I’m out of high school. Sergio

  37. I learned that to have a good education you would need some help from peers or extra help from teachers Bea

  38. One thing that helped me become a responsible leader was to be a mentor for a 8th grader within our magnet program G

  39. Time management Yael

  40. We have learned about different cultures and how they effect society Zeke

  41. I learned that I work better alone and I get better scores and grades if I do work alone. • Joanna

  42. Me and a couple other students were having difficulty exporting a video we wrote, filmed, and edited. As a leader in the group, I reached out to whatever help our teachers could provide us to complete the project. Devin

  43. I’ve learned to analyze perspectives and hear opinions from all sides on a subject. Steven Messina

  44. I learn new vocabulary and how to conjegate very that new and challenging for me every day • Liana Mkhikyan

  45. In soccer I was the captain of the JV team and I learned to be the example and to help my teammates. Francisco Cortez

  46. We were assigned “jobs” for the class to take care of different tasks Mari

  47. I’ve learned to depend on myself and by helping others by setting a good example • Felita Shahinyan

  48. We have to speak and share are ideas with other students which will help us speak to a group of people who also share the same ideas. Gitai

  49. I have been teaching and leading dance practice after school at Grant. Jade

  50. I like to help my classmates. Luis Cuevas

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